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Utopia Talk / Politics / NASA bends the knee: Scraps Moon Mission
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:28:55 Nasa drops plan to land first woman and first person of color on the moon Promise was central plank to space agency’s Artemis program, which is scheduled to return humans to the lunar surface in 2027 Nasa has dropped its longstanding public commitment to land the first woman and person of color on the moon, in response to Donald Trump’s directives to eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices at federal agencies. Read it here: http://www...sa-drops-plan-first-woman-moon |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:30:44 Now we just have to eliminate the entire pointless and worthless manned space program. If Elon and/or Besos wants to send men to space, they can finance it privately. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:30:56 Bezos* |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:35:51 White men make for superior astronauts. What do you want. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 12:37:20 You have this all wrong, or you think women are so feeble, stupid and weak that they can not reach this position, unless the institution makes it a policy. You understand that, while Kamala Harris was not very intelligent, Joe Biden gave her the kiss of death, before she even became his VP, by telling uou it would a woman of color. Not the best candidate and the wow it just so happened to be a women of color. You need to stop tripping these women up. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:47:11 "You have this all wrong, or you think women are so feeble, stupid and weak that they can not reach this position, unless the institution makes it a policy." Show me the list of people who have walked on the moon and point out which ones are female. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:49:23 "You need to stop tripping these women up." You need to understand that policies need to be in place to specifically mandate that women and minorities get a turn because white men have spent centuries in this country making sure that they will not get a turn. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:58:05 Oh for gods sake, if Marx hadnt been a satanist then women wouldnt be trying to do manly man stuff like space travel, and violent rape would still be considered good old boys just having fun and getting a little bit too excited. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 12:58:47 No. You need to understand that becoming an astronaut is not a right. These institutions do not exist to give any group “their turn” but rather to fulfill their own purpose, one that is sometimes fatally undermined by this kind of mentality. |
Sam Adams
Member | Sat Mar 22 12:59:04 Murder says minorities cannot compete on their own because they were discriminated against long ago? |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 13:05:20 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim Read this guys story. Immigrant, father was violent and had mental health issues, threaten him with a gun, police killes him. Instead of becoming a whining woke loser, he becomes a navy seal, Harvard MD, and then an astronaut. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 13:44:38 "No. You need to understand that becoming an astronaut is not a right. These institutions do not exist to give any group “their turn” but rather to fulfill their own purpose, one that is sometimes fatally undermined by this kind of mentality." You're wrong. Those are taxpayer funded jobs, and therefore it is required that everyone have equal access to those opportunities. You may feel that is detrimental to the mission ... but if it is then so be it. The mission isn't nearly as important as equal opportunity for all Americans. One we can live without and the other we can't. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 13:53:26 Everyone has equal access to them, or they are breaking laws. This is not in conflict with whay I said and how you talk about it, “their turn”. Not how things work. Your second paragraph just validates what I said, and you (destroyer mentality) simply telling me that you don’t care if it all goes up in flames, the mission, the institutions, the country or civilization, as long as everyone gets their turn holding the torch. I appreciate the honesty. But no, becoming an astronaut, or really anything even a plumber, is not a right. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 13:54:01 "Murder says minorities cannot compete on their own because they were discriminated against long ago?" I'm saying that women and minorities can't compete on their own because if left to their own devices people like you wouldn't let them. White men (particularly wealthy white men) founded this country and rigged it to benefit themselves at every turn and deny everything to everyone else. Ever since that day women and minorities have been improving this country by slowly prying opportunities from the reluctant hands of white men (particularly wealthy white men). That is the entire history of these United States, and it's still going on. In fact this nation elected an evil demented insurrectionist president because the alternative had a weird laugh or because she slept her way to the top or because she's not really black or because reasons. Absent mandates white men will always be the most qualified because the people that decide who is most qualified are white, and a healthy chunk of white women are religiously brainwashed to white men in charge. - |
Member | Sat Mar 22 13:58:17 "white men will always be the most qualified because the people that decide who is most qualified are white" But but but that would be...affirmative action??? Why, youre crazy! |
Member | Sat Mar 22 13:58:49 "Read this guys story. Immigrant, father was violent and had mental health issues, threaten him with a gun, police killes him. Instead of becoming a whining woke loser, he becomes a navy seal, Harvard MD, and then an astronaut." Do you know what the US military, Harvard, and NASA, have in common? They all aggressively diversify. - |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:01:21 "Immigrant, father was violent and had mental health issues, threaten him with a gun. Instead of becoming a whining woke loser, he becomes a navy seal, Harvard MD, and then an astronaut." See, this proves that fathers should be violent toward their children and threaten to kill them." - Macho Boi, father of a daughter |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:09:17 "Everyone has equal access to them, or they are breaking laws. This is not in conflict with whay I said and how you talk about it, “their turn”. Not how things work." People break the law. Misogynists and racists and bigots of all sorts break the law every damn day. And white men are so committed to retaining power that when blacks were given the power to vote, they