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Utopia Talk / Politics / Gaza: poena improborum
Fri Nov 17 08:57:25
"[Netanyahu], being convinced that his lenity was known to all men, and being under no fears of being thought to act severely from a natural cruelty, and perceiving that there would be no end to his troubles if several states should attempt to rebel in like manner and in different places, resolved to deter others by inflicting an exemplary punishment on the [Gazans].

Accordingly he cut off the hands of those who had borne arms against him. Their lives he spared, that the punishment of their rebellion might be the more conspicuous."

Link to previous: http://uto...hread=92341&time=1700214490771
Sam Adams
Fri Nov 17 11:22:42
Gaza delanda est
Fri Nov 17 14:56:34
I imagine rugian is incredibly bored at work and so he has pre-written dozens of these intros while being paid by some sleazy corporation that he loathes.
Fri Nov 17 15:23:57
Hah. I just wait until a thread is close to full and then spend a few minutes perusing either Livy or Caesar's Gallic Wars for inspiration.

You'll know I've run out of thread titles once "Omni Gaza pacata" gets posted.

Also you don't know how bummed I was to find that all of the major sources of the Roman purge of the Bar Kokhba revolt are in Greek. The ironic lulz that could have been had from that would have been epic.
Tue Nov 21 07:57:59
While Israeli fascists are mass murdering children, women and elderly, forcing infants out of incubators, and is ethnically cleansing Gaza – the U.S. President Joe Biden's energy security advisor is visiting Israel to discuss potential economic revitalization plans for Gaza centered around undeveloped offshore natural gas fields.

Tue Nov 21 10:20:43

It sounds like Netanyahu is about to cave to international pressure and hand legitimacy and victory to Hamas.

Tue Nov 21 11:10:20
Houthi Special Forces seize Isreeli freighter, great video!

Footage of Houthi forces hijacking the ship Galaxy Leader in the Red Sea yesterday.
Tue Nov 21 17:15:02
This generation of US "leaders" are such weak pussies.

Imagine trying to tell the US in October 2001 that they needed to declare a ceasefire with al Qaeda.

Yet here we are, pressuring a so-called ally into doing the same thing, because a bunch of disloyal bureaucrats and far-left anti-Semitic college brats and Muslims threw a bitchfit.

What the actual holy fuck.
Wed Nov 22 10:25:43
Joe Biden is incredible weak. Do you think Hamas will win now, Rugian?
Wed Nov 22 11:49:34

They already did.

Sam Adams
Sun Nov 26 20:43:11
Houthis asking to get goatfucked. Dems probably too weak to do it though.
Mon Nov 27 04:47:06
Contrary to the open air prison/concentration camp narrative, life in Gaza was going in the right direction:

This video is 4 years old and could have been an influencer tourism video:


Drone view tour from 2021


This is a walking tour video of the "open air prison" from September this year.


Judge for yourselves, but clearly a far throw from the psychotic language being used.

Anyway, more and more Gazans were working in Kibbutzes in Israel and there were even talks about extending these kind of permit to Gazans with higher educations. Before Hamas took power 100k were working in Israel, after that Israel stopped issuing permits, but then in the last 2-3 years that processes started again and at the eve of the attacks some 18k were working in Israel.

At the same time, discontent against Hamas was rising in Gaza, for the last 2 years demonstrations like this in august this year had become more frequent.


So, things were going in the wrong direction for Hamas, another motivating factor for Hamas to conduct the October 7th attacks.

I think these fact on the ground contributed to Israel being caught off guard and not listening to the alleged warnings from Egypt about an impending attack. Like why would they do this? Things were going in the right direction.

Mon Nov 27 04:51:52
And you can see some the anti-hamas sentiments being echoed, in the few videos coming out of Gaza that manages to evade Hamas censor. I have now seen a handful of grieving women (whose children family had just been killed in a bombing) cursing and blaming Hamas.

Here is one example, being physically silenced as she does so.

