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Utopia Talk / Sports / Olympics (2012) Soccer
the wanderer
Fri Jul 27 12:43:34
bound to be a hot thread!

United Arab Emirates beating Uruguay! ...at least they were when i started typing... tied 1-1 now
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 27 17:28:05
The game must still be going on.. I mean.. it's *soccer* ;D
the wanderer
Fri Jul 27 20:17:51
still tied 1-1

jk... Urug won i think... who cares really
the wanderer
Sat Jul 28 10:33:29
Olympic ping pong right now... a Korean American vs a Korean Korean... not sure if any other competitors

but Hope Solo coming up in 30 mins! she was conceived during a conjugal visit supposedly... sounds like an excuse story made up by the mother imo... i shall assume her real father remains a mystery
the wanderer
Sat Jul 28 11:34:54

suck it you drugged out colombians!
Sun Jul 29 13:41:48
Be fare, they only play to smuggle.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 29 15:04:49
Soccer is the most interesting event i've seen so far...

when is the team hammer throw relay?
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 29 22:57:24
Where is everyone streaming from?
I don't want to miss dressage!! ;D
the wanderer
Tue Jul 31 10:16:58
Hope Solo & Abby 'Wampa' Wambach taking on the crazies of N Korea today

i don't know about no fancing streaming stuff, just watching on TV... here, NBCSP (NBC Sports Network) has the above game coming up soon at 12:15 EST
the wanderer
Tue Jul 31 11:41:00
and Wampa scores!
the wanderer
Tue Jul 31 14:07:15
they need to get the horses back in water polo, this sport looks ridiculous
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 31 14:54:34
Going to miss it! :(
Need to figure out how to google
the wanderer
Tue Jul 31 15:49:31
it wasn't that exciting... the France/US game sounded like it was good but i didn't see that one
the wanderer
Wed Aug 01 22:17:24
USA vs NZ on Fri
Wed Aug 01 22:38:29
Yanks vs Kiwis.

Should be good.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 03 10:38:15
game started at 8:00am :o but caught 2nd half at least

substitute Leroux seemed pretty solid
Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 03 11:07:40
the wanderer
Fri Aug 03 11:42:49
Great Britain or Canada as next opponent

those 2 play tonight
Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 03 13:56:02
OOOO Canada!
the wanderer
Fri Aug 03 13:57:04
yah, lookin like Canada
the wanderer
Fri Aug 03 14:04:47
France v Japan for the other game

could be a world cup rematch of US vs Japan :o
Cherub Cow
Fri Aug 03 14:08:28
the wanderer
Sun Aug 05 12:57:42
USA vs Canada is tomorrow(Mon): 19:45 London time

...& France vs Japan: 17:00 London time
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 13:59:28
game on now
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 14:34:22
please give us your blessing, Paul!
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 14:55:26
ty Paul! stay with us!
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 16:17:10
invoking Paul ensures an exciting match! :O ... right down to the last 20 secs of stoppage time of overtime

a shame we needed the questionable handball but overall we put a lot more pressure on their goaltender, so i say we deserved it
The Powers That Be
Mon Aug 06 16:22:51
Alex Morgan!!! YES!!!!
Wrath of Orion
Mon Aug 06 16:35:18
Probably one of the greatest women's soccer matches ever played.
The Powers That Be
Mon Aug 06 16:37:29
It sucks ass I wasn't able to see the entire thing - I got home from work as the first extra period was starting. But I saw enough to realize this game was probably the best team match of any sport so far in this Olympics - easily.

Hopefully they show an encore of it on the Olympic soccer channel.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Aug 06 16:39:39
Oh, easily the best team match of any sport in this Olympics. By a huge margin. Though I will say fencing has had a couple epic team matches, but nothing compares with that soccer game.

That's got to be in the top 5 best women's games ever. I'd even rank that pretty high in the history of all soccer, men's or women's.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 18:16:14
i think NBCSP is replaying the game soon

best game i've seen since 2010 world cup's Germany vs Uruguay (another back n forth game, where Paul not only predicted outcome but order of lead changes)

...although i don't watch soccer outside of some world cup and olympics games
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 18:18:54
eh, maybe they aren't, i dunno... they are running just the overtime portion currently, the regulation time part was better imo
The Powers That Be
Mon Aug 06 18:28:12
The game is on right now on NBC Olympic Soccer channel.

