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Utopia Talk / Politics / single Tornado kills 695
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Tue Mar 18 22:06:15 Saw this on the news a single tornado last 4 hours and travelled 215 miles. Didn't know that was even possible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1925_tri-state_tornado |
Sam Adams
Member | Wed Mar 19 00:14:25 Long track tornadoes. Natures way of saying fuck your entire state and the next state too. Pretty cool huh? A really epic storm thats well established in a high cape high cap environment has all the fuel to itself and can do some impressive things. |
Sam Adams
Member | Wed Mar 19 00:24:09 The parent supercell also dropped (probably - weather records from then are less than good) at least 2 more tornadoes on either end. So by some logic you could say this storm produced 330 miles of tornado. |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Wed Mar 19 03:16:24 The local news station there was some debate by modern historians as to how many tornados but most likely it was one single tornado cause the destruction path was a single straight line. |
Member | Wed Mar 19 06:01:41 Your hero wants to bring back the conditions that cost all those lives. He wants to shut down NOAA so that people will have no warning of imminent tornados, hurricanes etc. That particular tornado hit back in the 1920's. Just imagine how many people would die today with the growth in population over the last century. |
Member | Wed Mar 19 06:42:44 "... the tornado cut a swath almost 1 mi (1.6 km) wide through the city of Murphysboro ..." Sounds like a good time. - |
Member | Wed Mar 19 06:45:18 "The tornado was often accompanied by extreme downburst winds throughout the entirety of its course; the accompanying downburst periodically increased the width of the damage path from the overall average of 0.75 mi (1.21 km), varying from 1 to 3 mi (1.6 to 4.8 km) wide at times." Even funner. :o) - |
Member | Wed Mar 19 06:51:20 "Long track tornadoes. Natures way of saying fuck your entire state and the next state too." And the one after that. |
Sam Adams
Member | Wed Mar 19 10:49:08 "The local news station there was some debate by modern historians as to how many tornados but most likely it was one single tornado cause the destruction path was a single straight line. " Your news is correct. Theres some uncertainty about its ends but we are pretty sure the bulk of that track was a single tornado. But even where it jumps a little its still the same parent supercell thunderstorm, which we are fairly sure was spawning tornadoes for about 6 hours. What a fucking beast. |
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