Mon Nov 27 07:54:44

"Houthis asking to get goatfucked. Dems probably too weak to do it though."

It's amazing that it hasn't happened yet. They've been a nuisance for quite some time now.

Mon Nov 27 13:49:23
What's amazing is that Israel agreed to a truce that not only gives Hamas a strategic victory*, but they are releasing terrorists who attacked Jews in exchange for their own (innocent) civilians. WTF sort of deal is that?

* They're still around and allowed to regroup, and Israel is now only going to face even harsher criticism if they restart the bombing campaign. In other words, they won this war.
Tue Nov 28 08:23:00

I agree. This was a tactical and PR blunder for Israel. More Israeli soldiers will die, Hamas will survive and be legitimized, and Israel will have been shown to not be able to back up their threats.

Tue Nov 28 08:41:39
There is no way. Gaza will be de-Hamasified, if Israel can get out hostages this is a win. The biggest mistake in this conflict is that Israel has been too nice and not crushed the Palestinian hopes of military victory. And in that time Palestinians reached maximum hatred for Israel. There is literally nothing Israel can do now that can make Palestinians hate Israel more than they already do. That is essentially cart blanch to do whatever it takes to eradicate Hamas physically. Then rebuild the place. However Gaza will need to be under strict supervision for a generation so that Islamist ideology does not take root again. UNRWA must not be allowed to operate in Gaza. There is no way out of this for Israel, but to take massive responsibility for these efforts. If they leave it up to the UN, all has been for nothing.
Tue Nov 28 08:48:56

I think you're under-estimatihg how badly the US is undermining the Israeli war effort.

The State Department, Congress, and Biden himself have been publicly and privately telling Israel that they can't keep doing what they're doing. And since we're the big aid backers, Israel is likely being forced to listen.

We are, to our shame, compelling Israel to shoot itself in the foot.
Tue Nov 28 11:44:09
Rugina: ”they are releasing terrorists who attacked Jews ”

233 of the 300 Palestinian hostages that Israel has okayed for release has not been convicted of anything. They are kids, teenagers.


Yesterday, Israel had released 117 Palestinians that they have held hostage. Meanwhile, Israel has taken 116 new Palestinian hostages on the West Bank the past days. Israel has also shot and killed Palestinians on the West Bank, including children.
Tue Nov 28 11:58:11
In 10 years everyone will be a religious jew. Those who don’t get killed will be our slaves.

Tue Nov 28 11:59:08
So says the Children of Light.
Tue Nov 28 13:56:31
I am surprisingly optimistic.
Tue Nov 28 14:47:15
Rugian is correct. The PR disaster of Israel engaging hamas after accepting a temporary truce and hamas giving up kidnapped victims would be too much to do.

Israel has no choice now but to negotiate with hamas for the remaining kidnapped victims and then treat hamas as a legitimate government by holding peace talks.

Wed Nov 29 02:47:01
If that is the case, the Israel project is dead. The size of US aid to Israel must be viewed in relation to the existential reality that they are facing and have been reminded of.

Israel's GDP is 488 Billion/year, on average you have given them 3.5 billion in aid/year. That is 0,7% of their GDP. I'm sure the recent package is important, but the be or not be of that package is in the context of what is at stake, as such it's a non-sequitur, you will fight with forks and your nails if you think your survival is at stake.

I also don't understand this "PR disaster" stuff. Israel has been in state of PR disaster for 90% of its existence. It has almost as many UNHCR (human rights) resolutions condemning it, as the rest of the countries *combined*. In 2022 UN general assembly passed 15 resolutions on Israel and 13 for the rest of the world. This is not a new reality they suddenly have to deal with.
Wed Nov 29 05:00:41
Our martyrs die for a reason, we need to win the propaganda war, look at those Americans rooting for our cause:


Last night the Oakland City Council voted on a resolution to call for a ceasefire.

A city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas.

This was the reaction…
Wed Nov 29 05:59:09

"I also don't understand this "PR disaster" stuff."

