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Utopia Talk / Politics / Tesla gone Wirecard?
Member | Thu Mar 20 07:29:47 Interesting article on the FT today pointing out a huge gap in Tesla accounts and how strange it is taking on more debt while also reporting large cash flows. It's obviously carefully layered, but the similarity to how the Wirecard fraud broke and the similar pattern is raising eyebrows. Of course, you may recall the Wirecard fraud resulted in uncovering the COO of the firm as a Russian spy... |
Member | Thu Mar 20 09:58:58 I don't even remember Wirecard. I'm not sure that made news in the US. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 10:08:47 Based on the fact that all of Elon's businesses are built on fraud and bullshit, I'd say there's a better than even chance that he's been cooking the books for years. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 10:15:21 Tesla is a dead car company. In western nations Elon has become toxic and more and more of his target market doesn't want to buy his cars. And everywhere else he can't compete with the much cheaper Chinese EVs. He knows it, and that's why he turned to his humanoid robot bullshit. Elon's best sellers are hopium and vaporware. - |
Member | Thu Mar 20 10:40:50 Tesla stock went on a tear after the election and was frankly way overvalued. It's now undergoing a necessary correction. Plus the entire stock market is down anyway. Leftists: LOL TeSlA iS dOoMeD $225 AnD fALlInG |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 20 11:41:55 "Based on the fact that all of Elon's businesses are built on fraud and bullshit" Wait he only invented EVs, leads the world in EVs, and his rocket just rescued 2 astronauts. I know hes kindof crazy but this is just butthurt nonsense on the part of murder. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 20 11:44:35 "the much cheaper Chinese EVs." Who in their right mind would buy a chinese car? Sure maybe in 10 years after a few chinese companies prove reliable... but after seeing the flood of chinese junk filling amazon markets... thats a huge risk. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 11:47:35 "Wait he only invented EVs" You are obviously trolling. "leads the world in EVs" Not anymore he doesn't. "and his rocket just rescued 2 astronauts." Congratulations on doing what the US, the Russian, and the Chinese, have been doing routinely for decades. Or did Elon invent rockets too? - |
Member | Thu Mar 20 11:50:19 "Who in their right mind would buy a chinese car?" http://www.google.com/search?q=byd+vs+tesla+quality |
Member | Thu Mar 20 11:52:15 If BYD has had a recall because panels are falling off their cars, I haven't heard about it. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 20 13:54:10 Lmfao. Go ahead and get a chinese car then. Lets see how that works for you. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 15:09:20 "US, the Russian, and the Chinese, have been doing routinely for decades." AKA a small private company has replicated what three global superpowers have done. Something that the UK, France, Germany, India, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, etc etc etc have not been able to do. lol |
Member | Thu Mar 20 15:25:04 "AKA a small private company has replicated what ..." Other companies have been doing for decades. The US government didn't manufacture the rockets that put men on the moon. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 16:33:36 Forwyn: What do you mean? You never heard of Arianne? |
large member | Thu Mar 20 16:54:46 JP Morgan guidance is Tesla at 125 at the end of the year. Tesla will be in serious trouble if its car sales do not increase almost exponentially. Sammy Chinese industrial tolerance standards are very good. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 20 17:43:36 Lol the chinese stuff i see says otherwise. "You never heard of Arianne?" Has that ever carried a human ever? |
Member | Thu Mar 20 17:54:42 Sam: They scrapped these manned space plane back in the 1990s, no point in it. They've been various suggestions, but fundamentally the business case isn't there. It's not that it can't be done, it's that it's not really that sensible when the strategic utility of space is remote monitoring. Just like how the US never built a supersonic passenger plane. Though of course I don't think Boeing could pull that off these days. |
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