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Utopia Talk / Politics / 15 killed in school shooting in Texas
Tue May 24 16:24:46
Texas governor: 15 killed in school shooting; gunman dead

UVALDE, Texas (AP) — Fourteen children and one teacher were killed in a shooting at a Texas elementary school Tuesday, and the 18-year-old gunman was dead, Gov. Greg Abbott said Abbott said a local man opened fire at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, about 85 miles west of San Antonio

”He shot and killed, horrifically, incomprehensibly, 14 students and killed a teacher,” said the governor.

The gunman was a resident of the community and entered the school with a handgun, and possibly a rifle, and opened fire, Abbott said. He said the shooter was likely killed by responding officers but that the events were still being investigated.

Uvalde Memorial Hospital said earlier that 13 children were taken by ambulance or bus to that facility and another hospital reported a 66-year-old woman was in critical condition. It was not immediately clear how many people, in addition to the dead, were injured in the shooting.

Earlier, the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District had said an active shooter was reported at the school, which has an enrollment of just under 600 students.

A heavy police presence surrounded the school Tuesday afternoon, with officers in heavy vests diverting traffic and FBI agents coming and going from the building. School and city officials did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

The district said that the city’s civic center was being used as a reunification center.

The shooting in Texas came less than two weeks after a gunman opened fire at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 10 Black shoppers and workers in what officials have described as a hate crime.

Uvalde is home to about 16,000 people and is the seat of government for Uvalde County. The town is about 75 miles from the border with Mexico. Robb Elementary is in a mostly residential neighborhood of modest homes. There is a funeral home across the street from the school.


Tue May 24 16:25:40

"There is a funeral home across the street from the school."

That last sentence alone deserves a Pulitzer.

Tue May 24 16:29:49
Well that's some sick shit.
Sam Adams
Tue May 24 16:36:56
The far right wants no background checks on guns and the far left wants a lawless world where everyone feels the need for guns.

We live in a fucked up world.
Tue May 24 16:53:39
Its too bad that the Supreme Court didn't choose today to overturn Roe v Wade though.

There would have been some macabre humor in that.
Tue May 24 17:25:32
Here we go again. Another slaughter another day. The same actors will repeat the same platitudes and comments. It will all mean diddley squat. Nothing will be done.
Tue May 24 17:30:31

You don't get to support the current system where any fuckhead can buy as many guns and assault rifles and ammo as s/he wants and then get butthurt over an extremely well placed award worthy chef's kiss.

Tue May 24 17:47:04
Why are you two acting like access to guns is the problem?

The real issue is a mass news media that obsessively covers and immortalizes mass shooters. That sort of endless news coverage is what in turn causes more mentally ill retards to think that they can become famous by blowing up some kids.

If you REALLY want to do something about this, speech control would work a lot better than gun control.
Tue May 24 18:01:39

"The real issue is a mass news media that obsessively covers and immortalizes mass shooters."

Well then there some good news. this has become so common that almost all of these killers slip into anonymity as soon as the next mass shooting occurs.

And just think, one of these days these mass murderers will figure out that a little chemistry can go much much farther than any number of bullets.

Jesse Malcolm Barack
Tue May 24 18:17:13
"If you REALLY want to do something about this, speech control would work a lot better than gun control."

yeah ok dude, does that also include fox lying to push election conspiracy theories just cause orange hitler lost?
Tue May 24 18:24:54

I don't think he was seriously proposing speech control.

Tue May 24 18:29:00
Salvador Raimondo Ramos was the shooter.Sounds like a white supremacist.
Tue May 24 18:36:42

You never know. Clarence Thomas is a white supremacist.

Tue May 24 18:42:03
Why Young Men of Color Are Joining White-Supremacist Groups

Apparently its all the rage for pocs to join WS groups.


I guess whites are not the greatest threat to America, its these colored white supremacists?
Tue May 24 18:47:08
Scrap that, he was trans *apparently*

So maybe we willnhear about this for 3 months, mabey more from FOX though....who knows.