The PR disaster isn't about being bad, it's about being impotent. If Israel's neighbors don't fear it, then Israel is finished.

Wed Nov 29 07:23:48
That makes even less sense. Then again, you also thought Israels neighbors could just march in and overpower the country like lemmings/zombie hordes without weapons.
Wed Nov 29 07:32:54

They could. And they could arm themselves once they are inside. There aren't that many Israelis, and even fewer of fighting age and disposition.

Short of going nuclear several times over at short range, they would be overrun.

Wed Nov 29 07:52:23
lol :) you are so sweet, remind me of how my kids think, "My dad can beat your dad, because my dad is taller".
Wed Nov 29 10:24:13

Persians are not a tall lot, so I doubt it.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 29 15:41:58

London cancells Hanukkah display. After importing way too many muslum terrorists, UK fears angering them by erecting jewish symbols.

Good job seb.
Thu Nov 30 07:16:12
Oh what the fuck is this absolutely cuckery.

"In a last-minute move, Israel and militant group Hamas agreed to extend their truce through Thursday, allowing for the release of more hostages held in the Gaza Strip.

The agreement came from Qatar’s Foreign Ministry, which has been mediating the truce negotiations, just minutes before the ongoing truce was set to expire. Extensions are contingent upon existing conditions set by the initial truce, including Hamas releasing 10 Israeli hostages per day in exchange for the release of 30 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel prisons.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the extension.

“The operational pause will continue in light of the mediators’ efforts to continue the process of releasing the hostages and subject to the terms of the framework,” the IDF wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Israel said the truce can be extended until Hamas no longer agrees to release hostages. But, the government emphasized that they would go back to bombarding Gaza if the militant group decides to end the releases.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken returned to Israel Thursday for the third time since the fighting broke out on Oct. 7, in hopes of extending the cease-fire in Gaza.

“From day one, we have been focused relentlessly on trying to secure the release of hostages from Gaza, from Hamas,” he said in remarks with Israeli President Issac Herzog. “And we have seen over the last week the very positive development of hostages coming home, being reunited with their families, and that should continue today.”

He added that the truce “is producing results” in releasing hostages and getting humanitarian aid into Gaza. Blinken said he hopes it will continue.

The Associated Press reported that negotiations between Israel and Hamas are growing tougher as the militant group has released most of the women and children held captive. The militants have signaled that they may want more in exchange for releasing the men and soldiers taken hostage, the AP noted."

Thu Nov 30 07:19:38
"The militants have signaled that they may want more in exchange for releasing the men and soldiers taken hostage, the AP noted."

How the fuck is HAMAS allowed to be in the driver's seat of these negotiations?!?!?!?!

They massacred over a thousand people. The only "negotiation" here should be that Hamas should be forced to immediately release all hostages and surrender, and MAYBE Israel doesn't kill their families in exchange.

The West has grown so weak that it literally can't fight wars anymore. We're doomed.
Thu Nov 30 07:58:54

"Hamas should be forced to immediately release all hostages and surrender"

How do you intend to accomplish this?

Hamas isn't going to agree to this, so baring rescue, it pretty much guarantees the majority of hostages will be killed, either by IDF action, or by Hamas, or disease and starvation or retained indefinitely.

" and MAYBE Israel doesn't kill their families in exchange."

Israel is going to do that anyway.

Many of the women and children held by Israel are families of people accused of terrorism held indefinitely under administrative detention.
Thu Nov 30 08:03:25

They said they are putting it up and then taking it down because they think it will be vandalised.

Anyway, bless, you getting all worked up about hate crimes while consistently stoking, er, hate crimes.
Thu Nov 30 08:05:15
Also, why are they worried about vandalism and why can't they protect against vandalism?

Because of massive public sector funding cuts - you know, getting rid of all that bureaucracy you keep going on about.

