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Utopia Talk / Politics / bois, WITNESS!!! 177 MILL
Member | Mon Mar 17 16:58:18 keyword here is WAS WAS 177 mill WAS mothafuckers. WAS!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKaTHc-0fR4 coz this shit is no more! behold da grandious, now only seeable in it full glory on utube. tc was really jealous and bitter watchin that shit throughout. soo much wealth around da globe but only 4 selected folks...while da rest of us live on paycheck but NO MORE. this shit, as it turns out, does not exist no MORE!!! something fire, fire palisades Now, WITNESS!!! from 177 MILL to ZERO!!! |
Member | Mon Mar 17 22:38:18 Thing is a person that can afford a house like that can also afford the insurance to have it replaced. So the owner gets a new house and you still only have the occasional tuna sandwich to look forward to. |
Member | Tue Mar 18 00:46:52 there aint no replacin n00b there aint no moniez comin. insurance? they broke. wut insurance, aint no moniez comin also da whole neighboorhood in ashes. toxic ashes and shit. rebuildin? 20 years if ur lucky but since there aint no monies... wut rebuildin lol |
Member | Tue Mar 18 06:21:48 I'm having trouble finding proof that this house was destroyed. It was at the edge of the fires but i dont see anything about it's loss. Regardless, who the hell has time to watch a 90 minute wankfest over some gaudy overpriced LA mansion. 4 million views, WTF. |
Member | Tue Mar 18 07:02:30 is gone mcnigga u is betta be acceptin that shit |
Member | Tue Mar 18 07:06:54 "BiragovDetailing 1 month ago This house is burned on last fire" "CJ.S-v3y 1 month ago stardel The architects Instagram said it burned down. " ___________ gone bois, gone. one day is here, next day is dust. from dust it came, 2 dust it has returned shits gone |
Member | Tue Mar 18 07:24:37 gone with da wind. woosh ashes 2 ashes |
Member | Tue Mar 18 08:33:32 I don't know why I'm even arguing this, but: Thr Palisades fire was limited to the area west of the 405. This house is on the east side of the highway. So no, it wasn't in the fire path. |
Member | Tue Mar 18 08:37:43 That being said, there are other houses that this architect built that were destroyed in the flames. Just not this one. |
Member | Tue Mar 18 09:54:31 gone, is gone just type in google. looks like u entered denial stage my nigga. why u care bout them rich losin them toys. just accept is vaped. nottin but ashes remains. |
Member | Tue Mar 18 15:00:57 The Children is correct that it burned down. Wrong about everything else though. Ardie Tavangarian the architect for the property is still alive and can incorporate some of his other designs along with this design to create a new property. His company has the revenue to begin immediately without the need to wait for the state clean-up or for the insurance claim to be finalized. The insurance companies are not broke. They are saying if California doesn't let them raise the rates they will no longer issue insurance policies. That is how insurance makes money. They make sure the premiums paid are more than enough to cover payouts. When they get hit hard they raise the rates. |
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