This info is soley based on a few tweets because he had photos of him in drag, so take that with a grain of salt.
Tue May 24 18:48:21
Just go to Andy Ngo's twitter page, getting updates.

This guy is always on point getting the first osint.
Tue May 24 18:50:44
Tue May 24 18:51:04
Tue May 24 18:52:51

"Just go to Andy Ngo's twitter page, getting updates."


Sam Adams
Tue May 24 19:16:38
So these crazy shooters dont care about their own lives, so no deterrent there, but how about their own families? I propose executing the families of especially heinous mass killers. That out to reduce the frequency of occurrence.
Tue May 24 19:19:51
Heard this one killed his grandma before leaving so might not have worked here. :/
Tue May 24 19:26:39

"So these crazy shooters dont care about their own lives, so no deterrent there, but how about their own families? I propose executing the families of especially heinous mass killers. That out to reduce the frequency of occurrence."

This one took care of that himself. He had reached the end of the line and decided to take a bunch of people with him. Small children are just an easy target.
Sam Adams
Tue May 24 19:27:11
Ya, its not foolproof but might help in many cases.

Worth trying.

Or maybe, just maybe, we dont sell guns to emo teens?
Tue May 24 19:35:25
I'd be game to try anything at this point. If my kid did a heinous mass shooting I would accept a bullet to my head for being such a massive failure as a parent.
Tue May 24 19:54:34
Yeah my kids aren't going to public schools. This is so horrible. I wish they could have caught him alive. Public torture in national television would be a good deterent for the next child killer. Fucking quarter him after cutting off his balls and shoving them down his own throat.
Tue May 24 20:14:45
The real issue is the parents. These gotta be some fucked up kids to do something like this.

Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people.
Tue May 24 21:12:41
Obaminated- homeschool, waldorf, or montessori (in that order). :)
Cherub Cow
Tue May 24 22:29:51
[obaminated]: "I wish they could have caught him alive. Public torture in national television would be a good deterent for the next child killer. Fucking quarter him after cutting off his balls and shoving them down his own throat."

I mean... this shooter isn't alive anymore.. but it's not too late for a spectacle of the scaffold. Recall that the Romans would parade the desecrated bodies of traitors and their enemies in triumph. Antony and Cleopatra didn't have to be alive for their bodies to roll past the crowds on carts.
the wanderer
Tue May 24 23:26:31
"It's a transsexual leftist illegal alien named Salvatore Ramos"
~ according to Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a piece of shit cultist liar & traitor

he's deleted the tweet so possibly realized he overstepped & was just posting fraudosphere rumors
Tue May 24 23:27:59
I'm sure he's the first person to prematurely report something he read on the internet. Nice find!
Tue May 24 23:33:40
No idea on legal status.But he was really near the border, not out of the realm of plausibility.

His Instagram photos do show it dressing in women's clothes and makeup.

That was its name.

That said Gosar is a cold wierdo with the worst anime commercial ever created.
Tue May 24 23:34:29
Update, the Grandmom may live, uncertain.
Cherub Cow
Tue May 24 23:48:24
"a piece of shit cultist liar & traitor"

Oh no, he's a Republican not a Democrat.
the wanderer
Tue May 24 23:49:21
i don't believe 'leftist', 'trans' nor 'illegal' confirmed anywhere, so maybe he was right on name?

would be nice for congresspeople to have standards & not just believe whatever they want to off the web (same for presidents for that matter)

those cross-dressing pix seem false from what i've seen

this guy recorded his instagram, none of alleged pix there:
the wanderer
Tue May 24 23:50:08
"Oh no, he's a Republican not a Democrat"

no, he lied about claims of voter fraud repeatedly
Cherub Cow
Tue May 24 23:52:32
"no, he lied about claims of voter fraud repeatedly"

Oh, did he claim that there was no fraud? That would make him a liar and a cultist, since the dumb shit DNC voters and politicians took that talking point to heart and shat out their brains avoiding evidence so that they could believe it. So, yeah, if he thought there was no fraud, then I'd agree that he's "a piece of shit cultist liar & traitor".
the wanderer
Wed May 25 00:02:11


"i had people come to me early hours the day after [election] from the Security Exchange Fraud Dept & the CIA Fraud Dept that between 450 to 700,000 ballots were altered in the state of Arizona"

you believe that that happened?