Surely this is one for the private sector to pick up, if the council isn't willing to do a big Hanukah decoration funded on taxpayer pounds (or, perhaps I should say, pennies).
Thu Nov 30 09:30:05

Israel could have made the tough choice to write off a few hundred hostages today in exchange for permanently ridding itself of an existential and implacable enemy.

Instead Israel* decided to consign itself to a permanent future of being attacked again and again every few years and suffering further hostage takings designed to compel them into further concessions.

Hamas is being rewarded for its behavior on October 7. It has officially found a new modus operandi. The damage to Israel will far outweigh the benefits of today's hostage recovery.

* Israel, as no doubt compelled by the shithead Biden administration and the anti-Semitic fifth column that is the permanent bureaucracy in the State Department. We officially have a president and SoS who sides with the enemies of civilization.
Thu Nov 30 09:31:15
By the way, so much for your (laughable) vision of a post-Hamas Palestinian state.

Through the fuckery of your fellow international leftists, they're as entrenched in Gaza as ever.
Sam Adams
Thu Nov 30 16:15:13
"Anyway, bless, you getting all worked up about hate crimes while consistently stoking, er, hate crimes."

I only encourage hate crimes against groups that really ask for them seb. Just and equitable, i'd say.
Thu Nov 30 20:05:15

"It has officially found a new modus operandi."

This is hardly new. Just a larger scale.

Sam Adams
Fri Dec 01 00:41:45
Looks like meats back on the menu boys!!
Fri Dec 01 00:50:20

Yes, that's what everyone who commits hate crimes say.
Fri Dec 01 00:50:35
It's what makes them hate crimes.
Fri Dec 01 01:42:08
"According to leaked remarks from today’s war cabinet meeting, attended by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Blinken told Israel it cannot operate in southern Gaza in the way it has done in the north — a presumed reference to the heavy air bombardment and crushing ground operation — and indicated that Israel has weeks, not months, to complete its declared mission of destroying Hamas.

Blinken’s reported remarks are quoted only in Hebrew translation by Channel 12 news, and have been translated back into English here:

Blinken: You can’t operate in southern Gaza in the way you did in the north. There are two million Palestinians there. You need to evacuate fewer people from their homes, be more accurate in the attacks, not hit UN facilities, and ensure that there are enough protected areas [for civilians]. And if not? Then not to attack where there is a civilian population. What is your system of operation?

IDF Chief Herzi Halevi: We follow a number of principles — proportionality, distinction, and the laws of war. There were instances where we attacked on the basis of those principles, and instances where we decided not to attack, because we waited for a better opportunity.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: The entire Israeli society is united behind the goal of dismantling Hamas, even if it takes months.

Blinken: I don’t think you have the credit for that."

Fri Dec 01 04:09:36
"Blinken: I don’t think you have the credit for that."

These people are completely detached from reality on the ground and as perceived by Israel, this is an existential threat and a matter of the physical safety of Israeli citizens.

Some of our dear posters got the magnitude of the attack (and thus the response and impetuous of Israel), terribly terribly wrong, but that was in the opening days. For the Biden Admin to get it wrong now, that is utter delusion, denial of reality and likely more mental disorders.

Extensive bombing of southern Gaza, area around Rafa and Khan Younis, in response to rocket attacks out of Gaza.

Combat operations have resumed.
Fri Dec 01 04:21:11
I would tell you to have faith, but you don't even need faith. It is completely a rational conclusion, there is no way for Israel to stop that does not include the physical removal of Hamas from Gaza.

Let us not fall down the pit of despondence.
Fri Dec 01 08:25:13

Israel knew of Hamas attack plan more than a year ago: NYT Report

Israel knew about a Hamas plan to strike the nation more than a year before the militant group launched its deadly surprise attack on Oct. 7, The New York Times reported.

According to the Times, Israeli military and intelligence officials saw the plan as ambitious and thought it would be too hard for Hamas to pull off.

The Times said a document, code-named “Jericho Wall” by Israeli authorities, laid out an incursion like the one that sparked the current war between Israel and Hamas but did not point to a date for the attack. However, it did reportedly outline an assault that had an aim to overpower fortifications around Gaza amongst other actions.

