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Utopia Talk / Politics / #SriLanka
Anarchist Prime
Sat Jul 09 09:30:44
Sat Jul 09 10:17:26
Didnt click, but I seen the other day rich ppl beaten/killed and robbed in the streets by angry hungry mobs.
Sat Jul 09 10:21:57
Some reports are saying the nation is bankrupt, the government has collapsed.
Sat Jul 09 11:00:18

Cool! Now what?

Sat Jul 09 13:17:58
The West could offer some humanitarian aid and maybe some peace keeping... But itnwould likely lead to us getting too involved and fucking it up.

We need a hero like Pinochet to step up.A real streetwise Hercules,to fight against the odds,were holding out till the end of the night. hes gotta be strong, hes gotta be fast and hes gotta be fresh from the fight....
Sat Jul 09 13:26:38

No thanks. We're otherwise engaged.

Sat Jul 09 14:12:17
So now you don't like the will of people?
Sat Jul 09 14:15:08

What does the will of the people have to do with us?

Sat Jul 09 14:35:04
Most ppl do not want to be otherwise engaged.
Sat Jul 09 18:14:00

Most people in your circle and where you get your news from.

Sun Jul 10 06:40:21
This shit is probably instigated by the CIA as usual. Considering that China is heavily invested in Sri Lanka.
Sun Jul 10 10:56:00

India can deal with it.

Sun Jul 10 14:21:39
Hmmm, I wonder why Murder jas unwavering support for the Ukraine, but not for Sri Lanka.
Sun Jul 10 14:24:04

Because Russia is the enemy of human progress.

Sun Jul 10 15:55:40
And China isn't?

Anyway, Albania is the next uprising


I still beleive we havn't seen a period of time that is as reminiscent of today's political climate since the 1930s.

Economic collapses, wars and soon famines coupled with water shortages will lead to world wide upheavals we havn't seen since the 1930s.
Sun Jul 10 15:57:09
It's kinda weird seeing a race-baiting intersectionalist Marxist decrying the impediment of human progress.
Mon Jul 11 18:18:48
So we're all agreed that this was an insurrection, a dark day in Sri Lankan history where vile seditionists threatened "their democracy" by storming the capitol, right?
Mon Jul 11 18:39:35

We don't all agree on anything because we don't all care about Sri Lanka ... let alone have any clue what is or was going on there.

I can find it on a map. That should cause Sri Lankans to swell with pride.

Mon Jul 11 19:23:37
Viva La Rev-o-lut-ion!!!

Let it burn, wanna let it burn, wanna let it burn wanna wanna let it buuurhern
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:17:38
I spoke about this in my totalitarians thread (comment "Sun Jul 10 09:31:00" http://uto...hread=90141&time=1657563085031 ).

For this thread: the Sri Lankan government was attempting to comply with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) policies by boosting its Environment score (E-score) where it failed to boost its governance score (G-score).

This is reflected in Sri Lanka's ESG Index, where numbers approaching "100" indicate higher compliance with the global ESG Scheme:
• E-Score: 98.1,
• S-Score: 69.7,
• G-Score: 40.3

The government had to do this with executive-level policies since it could not infiltrate governance at the legislative level (legislative infiltration would have boost its G-score). That is, the Sri Lankan president (i.e., executive level) himself banned chemical fertilizer in April 2021 rather than waiting to further infiltrate Sri Lankan legislative bodies (see "Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 07 of 2021"). This was part of "sustainability" compliance to appease ESG globalists.

A May 2021 USDA report outlines this in part here:
• It states,
"The Presidential Task Force, Creating a Green Sri Lanka with Sustainable Solutions to Climate Change, led by Special Representative to the President Mr. Basil Rajapakse (a brother of the president), was established in May 2020. Its task is to transform Sri Lanka into a sustainable, green socio-economy adapted to climate change. This task force is charged with establishing the plan for the national transformation to organic agriculture."
• The USDA report also points out,
"Industry sources indicate that the Sri Lankan government aims to produce one million tons of organic fertilizers per annum. Nonetheless, Sri Lanka has yet to increase its own organic fertilizer production capabilities. In the short term, it does not have the capability to expand organic fertilizer production capacity sufficiently to meet current fertilizer use requirements."