& mention of 60% error rate in Georgia... 60%?

a drop in bucket of his bullshit claims

you may know a lot about some topics, but you are not impressive at all on politics... make a new thread if you want to spew about DNC or your other whackjob theories rather than ruining this one
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 00:08:43
"you may know a lot about some topics, but you are not impressive at all on politics... make a new thread if you want to spew about DNC or your other whackjob theories rather than ruining this one"

Oh, my bad. I didn't realize you were talking about yourself. So.. you.. are the "piece of shit cultist liar & traitor". I thought that was the case based on your slow descent into total insanity as evidenced by your complete and psychotic obsession with Trump that you've dragged out for 5 years, I just wanted to hear it from you. Thx! :)
Wed May 25 00:16:32
>i don't believe 'leftist', 'trans' nor 'illegal' confirmed anywhere, so maybe he was right on name?

He has makeup and long hair on his instagram. If you infer he is trans (or wants to be trans) from that, obviously 99% chance he's also a leftist. Name is Mexican on a town close to the border.

But you knew all that and wanted to bitch about your sexual fantasy about Trump anyways.

the wanderer
Wed May 25 00:21:52
the trans thing came from other photos more clearly cross-dressing that people were claiming was him (Habebe's links above, one missing now, was some person in a red top & skirt)

in any case, you have really low bar for leaders putting out info if just making big leap assumptions is a-ok
Wed May 25 00:23:16
I don't consider him a leader.

I thought you said he deleted it, too?

But like I said early, I'm sure it's only Republicans that read something that fit their bias and they share it. It never happens to anyone else.
Wed May 25 00:25:26
>the trans thing came from other photos more clearly cross-dressing that people were claiming was him (Habebe's links above, one missing now, was some person in a red top & skirt)

Don't fucking tell me where my inference originated. He has makeup and long hair on his Instagram. If you he is trans from that, the rest follows suit pretty easily. Try reading statements before refuting them. And then read them again because you didn't understand it the first time.
large member
Wed May 25 00:30:32
The transition from waldorf->senior high here (we follow the german gynmasium system) took a few months for my kids to figure out...and they were habitually bored to tears after that. But they benefited greatly from us sending them to privat school (quite uncommon to do that here).
Wed May 25 00:50:23
That makes sense. We were warned about that. It's jarring to see public schools reliance on tests to measure performance after simply being encouraged to perform optimally.

We're going all the way through. Already graduated my stepson.
the wanderer
Wed May 25 00:53:52
"Don't fucking tell me where my inference originated"

i'm telling you where the fraudosphere got it... & presumably Gosar, it was circulating enough even Andy Ngo said to hold off on it... there's not enough from that one real photo to claim trans, if you want to wildly assume it, fine for you
Wed May 25 00:54:01
"Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people."

Hence, control peoples access to guns to limit killing.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 00:57:19
"Hence, control peoples access to guns to limit killing."

Yes, comrade. I agree that the proletariat should be disarmed. The state should have a monopoly on violence.
Wed May 25 01:00:43
>there's not enough from that one real photo to claim trans, if you want to wildly assume it, fine for you

wtf are you smoking. someone lay out the facts you were too dumb (or dishonestly neglecting) to see and now you say I am the one that wants assume it?

get fucked
the wanderer
Wed May 25 01:07:45
sorry for stating actual facts to you

there is indeed not enough from that one photo to claim trans w/o just wild leap & that one photo is factually NOT why people were claiming trans, it was always backed w/ the fake photos (or no photos)... i saw NO ONE leaping to trans posting that single real photo (just you)
Wed May 25 01:14:55
Who said there was? Jesus christ you can't even read a single sentence?
Wed May 25 01:16:03
guess ill be generous

>If you infer he is trans

what this sentence means is that, if YOU infer he is trans, then the following is true.

my god im a fking saint. anyways look up boolean logic sometime.
large member
Wed May 25 01:18:46
"The state should have a monopoly on violence"

Well, yes. It is one of the characteristics of a state.