Hamas’s assault last month followed the plan quite closely to the blueprint, which was distributed on a large scale amongst Israeli military and intelligence leaders, the Times noted.

Israel’s military and the office in charge of counterterrorism in Gaza declined to comment to the newspaper on its reporting.

Israel on Friday restarted combat operations after a weeklong truce in Gaza, with fighter jets hitting the territory minutes after the truce expired.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the conflict resumed again because Hamas had violated the temporary truce and didn’t meet “its obligation to release all of the women hostages today and has launched rockets at Israeli citizens.”

Hamas’s attack on Israel last month resulted in the deaths of 1,200 Israelis, according to officials. Retaliatory Israeli combat operations have resulted in the deaths of over 13,300 Palestinians, with about two-thirds of them being women and children, the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry has said.

Sam Adams
Fri Dec 01 10:53:29
"Yes, that's what everyone who commits hate crimes say. "

Indeed. Now you understand why wars happen. Two sides hate eachother and want to kill eachother.

One side is correct however, the other is not.
Fri Dec 01 17:55:18
Fuck Blinken. Thank God Israel found its fucking balls and resumed the war. Didn't think they would. Glad to be wrong.
Sam Adams
Fri Dec 01 21:02:09
Dems are, at heart, cucks.

Keep in mind most dems wanted to capitulate pretty rapidly after 9/11.
Sat Dec 02 07:18:45

Well it's not like we accomplished much in 20 years of war.

Sat Dec 02 08:36:27
We were always half-assing it in Afghanistan. Especially after GWB refocused his attention onto avenging his daddy in Iraq.
Sat Dec 02 10:57:21

We could have dropped a Tomahawk cruise missile on the head of each individual enemy fighter we killed in Iraq and Afghanistan (~ 130,000 killed), and saved a ton of money in the process.

At an estimated $2 trillion in direct costs, meaning actual spending, not including economic loss or taking care of our veterans and such ... that works out to > $15 million for every enemy combatant killed.

We simply don't know how to war anymore.

Sat Dec 02 11:57:44
Well murder, when you're right you're right.
Sam Adams
Sat Dec 02 12:41:41

Oh fuck ya.

Sound on for greatest viewing enjoyment.
Sat Dec 02 18:35:44
Why are Arab women so damn attractive.
Sun Dec 03 10:52:12

Exactly my point. Your mentality causes conflict and wars and it's the source of much that is wrong with the world.
Sam Adams
Sun Dec 03 14:32:32
My mentality also wins wars. Your softness allows the enemy to cuck you forever, neville.
Sun Dec 03 14:59:51
Sam, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the racial supremacist side lost the US civil war, racial supremacists got surprised by Japan wat pearl harbour when it turned out they could fly after all, then the countries that were fighting to impose a racial supremacist world order lost WW2, and the racial supremacist factions seeking to perpetuate the European colonial empires fought and lost a whole series of wars trying to maintain economically unviable colonies based on flawed assumptions of racism superiority.

Your mentality does not win wars, rather it starts and loses pointless and avoidable wars that make absolutely no sense because they get emotionally triggered by the idea of brown people doing things that contradict their world view.
Sun Dec 03 17:34:20

Meanwhile Sebs perpetuate wars around the world, so long as they are not on their doorstep. And cuck about "brown people"
Mon Dec 04 11:55:01

Define doorstep. I don't think the US has ever had one of those. The UK has of course, with US citizens funding it.
Mon Dec 04 12:06:53
"Define doorstep. I don't think the US has ever had one of those."

Well, even if we were to ignore Mexico, there was this one:

Mon Dec 04 12:13:17

Sam's mentality might be why wars happen, but your mentality is why the West will lose any wars that it attempts to fight against Sammites.

Being a part of a civilization requires you to have, you know, some pride in that civilization? But not you. There are no good guys or bad guys in the world; everyone essentially has the same mindset as you and can be brought over to your side with a couple decades of international conferences and McDonalds diplomacy.