In other words, Sri Lanka reduced its chemical fertilizer contracts while hoping to replace those contracts with "green" (organic fertilizer) contracts, but it had no functional strategy in place to actually *get* organic fertilizer or to maintain its crop yields during the transition. Hence, Sri Lankan farmers were left in the lurch, and a government-caused famine will result.

World leaders know that they have to boost their ESG scores because otherwise they do not meet the UN's and WEF's 2030 deadline for change, which could mean the ESG globalists will take more drastic external action (e.g., war, genocide-famines caused by ESG sanctions). Thus, the Sri Lankan president had to make big pushes where he could, but, without full infiltration of Sri Lanka's Corporate Governance, this meant catastrophe. Now, even more Sri Lankans will die even faster, which, ironically, will also boost Sri Lanka's ESG score, since mass death will reduce its overall carbon emissions index from its current 24.8 MtCO₂e. The WEF would prefer that these genocides take place more slowly, but mistakes like this in the strategy make these events more visible to the world.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:18:20
I'll repost the above to fix the thread-break if a mod wants to clean this.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:19:07
I spoke about this in my totalitarians thread (comment "Sun Jul 10 09:31:00" http://uto...hread=90141&time=1657563085031 ).

For this thread: the Sri Lankan government was attempting to comply with Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) policies by boosting its Environment score (E-score) where it failed to boost its governance score (G-score).

This is reflected in Sri Lanka's ESG Index, where numbers approaching "100" indicate higher compliance with the global ESG Scheme:
• E-Score: 98.1,
• S-Score: 69.7,
• G-Score: 40.3

The government had to do this with executive-level policies since it could not infiltrate governance at the legislative level (legislative infiltration would have boost its G-score). That is, the Sri Lankan president (i.e., executive level) himself banned chemical fertilizer in April 2021 rather than waiting to further infiltrate Sri Lankan legislative bodies (see "Imports and Exports (Control) Regulations No. 07 of 2021"). This was part of "sustainability" compliance to appease ESG globalists.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:19:14
A May 2021 USDA report outlines this in part here:
• It states,
"The Presidential Task Force, Creating a Green Sri Lanka with Sustainable Solutions to Climate Change, led by Special Representative to the President Mr. Basil Rajapakse (a brother of the president), was established in May 2020. Its task is to transform Sri Lanka into a sustainable, green socio-economy adapted to climate change. This task force is charged with establishing the plan for the national transformation to organic agriculture."
• The USDA report also points out,
"Industry sources indicate that the Sri Lankan government aims to produce one million tons of organic fertilizers per annum. Nonetheless, Sri Lanka has yet to increase its own organic fertilizer production capabilities. In the short term, it does not have the capability to expand organic fertilizer production capacity sufficiently to meet current fertilizer use requirements."

In other words, Sri Lanka reduced its chemical fertilizer contracts while hoping to replace those contracts with "green" (organic fertilizer) contracts, but it had no functional strategy in place to actually *get* organic fertilizer or to maintain its crop yields during the transition. Hence, Sri Lankan farmers were left in the lurch, and a government-caused famine will result.

World leaders know that they have to boost their ESG scores because otherwise they do not meet the UN's and WEF's 2030 deadline for change, which could mean the ESG globalists will take more drastic external action (e.g., war, genocide-famines caused by ESG sanctions). Thus, the Sri Lankan president had to make big pushes where he could, but, without full infiltration of Sri Lanka's Corporate Governance, this meant catastrophe. Now, even more Sri Lankans will die even faster, which, ironically, will also boost Sri Lanka's ESG score, since mass death will reduce its overall carbon emissions index from its current 24.8 MtCO₂e. The WEF would prefer that these genocides take place more slowly, but mistakes like this in the strategy make these events more visible to the world.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:48:58
Additionally, here is the Sri Lankan president in a press release to the World Economic Forum in a 2018 WEF article titled,
"Sri Lanka PM: This is how I will make my country rich by 2025"
[World Economic Forum dot org; Cached version of article that WEF removed; August 29th, 2018]

• "As per the expectations of all our people, there is more to achieve and the government plans with due diligence to make Sri Lanka regain its centrality in the Indian Ocean and become a knowledge-based, highly competitive hub with a dynamic social-market economy."