For other variants, see feudalism.
the wanderer
Wed May 25 01:27:00
“If you infer...”

my original point was Gosar jumped to conclusion on leftist, trans and illegal, which remains true

you for some reason had to argue the point without changing that all 3 remain jumps to conclusions... but if it makes you happy, yes, -if- trans then more likely left than right, (but apolitical easily possible as only 18), and a Hispanic living near the border is more likely to be illegal than a Hispanic living in Ohio... who cares, still 3 jumps to conclusions
Wed May 25 01:37:41
Never once did I mention myself, but you seem obsessed about applying this to me. Wtf do you mean argue a point? Has your brain warped so much you can't follow a simple comment explaining an event? I only explained it because you were confused (or just dishonest, but i give benefit of doubt here)
Wed May 25 01:41:32
>Try reading statements before refuting them. And then read them again because you didn't understand it the first time.

didn't think I'd have to tell you this again so soon but here we are.
Wed May 25 01:53:07
Some ppl are arguing the crisscrossing photos were some other guy. Honestly IDK, like I said the source was random ppl tweeting.

But, the most stereotypical self absorbed response I've seen yet has been multiple tweets from tranny's

"Havnt we suffered enough" and the like

They really live in a self absorbed victimhood mentality to consider themselves the victims in this situation.
Wed May 25 02:12:16
Why are we trying to put him into a tribe? Whether he was a republican or Democrat or a tranny, it doesn't matter. None of that caused him to do what he did. Stop acting like children, it's time to pretend we are the adults in the room because unfortunately fellas, we are the grown ups now.
Wed May 25 02:43:15
” I propose executing the families of especially heinous mass killers. That out to reduce the frequency of occurrence.”

The family must have known that something was wrong with him, and should probably have done something. Alerted the authorities, a doctor, or someone. Dunno about executing the entire family though. It seems to be a bit harch. But maybe bulldoze their home.
Average Ameriacn
Wed May 25 02:56:45

Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 02:58:22
[Habebe]: "They really live in a self absorbed victimhood mentality to consider themselves the victims in this situation."

As the meme goes..
"15 [children] killed in school shooting in Texas, [transpeople most affected]"

[obaminated]: "Stop acting like children, it's time to pretend we are the adults in the room because unfortunately fellas, we are the grown ups now."

This would be nice. To me, though.. how do you stop people from being manipulated by these media signals?
Reason does not work. TDS and Dogma Bots do not respond to reason. They evade information and willfully refuse even to click on links showing them counter-opinions. The trolls here will immediately derail any thoughtful post and instead traffic in Twitter insults and embed themselves in the deepest hate of their opposition to satisfy their need for an absolute enemy.

We have arrived at a point when many useful idiots want only to assign an enemy and see their violent will enacted. They want only to agree with their Signal and demonstrate Faith in Party. Ironically, these useful idiots try to bait the other side into more violence, and the media smiles in glee at their chance to exploit that violence for their narratives.

Violence will make things worse, and it plays into the media machine — no one should choose it.
Culture, though, is massively owned by that same media machine. Indy culture is the way to go and, personally, that's where I'm working (not here, obviously; this place is accepting Twitter logic), but how do you disrupt the signal? Culture jamming? I think it was Stalin who mentioned that when you want to own culture, you can't just go to the hundreds — you have to go to the millions. But who owns the route to movie theaters and streaming services?

What are the Huron to do?
Wed May 25 04:10:50
Obaminated, Honest answer? The tribes love political baggage (mine included)

Its used for ammunition, so stockpile as much as you can is often the game.