Tune in.
the wanderer
Mon Aug 06 20:00:22
USA vs JPN - 19:45 London time

hopefully no morale boosting tsunamis before then
Cherub Cow
Mon Aug 06 21:07:11
lol.. exactly.. now that there's not a national tragedy for motivation, the fields will be pretty even ;p
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 12:59:46
The unfortunate thing about the US - Canada game is the ref really made herself a huge part of it. The delay call on Canada's goalie was brutal and really not good form by the ref. The subsequent handball was a bad call when viewed in slow motion, though from her angle and in real time, it may have looked different.

Still, not good at all from the ref and it's not a good thing to see them become a large part of the game.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 07 13:13:23
Canada deserved it for their coach implying our tactics were 'highly illegal' pre-game... plus they were the ones doing most of the illegal shoving

screw Canada!
Cherub Cow
Tue Aug 07 14:07:12
..have always thought that soccer/foot needed some of the flexibility of hockey anyways :)
the wanderer
Tue Aug 07 14:21:16
at least the women don't dive as much as the men


Wambach's role in the delay penalty:

It was no secret Canada's strategy against the deeper, more talented Americans was to slow the game down. That included, Wambach said, having goalkeeper Erin McLeod hold the ball as long as possible, even over 15 seconds at times during the first half. Soccer rules say the goalkeeper must get rid of the ball within six seconds.

During the second half, with the U.S. frantically trying to speed up the game while attempting multiple comebacks, Wambach began running near referee Christiana Pedersen and counting off the seconds that McLeod held the ball. She said she often got to 10 and into even the teens.

"I wasn't yelling. I was just counting," Wambach revealed Tuesday during an interview at the team hotel. "Probably did it five to seven times."

The last time came in the 78th minute, with Canada trying to milk a 3-2 lead. McLeod made a save, and Wambach began counting again.

"I got to 10 seconds right next to the referee, and at 10 seconds she blew the whistle," Wambach said.

The Powers That Be
Tue Aug 07 15:46:33
" at least the women don't dive as much as the men"

And that right there is the reason I think most Americans don't respect sissykick. The diving at the professional level is ridiculous. In all the competitive leagues I've played in, when things start getting chippy we didn't dive. We started to brawl.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 07 16:56:57
if you want to torture yourself, try leaving Ping Pong on the TV in the background while doing something else

pa-tink pa-tink pa-tink Yeeeahhh!
pa-tink pa-tink pa-tink Yeeeahhh!
pa-tink pa-tink pa-tink Yeeeahhh!
pa-tink pa-tink pa-tink Yeeeahhh!
pa-tink pa-tink pa-tink Yeeeahhh!
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 20:31:06
The problem with the delay call is it is never enforced (the 6 second rule) with goalies. They almost always hold it longer than 6 seconds, and you could see the keeper was actually looking for her players. It was just an extremely poor call, even though it is "technically" correct.

Wambach, frankly, is a moron.
the wanderer
Tue Aug 07 20:45:46
sounds like they were doing it a lot, and it's not surprising it would be intentional

how is she a moron exactly? the rule is a rule
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 21:44:41
I watched the entire game, there wasn't anything going on that doesn't go on in every single soccer game ever played. It even happens with the teams that are BEHIND if it takes them a while to find a good target for the ball. There wasn't any extended delay or anything like she's claiming. No excessive stalling.

Let's also not forget that it is standard practice to warn a player before they are penalized for stalling. That's just good ref'ing.

So yeah, Wambach is a moron because she's making it sound like this was something extraordinary or abnormal. Goalies often take a long time to get the ball out whether their team is ahead or behind, sometimes simply because no players are open, or because they player they want to go to has their back to the goalie and isn't in position.

This kind of thing never gets called for a reason. And if it does get called, it's after a warning.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 21:47:08
It's the same as bitching at refs for not calling a delay when the team ahead switches players who are taking a throw in. You'd have a case if that never happened except during stall, but it happens ALL THE TIME throughout the course of the game. Same with goalies holding the ball longer than 6 seconds.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 21:50:48
And believe me, I wanted the US to win. But that was plain awful on the ref's part. The handball just after it was a little more borderline in my mind.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 21:54:10
I just did a little looking, though, and US players are claiming she was warned. The goalie claims she was never warned.

If she was actually warned, it's a bit different. I would trust either side to be truthful in that, though, so who knows.
Wrath of Orion
Tue Aug 07 21:54:28
the wanderer
Tue Aug 07 22:59:16
Wambach didn't complain to the refs, just counted out loud near them, and sounds like Canada had a reputation for doing it so that's why Wambach started in the first place

from above article:
Wambach said she was ready for the delay tactics due to previous games with the Canadians in which they often attempted to stall. She recalled one game in which she claims there was a "planned 20-minute cramping their goalkeeper took."

but yeah, i'd like to know if the warnings were there, i know Hope had a whistle warning once in a prior game this olympics
Wrath of Orion
Wed Aug 08 10:37:18
Again, she's still a moron for even bitching about it. Standing next to a ref and counting is bitching about it. Whining to the media is bitching about it.