It's no wonder why the West can't win even the wars it needs to win. Not when it's led by Sebbites who don't even understand what they are fighting for or against.

All conflicts are complex, but to the extent that any conflict has two sides who can be characterized as good and evil, it's this one. Israel is the good side and deserves our support; Hamas is the evil one and it (and its supporters) should be utterly destroyed.

But to a modernist like you, such Manichaeist characterizations are beneath you. You literally can't comprehend who should win and who should not. The problem is that you are fighting against people who DO believe in what they're all about. And that's why they will ultimately defeat you, every time. Because they have belief, and you don't.
Sam Adams
Mon Dec 04 13:23:13
"racial supremacist"

I dunno about supremacy, but i can point to a few groups who are clearly fuckups.

The fact that you think all humans are equal simply points to your naivety.
Mon Dec 04 15:06:19

"but your mentality is why the West will lose any wars that it attempts to fight against Sammites."

This is rich coming from the guy who is actively advocating to lose a proxy war against Russia, the epitome of Sammite thinking.

I have a great deal of pride in our civilization. It is you and Sam that seem to utterly hate it and try to disown vast chunks of it.

"There are no good guys or bad guys in the world;"

This is hilarious, you spend decades complaining that you get bracketed by people like me on account of how you identify with all the most hateful, narrow minded ghastly ideologies that have been on the losing side of Western cultures internal struggles, and then say I think there are no good guys and bad guys.

"everyone essentially has the same mindset as you and can be brought over to your side with a couple decades of international conferences and McDonalds diplomacy."

You've literally spent the last decade bitching at my support for liberal interventionism!

"but to the extent that any conflict has two sides who can be characterized as good and evil, it's this one"

I'm afraid I have to disagree. Especially now Israeli mainstream newspapers are debunking a lot of what was attributed to Hamas.

Yes, Israel has a right to defend itself. Yes, Hamas needs to be destroyed and regime change in Gaza.

No, that does not mean the Israeli Cabinet can indulge in schemes they have openly discussed including:
* Deliberate starvation of civilians to ethnically cleanse Gaza
* Thinning the population to the maximum extent
* Annexing northern Gaza

These are not extrapolations, these are things the most senior military figures and cabinet politicians have said, including the prime minister.

That's even before the broader historical context is taken into account.

I want Hamas destroyed and regime change, but I'm not giving a green light to blatant acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing. We bombed the shit out of Serbia for less than what Israel is doing (and I supported the fuck out of that, just to remind you).

I know exactly where I stand on these issues and can defend that from first principles.
Mon Dec 04 15:07:13

Got your caranial calipers and everything!
Sam Adams
Mon Dec 04 15:10:50
IQ tests and crime stats are sufficient, seb.
Sam Adams
Tue Dec 05 13:40:28
Hamas positions around their southeastern strongholds are broken. Palestinians flee en mass.
Sam Adams
Thu Dec 07 14:43:56
One of the big hamas spokesmen just got schlonged and left-wing and other hamas accounts are real butthurt. Lol.
Sat Dec 09 06:46:17
Time is on our side^^

Sun Dec 10 10:59:17
The son of Israel's ex-army chief Gadi Eisenkot, who is currently a minister in the country's war cabinet, has been killed in Gaza, the military says.

Contrast that with Hamas sending their own children out from Gaza and themselves fleeing. Same thing in the Islamic republic, all their own children and wives frolicking in Canada, Dubai or Turkey.

Israeli leaders send their own children to die on the front, because otherwise there is no Israel.