But there is more to it than that. Ppl on the right had already expected more left wingers to blame cons again like in NY.

So as soon as he was found out to be a Mexican Emo and possible trans, they jumped on it to be like "See! Its not a white supremacist, quit yelling at Tucker/Trump"

Which didnt work anyway, but they knew that.
large member
Wed May 25 04:17:55
Let me get this straight. Instead of more checks on gun ownership, you want an informer based system where people are taught it is entirely ok to bring the government into their household..

In the name of liberty, freedom and rights?
Wed May 25 04:42:26
"The family must have known that something was wrong with him, and should probably have done something. Alerted the authorities, a doctor, or someone. Dunno about executing the entire family though. It seems to be a bit harch. But maybe bulldoze their home."

This is America. There is no real safety net for families with someone who has mental illness. There is no real research into looking for cures for mental illness. We eliminated most of the beds in psychiatric hospitals over 4 decades ago.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 04:55:41
[patom]: "We eliminated most of the beds in psychiatric hospitals over 4 decades ago."

We need to re-open Arkham Asylum and get these TikTokers back in padded cells with their juice boxes and pills. Luckily, Curtis Sliwa of the Guardian Angels ran for mayor of Gotham, so he'll get these people back to chemically regular patterns, get them mandatory time off the streets, and release them only to family with mandatory treatment schedules!

2021 New York City mayoral election results:
Eric Adams 67.0%
Curtis Sliwa 27.8%

Ah shit. Nevermind. I guess we could just... let the Joker do Joker shit for a while. It'll probably be fine. I read a good New York Times article on the subject that puts me at ease:
"The League of Shadows Wants to Destroy Gotham (and Why That's a Good Thing)"
Wed May 25 06:51:06

I find it funny that the term "Trump derangement syndrome" keeps getting tossed around as if the guy hadn't tried to topple the government to avoid giving up power.

As if every caricature of him hadn't ended up being a lifelike portrait.

Every single bad thing ever said about Donald Trump is 100% accurate. The only lies about Donald Trump ever told were told by himself or John Barron.

Wed May 25 06:53:02

"Let me get this straight. Instead of more checks on gun ownership, you want an informer based system where people are taught it is entirely ok to bring the government into their household.."

It wouldn't much matter anyway. In the US even the crazies have the right to bear arms.

I keep waiting for the Supreme Court to recognize that same right for the incarcerated.

Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 07:07:06
[Left-Wing Dogma Bot]: "Every single bad thing ever said about Donald Trump is 100% accurate."

Lol. Perfect Left-Wing Dogma. Best UP satire account :D
Wed May 25 08:17:12
Murder, I just ignore everything cherub says. A bizarre and idiotic incel with obviously no real life friends deserves no respect.

What’s exceptionally bizarre is how much they are able to write when saying absolutely nothing at all.
Wed May 25 08:36:01
Retards can never articulate how their vague policy wishes would stop a shooting.

It doesn't stop their bleating.
Wed May 25 10:51:24

You realize that there's an entire world out there, right? You realize that nowhere else in the civilized world does this occur with any regularity?

If you can even call us part of the civilized world anymore.

Quite frankly this kind of shit doesn't even happen with regularity in backward ass countries crawling with muslim terrorists.
Sam Adams
Wed May 25 11:06:10
"Quite frankly this kind of shit doesn't even happen with regularity in backward ass countries crawling with muslim terrorists."

Oh no, this happens all the time with muslims.

How many mass killers did seb import to europe in the name of white liberal guilt? There was a string off massive spree killings there a few years back.

And dont forget palestinians. Palestinians did this every tuesday before israel walled them off.
Wed May 25 11:10:27
Yes. And contrary to leftist nonsense, guns, even scary long black ones, can be obtained in most of the civilized world.

Tranny fuck, just like white supremacist fuck, 99% obtained their guns legally, including a passed background check, like all the other mass shooters. They didn't have criminal records and their online proclivities were not known by those close to them.
Wed May 25 11:17:15
Wait it was a tranny shooter?