I sat there and watched it, there wasn't anything significant going on. Players bitch about stalling all the time and they're all morons. It's fairly rare that there is anything significant regarding this, and it usually comes on free kicks or throw ins.

Just shut up and play the game instead of running your mouth to the refs and media, especially about something that was a non-issue. This is a problem across all sports, but soccer players are often some of the most high strung, whiny pussies out there.

All that is totally separate from whether the warning did or did not occur. As I said before, it is technically a violation, but it's a violation that happens all the time and isn't necessarily linked to stalling. That the ref even felt calling it was necessary is a poor decision, and it really wasn't a call that needed to be made.

But if you've made the shit decision to give a warning and the player is stupid enough to not heed it at all, you don't have much choice but to call it. We'll probably never know whether that actually happened, though.

But nothing is worse than caving in to whining players, especially in big games.
Cherub Cow
Wed Aug 08 14:28:54
I agree that players tend to be high-strung, but that's in the nature of the game. It's not like American foosball where you have 50 refs all watching every tiny thing, plus their review booths, replays, constant time-outs, etc.. a lot of it is in the nature of the game (and sure, this nature in itself makes it unattractive for a lot of American audiences), but in soccer the players kind of *have* to bring things to the attention of the refs. The refs miss *a lot*.

And I don't think that raising complaints like this is just idle whining. For viewers, sure, but these games mean a lot more from the field. If a player feels that the game is being commanded not by the simple matching of teams, but is being controlled by unassessed errors, then they can't just sit there like children hoping that the world will recognize injustice *after* the fact. The game is ongoing and they have to balance the rules on the spot, hence, immediate complaining.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 08 18:48:08
that's probably why diving became a thing, since so often was up to the players to point shit out to the ref, then some started taking advantage

but anyway since Abby knew they would stall & i see no problem in helping ref notice... & not sure how you saw what goalie was doing to say it was normal, pretty sure they were showing replays at the time on the feed i saw... and also don't recall their goalie seeming dumbfounded at the call so i bet the warnings were there

the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 13:10:08
game on soon!

if you ain't first, you're last
the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 13:38:42
they kick it off with Europe's The Final Countdown, a good sign!
Wrath of Orion
Thu Aug 09 13:49:26
Japanese goalie just had possession of the ball for 10-12 seconds. Where is the call??
the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 14:04:16
i dont think she was holding it that long... also Canada did it many times before a call

finally getting to see Hope do her thing!
Wrath of Orion
Thu Aug 09 14:22:10
And Solo just held it for 12 seconds. Starting to see a pattern here...it's a common thing, as I said. But hey, wallow in ignorance.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 14:36:17
you're ignoring the pattern of behavior element which is the most important thing really

also Hope didn't give any impression of purposely delaying, maybe the Canadian goalie was smoking a cigarette
Wrath of Orion
Thu Aug 09 14:39:47
The Canadian goalie didn't give any impression of delaying either. A "pattern" of behavior is hard to distinguish on that since it is a common thing at any point in the game. We have no idea if a warning was actually given.

Been over this all before. Sorry to say, you're just wrong and so was the ref. The Canadians have a legit beef, but it doesn't matter, they lost anyway. Which is good, because nobody actually likes or cares about Canada.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 15:35:23
wish they'd called that handball to see what would've happened... will never hear the end of it from Canadians, if i actually knew any Canadians that is
Thu Aug 09 15:36:55
The us women got the gold with a little unseen handball and holding.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 09 15:47:27
meh, Japan was already in scoring mode the rest of the game & couldn't do it, so no reason to assume they'd have won given the handball penalty kick
The Powers That Be
Sat Aug 11 09:43:25
Gold medal match between Brazil and Mexico on currently.

I turned it on at the 38 minute mark. Mexico up 1-0. Apparently Mexico scored in the first minute.
The Powers That Be
Sat Aug 11 09:52:13
Bahahaha! During halftime they're showing that crazy Mexican announcer who yells GOALLLLLLLLLLL! for 30 seconds. I love that guy.
the wanderer
Sat Aug 11 10:56:10
yeah pretty good finish to that game

i was just about to mention that announcer too :p
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