started murdering them very publicly. They used terrorism to keep them from holding office or voting and then used the power of the state to deny them an education and opportunities and the equal protect of the law. They started out criming ... and then made their bigotry the law of the land. Bad people do not surrender power voluntarily. You need to force them to surrender it and monitor them every step of the way until they are no longer in a position to take it back by simply breaking the law. "Your second paragraph just validates what I said, and you (destroyer mentality) simply telling me that you don’t care if it all goes up in flames, the mission, the institutions, the country or civilization, as long as everyone gets their turn holding the torch." NASA doesn't matter. And yes, it's much more important that everyone gets and equal chance to burn this place to the ground. If my choices are prosperity under white supremacy or fire, I choose the fire. - |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:13:17 Murder “ Do you know what the US military, Harvard, and NASA, have in common? They all aggressively diversify.” Navy seal acceptance criteria have not changed no. And Harvard et al as has been shown, accept Asians as a lower rate than you expect looking at their grads and SAT scores. Not a single god dam thing right. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:17:03 Murder “People break the law. Misogynists and racists and bigots of all sorts break the law every damn day.” You should report it then. But the funny thing is that thse supposedly racist institutions who fail in following the laws on discrimination, they don’t fail in instituting DEI policies “aggressively diversifying”. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:20:21 "Navy seal acceptance criteria have not changed no." No, but he would have never gotten the opportunity to join the SEALs if woke law hadn't forced diversity onto the US military. It hasn't always been that way. - |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:20:32 “NASA doesn't matter.“ It doesn’t matter to you. I also don’t think your civilization hooliganism is limited to NASA. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:21:12 "Navy seal acceptance criteria have not changed no. And Harvard et al as has been shown, accept Asians as a lower rate than you expect looking at their grads and SAT scores." There are other minorities besides Asians. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:23:32 "You should report it then. But the funny thing is that thse supposedly racist institutions who fail in following the laws on discrimination, they don’t fail in instituting DEI policies “aggressively diversifying”." They do fail. If you examine them closely you will notice that white men are over-represented all over the place despite DEI policies. - |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:23:37 “No, but he would have never gotten the opportunity to join the SEALs if woke law hadn't forced diversity onto the US military. It hasn't always been that way.” The laws on discrimination I already acknowledged. This is not aggressively diversifying as per the DEI theme we are discussing that Trump has removed. You sound a bit lost. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:25:27 “They do fail. If you examine them closely you will notice that white men are over-represented all over the place despite DEI policies.“ Didn’t you just argue the exact opposite regarding Harvard, NASA and the military?? You are waisting my fucking time murder. You want it to be so, but the answer is no. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:25:47 "It doesn’t matter to you. I also don’t think your civilization hooliganism is limited to NASA." I already made that clear. "If my choices are prosperity under white supremacy or fire, I choose the fire." I don't care if the trains run on time. I care that the innocent aren't being oppressed. - |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:26:06 Is civilization hooliganism like suicidal empathy, where anything resembling decency is a danger to our species? This fucking lunatic thinks having a dangerously violent mentally ill father is no problem because, hey, the kid may still go to the moon, maybe even because he had a dangerously violent, mentally ill father which toughened him up and made him a real man. This is raging chimp warfare rather than civilization. |
iChihuaha | Sat Mar 22 14:30:44 “If my choices are prosperity under white supremacy or fire, I choose the fire.“ Those are your choices according to you and the re-election of Trump, given your world view, you should either have died trying to bring down the white supremacy or in jail for having attempted to. But you are not. Good for you. You don’t want to be all talk and no walk, like the Islamic republic. We will do this! We will do the other! Death to this and that! And then *fart noise*. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:31:56 Its ironic that someone who idiotically imagines that Marx was a satanist genuinely has ethics that are very similar to actual satanist philosophy |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:32:39 "The laws on discrimination I already acknowledged." No not just laws on discrimination. All the fucking racists will happily explain to you that "separate but equal" is perfectly legitimate. Except of course it's not. Telling bigots that they can't discriminate accomplishes nothing because they are determined, and even when forced, will maliciously comply. The war didn't end when laws were passed. And they don't particularly care about the law. And if you don't police them aggressively eventually they will get an opportunity to become the law. And then you get a president who tears up policy banning segregation. The fight is not near over. - |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:36:32 "Didn’t you just argue the exact opposite regarding Harvard, NASA and the military??" You're not that dumb. Just because an policy fails doesn't mean that it has no effect. Someone got into Harvard, NASA, and the US military because of policy. Someone got the chance to advance because of affirmative action. That doesn't mean the policy succeeded. |
Member | Sat Mar 22 14:39:51 "Those are your choices according to you and the re-election of Trump, given your world view, you should either have died trying to bring down the white supremacy or in jail for having attempted to." Acts of futility are for idiots. We have tens of millions of Trumps. "But you are not. Good for you. You don’t want to be all talk and no walk, like the Islamic republic. We will do this! We will do the other! Death to this and that! And then *fart noise*." The Islamic Republic has done this and the other and they have tried to kill this and that ... and you're in Sweden. - |
Member | Sun Mar 23 01:36:49 no worries ladies and colored peoples... China got u :-) BUHHAHAHAA |
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