No wonder. Transgenderism is a sick fucking mental illness.
Wed May 25 11:21:04
I like guns and I repeatedly defend American gun laws, and I know the stats, but there is no amount of stats that will temper the feelings that I get hearing about these things. And I am totally on board with the whole mastrubation to guns, I know the numbers, like I said.

This shit has to stop. You can talk about the masses of people who are just emotions until you get blue in the face, but they will win and take your guns sooner or later at this rate. You are on the losing end of this unless drastic things are done to stop scores of children getting killed every year like this. The psychological effects will see to that. See these things are not common enough, like people get "used to" war, they are uncommon enough so apathy doesn't manifest. You forget and then 3 months later a kindergarden is blown up.

Now I know some of you are already thinking, well then we should kill more children and more often. You people are fucking assholes, but yes that would also be an option.
Wed May 25 11:28:50

Of course it has to stop. No one is debating that.

Where you err is by assuming that gun bans are how you stop this. That's just not correct.

"Commonsense gun laws" is the "thoughts and prayers" of the left. Its virtue signalling without providing any actual substantive solutions.
Sam Adams
Wed May 25 11:32:15
Only citizens in good standing(ie normal people) having guns would drastically reduce the crime rate in the US while allowing law-abiding citizens to be heavily armed, as the constitution demands.
Wed May 25 11:33:03

"This shit has to stop. You can talk about the masses of people who are just emotions until you get blue in the face, but they will win and take your guns sooner or later at this rate."

You would think, huh? Sense would dictate. But I've got some sad news for you, the more this has happened the further we've gotten for gun regulation.

To many Americans this slaughter was a tragedy that needs addressing. To many others it's just a signal to circle the wagons to fend off gun regulations. And to many others still ... it was just Tuesday.

It gets to the point where outrage is near impossible. We've experience large numbers killed with no action taken. We've experience small children slaughtered with no action taken. We've experienced large numbers of small children slaughtered with no action taken.

At this point someone would have to take out an entire pre-school to generate enough shock and outrage to lead to legislation.


Republicans have gotten real good at this game (it's too soon!, they want to take your guns!, if you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns! ... shift blame ... news cycle passes).

People have grown numb. As a society we just accept this shit as normal.

Republicans and Joe Manchin are already working hard to defeat any push for tougher regulations.

Wed May 25 11:39:58

Even cops getting killed doesn't move the needle. If you try to pass restrictions so that randos can't turn cop cars into swiss cheese and penetrate police body armor, the right will revolt because they want to have the power to turn police cars into swiss cheese and penetrate police body armor.

In fact they want to have the firepower to take out US soldiers and tanks and fighter jets.

That's the whole point.

the wanderer
Wed May 25 11:42:31
"Tranny fuck", "was a tranny shooter?"

i still see zero indication he was trans beyond the multiple false photos put up (plus his instagram is "Salv8dor", not particularly feminine)

as for Gosar's other claims:
the 'illegal' claim also seems made-up, seen some say born in North Dakota (not reliable either), but also supposedly he bought his rifles legally suggesting not illegal immigrant

and if there were any 'leftist' evidence, Andy Ngo would've posted it, so probably none there either
Wed May 25 12:04:12
You are drawing the wrong conclusion from what I said. Like I said, I like guns and defend american guns nutty culture, but every year it is getting harder to rationally and with statistics defend it, because feelings > facts. That is the reality whether we like it or not and a slow, but constant trickle of murdered children in school is the worst kind of feelings. I would hate to see guns banned or even restrict in quantity or quality. Be creative and solve this shit. For the sake of guns.

A community "vetting" of people is ideal. Decentralized and local.
Wed May 25 12:25:37

"A community "vetting" of people is ideal. Decentralized and local."

So racism then?

Wed May 25 12:56:26
Murder, You realize one of the strongest correlations is overseas military conflicts lead to spikes in violent crime, right?