Notice the language of "hub".
Many world leaders are desperate to be "hubs" in the New World Order because the hubs will be awarded special survivability statuses. These hubs will be less likely to be wiped from the world because they will be *so* compliant with the ESG strategy. Countries around the world are desperate to compete for this status because it will reduce their local genocides. This is a big reason that New Zealand's Ardern is so active in placating the ESG/DIE globalists, selling out her people so that New Zealand can be a travel hub for the World Elitists.

See, for instance,
"Global Network of Advanced Manufacturing Hubs"
[World Economic Forum dot org]

And also,
"Food Innovation Hubs"
[World Economic Forum dot org]
"Our food systems must become more sustainable, efficient, inclusive, and deliver more nutritious and healthy food."
("Inclusive" — notice again ESG's connection to DIE).

Thus, the Sri Lankan president writes,
• "We have also played a constructive role in promoting international and regional initiatives in many areas, ranging from the environment and climate change to maritime security and migration. It is our commitment to use the strategic potential of the country, including its vibrant maritime connectivity, for enhancing friendly cooperation with all partners while reaping the economic benefits for all our peoples."
• "For the first time, Sri Lanka has now been linked to the large ASEAN region by entering into the free trade agreement (FTA) with Singapore."
• "it is our intention to “engage Asia” more steadily, utilizing the strategic access to major growing markets in the region, from India, Pakistan, China, Japan and ROK to the ASEAN"

Notice also that Sri Lanka has willingly tied itself with the Pacific globalists. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is part of a White House and New Zealand commitment to globalist policy in the Pacific theater (I spoke about this in totalitarians #2 http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=89974&time=1656327448729 ). Sri Lanka folded to this strategy in hopes of saving itself.

These smaller countries will be desperate to demonstrate their worth in a world order. For Sri Lanka, it was an attempt to be a world tea supplier (part of its chemical fertilizer implosion) and attempting to show its strategic worth in the Indian subcontinent. Of the latter point, India is likely to remain part of the BRICS group — those nations attempting to retain energy independence against the ESG/DIE globalists — so Sri Lanka is signaling here that if the world government saves them, they will be a good staging area for infiltration of India (either through trade controls or hot wars).
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 11 20:56:51
Permalink to the above article that WEF deleted yesterday:
Peter Walsh
Tue Jul 12 08:30:38

Sri Lanka’s Gotabaya Rajapaksa fails in effort to flee country

Airport staff reportedly block departing president from using VIP lane to board flight to Dubai

The Sri Lankan president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, has made a failed attempt to flee the country but airport staff stood in his way and forced him to beat a humiliating retreat.

Rajapaksa, who is due to officially resign on Wednesday after months of demonstrations calling for him to step down, was reportedly trying to escape to Dubai on Monday night.

Officials said immigration staff prevented the president from going to the VIP area of the airport to stamp his passport and he would not go through the ordinary queues for fear of being mobbed by the public.

Soldiers behind barriers hold back protesters
‘The family took over’: how a feuding ruling dynasty drove Sri Lanka to ruin
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As a result, Rajapaksa reportedly missed four flights to the United Arab Emirates, and he, his wife and a dozen other family members and close aides spent the night at a nearby military base.

It appears that the president has attempted to follow several avenues of escape in recent days but all have proved futile. The Indian government reportedly refused permission for a Sri Lankan military air force plane carrying the president to land at an Indian civilian airport, while the US embassy refused to grant him a visitor visa, according to US embassy sources who spoke to local media.

According to officials who spoke to Agence France-Presse, Rajapaksa was now considering using a navy patrol craft to try to flee the island, though this could not be confirmed.

While he is still president, Rajapaksa enjoys immunity from arrest. It is believed he want to go abroad before stepping down to avoid the possibility of being detained. He stands accused of overseeing corruption and economic mismanagement that have bankrupted the country and triggered the worst financial crisis on record.

The president was not the only member of the family unsuccessfully trying to flee. His younger brother Basil Rajapaksa, who served as finance minister and has also been accused of widespread corruption, was prevented from boarding a flight to the US via Dubai on Tuesday morning after other passengers protested.

Airport staff refused to let him use the fast-track concierge service and stopped him getting on the flight. According to airport officials, as the situation grew tense, Basil Rajapaksa, who has dual US citizenship, retreated.
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