As for gun control, lets seperate 2 arguments, legal and moral. Legally its not feasible, so let's argue without legalities.

1. These events are scary, like shark attacks, but also like shark attacks are not a major cause of death, not even a majot cause of murders.

2. Most US murders are committed with handguns, that's true. But most murders are also committed by an extremely limited amount of the population.

Why does it matter that black males between 15-35 years old? Ask yourself why it hasn't changed in what, 50 years? Why is this group always not just the most murderous but about 3% of the pop, is responsible for HALF of all murders and a massively oversized amount of VC.

3. I admit that Reoublicans will bring up mental health when this happens, but NEVER propose anything

Honestly even the pre-Reagan idea of just basically locking up crazies would be preffered.

4. Most murders are committed with Illegal guns, legal gun permit holders tend to be more law abiding.
Sam Adams
Wed May 25 13:04:53
"A community "vetting" of people is ideal."

Agreed. Lots of ways to make that work. The left will call most of them racist though.
Sam Adams
Wed May 25 13:05:49
Member Wed May 25 12:25:37

So racism then?

Lol yup that was fast.
Wed May 25 13:07:47


And that's just so far this century.

Wed May 25 13:12:13

"Legally its not feasible"

Of course it's feasible.

"4. Most murders are committed with Illegal guns, legal gun permit holders tend to be more law abiding."

Most illegal guns were legal guns that got stolen from law abiding gun owners.

Wed May 25 13:43:49

Without comment ...


Wed May 25 14:08:17

"There was a string off massive spree killings there a few years back"


London bridge - 11 deaths
Arena bombing - 23 deaths
Westminster bride - 9 deaths.

Cf. Sandy Hook 27 deaths

Hell there are years where US school shooting death toll is greater than all terrorist related deaths in the UK since the tube bombings.

The death toll from us school shootings since 1999 to today is twice the entire death toll from all terrorism in the UK over the same period.

Your country is not fucking normal Sam. And not in a good way.

Wed May 25 14:33:30
Well, with 1/5 the population Id imagine they did have fewer.

Why does no ome bat an eye when Chicago kills 75 people in a weekend?

What's the US murder rate compared the US murder rate without factoring in black males are 15-35?
Sam Adams
Wed May 25 14:40:41
"London bridge - 11 deaths
Arena bombing - 23 deaths
Westminster bride - 9 deaths."

Now include france.

Or i get to to chop off most of US spree killings.
the wanderer
Wed May 25 17:21:33
i've seen an officer Erick Estrada interviewed twice on CNN without "CHiPs" being mentioned...
Wed May 25 17:27:05

Yeah but it was trending on twitter yesterday.

Wed May 25 17:28:35

btw whoever starts the thread continuing this discussion ... update the death toll please.

Wed May 25 21:01:48

Do terrorist attacks scale with population?

The only reason we are comparing terrorist attacks to school shootings is there are no school shootings in the UK.

If you compare all mass shootings (terror or non-terror related) you will probably find less in Europe as a whole than the US, despite Europe having a bigger population.

If you were to compare any deaths at schools by any weapon, you'd find the same.

However you want to cut it.

You have to do weird shit like comparing entirely different phenomena (all terror attacks on Europe Vs only those mass shooting events happening in us schools, like Sam has here) to get anything that even looks reasonable.

The US has a gun problem.
Wed May 25 21:06:44

You are comparing US school shootings to terror attacks.

You've already excluded most US spree shootings and other comparable events (Boston marathon).

Mass shooting events specifically in US schools kill and injure more people a year on average than terror events in all Europe over the last decade.

If you don't like that comparison, well you chose it.

A sensible comparison: violent deaths and injuries involving a weapon at school, I would bet good money that the US figure population adjusted is worse than any European state and the average across European States.

Wed May 25 21:07:37
With possible exception for micro European States with small populations.
Wed May 25 21:08:49
Is a school shooting NOT an act of terror?

"If you compare all mass shootings (terror or non-terror related) you will probably find less in Europe as a whole than the US, despite Europe having a bigger population."

The Ukraine says otherwise.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 21:28:10
[Left-Wing Twitter Projection-Bot]: "idiotic incel with obviously no real life friends deserves no respect."

Oof. More projection from the projection bot? Color me surprised! :D

[Left-Wing Twitter Projection-Bot]: "What’s exceptionally bizarre is how much they are able to write when saying absolutely nothing at all."

lol :D
The Twitter Bot scrubbed lines from the Gas-Lighting Low-IQ Troll-Bot? :D
[Gas-Lighting Low-IQ Troll-Bot ( http://uto...hread=89900&time=1653449426151 )]: "a bunch of words to say nothing."

Yet more consistency for his bot status! :D
Twitter bots just repeat insults that they've heard, since these cell-phone bot racks have to pump out insults pretty quickly, and the authors don't have time to make unique replies every time (example bot rack, for those unfamiliar; they simulate a user-base to manufacture consent as people scroll comment sections: http://twitter.com/chrissteinplays/status/1499414746503823374 ). The tell-tale sign is short and stupid replies designed to generate likes from simpletons who want to be "correct" without intellectual effort.

These Twitter bots thrive on projecting their lack of comprehension. Anyone not trapped within the first standard-deviation of mid-wit status can see that I am indeed saying things that mean something, but projection bot would never address any of those developed arguments, instead trying to give passer-by fools a misrepresentation-summary that keeps them from gazing more deeply. The bot's design is to bring discourse to the lowest common denominator, which allows psychological manipulation of the useful idiots. I.e., if the useful idiots cannot see intelligent arguments, taking the word of the bot, then the useful idiots can be led to the bot's faulty conclusions.

Dukhat, being a mid-wit, will never rise above his character limit.

[Forwyn]: "Retards can never articulate how their vague policy wishes would stop a shooting. / It doesn't stop their bleating."

That seems to be the repeated point.
DNC propaganda gets these idiots riled up by a shooting, then a DNC politician tells them that they have the solution: a gun-control bill that was drafted months earlier with a bunch of incremental plans to disarm the population. The useful idiots do not see the non sequitur between the bill and the actual shooting. In other words, the useful idiots do not see that — even if the bill had been passed a year earlier — the bill would not have prevented the shooting. But, the useful idiots approve, having their consciousness easily hijacked by the tragedy.

[Seb]: "A sensible comparison: violent deaths and injuries involving a weapon at school, I would bet good money that the US figure population adjusted is worse than any European state and the average across European States."

Not a sensible comparison, since Europe is ultra-cucked. And of *course* the Panoptic totalitarians (e.g., Seb) would want the U.S. to fall as a domino in kind. They would unleash that weakness upon the world.

Ultra-violence is a feature of a free society. Europe would use the Ludovico technique to rid itself of that violence, not acknowledging what it lost them: their very right to self-determination — pack shrugged off and now owned gladly by their awaiting totalitarians.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 21:39:55
[Seb]: "you will probably find less in Europe as a whole than the US, despite Europe having a bigger population."
[Habebe]: "The Ukraine says otherwise."

From Reuters, May 24th:
"Twelve-year-old Andrii and six-year-old Valentyn build checkpoints and dug trenches in the village of Stoianka, near Kyiv. The two boys want to be soldiers when they grow up and hope to defend their country one day"

It's fine to have child soldiers if it's a limited edition run or if it's in a pre-WWIII proxy war. And Ukrainian deaths don't count towards the continental tab on mass death. Get your gun laws together and send more aid to Ukraine where the REAL killing is!
Thu May 26 03:01:22

No, generally the definition of terror requires that the violence or threat of violence be in pursuit of political aims.

But fine, you want to compare all mass casualty violent crimes in the US to all mass casualty violent crimes in europe?


It makes no sense however to compare school shootings alone to all European mass casualty violent crimes. It's blatant statistical manipulation. Or Samstistics, as it is known.
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