Nuff said.
Sun Dec 10 11:20:42
A lot of hamas is surrendering. But some people are claiming the images are staged and its civilians being noted as hamas for propaganda purposes. Sorta impossible to know because hamas hides among civilians.
Sun Dec 10 19:31:22

Pretty good article on why hamas is more anti Semitic than the nazis ever were. Biggest piece of evidence? The nazis actively worked to hide the existence of its genocide machine because they understood they were breaking international laws. Hamas video tapes itself and then posts to social media their genocidal acts because they don't think trying to wipe out the Jewish race is breaking any laws.
Sun Dec 10 23:11:16
▶️ Watch this reel

Sums up my POV well.
Sun Dec 10 23:11:36
▶️ Watch this reel
Mon Dec 11 14:09:54
Israel: we decided to put Palestinians in gas chambers.

Congress: here is Zyklon B gas.

Blinken: Israel assured us they will use gas for cooking only.

Biden: We expect gas chambers not to be overcrowded. We will provide humanitarian last meal.

CNN: Israel is defending itself.

Arab leaders:

EU leaders: whatever US says.

NYT: a million Palestinians allegedly die from fume inhalation.

@AuschwitzMuseum: blocked you.

Ivy League Jewish students: we are the real victims. Nothing compares to the horrors we endured when students chanted “free Palestine”.
Mon Dec 11 14:21:57
Heartbreaking testimony of how Israeli soldiers and tanks killed civilians on October 7.

”but but but… it wAs da Hamas who killed da jews!!” — Obaminated

Mon Dec 11 17:12:41
Lol, parafag forgets we already have talked about the hannibal doctrine. And on October 7th, if hamas was surrounded by the Israeli army, those Israeli hostages we as good as dead. Thankfully one was saved from (more) rape, torture and mutilation.
Mon Dec 11 18:21:28
Honestly both sides seem like assholes.

But remember

If they are black it's a gang.

If they are Italian it's mob.

If they are Jewish, it's a coincidence, and you should never EVER speak of it.
Mon Dec 11 18:22:20
That said they keep Iran down....whoever they are.

That buys points in my book.
Mon Dec 11 18:22:58
Atleast as long as they are ruled by the revolution government.
Wed Dec 13 12:06:44
From what I have read the Hannibal protocol only applies to military personal, no?
Wed Dec 13 13:49:21
It's a classified strategy. I think it's safe to assume it applies to everyone.
Sam Adams
Wed Dec 13 16:40:51
Journalism studies


Exactly what youd expect from us universities
Sam Adams
Thu Dec 14 10:04:35

Sebs imported muslums caught planning another terror attack. Again.
Thu Dec 14 12:02:58
I guess Denmark better ban some other forms of free speech expression.
Sun Dec 24 07:14:09
An early Christmas gift to the entire civilized world: over 20,000 terrorists have now been killed by Israel. A good start.

Sadly for the terrorist supporters who believe that Israel should reward the butchers of 1,300 of its citizens with their own independent state, the only thing they're getting this year is coal in their stockists.

Happy holidays to all (except those that side with Muslims).
Fri Dec 29 16:41:46
11 IRGC commanders killed at Damascus airport.

Tue Jan 02 13:06:25
Hamas deputy leader and founder Al-Arouri killed in Israeli strike on Beirut.

Let’s see if Hezbollah will keep their promise.
Tue Jan 02 14:33:01
The good thing is Israel doesn't need to launch a ground war against hezbollah to cripple that terrorist organization.
Wed Jan 03 00:45:46
That is 100% incorrect.

Hizballah is 10x as armed, manned, trained, and prepared than Hamas, and it has 10x the rockets that can reach even southern Israel. Not to mention that they have elite squads battle-hardened in the Syrian civil war. A war with them would necessarily drag a ground invasion in order to disarm their rockets. That is exactly what happened in 2006 second Israel-Lebanon war, and exactly what Hamas hoped would happen now. There is a small-scale attrition war now, Israel killed over 200 Hizballah that are bombarding Israeli agricultural towns on the border (all of which have been evacuated since October 7) which is far more than they expected, and the main reason a full scale war didn’t happen yet is that Israel showed that it’s serious by drafting reserves and the US sending its carrier group - simply put, Hasan Nasrallah, the Hizballlah leader, is fearing his own life and doesn’t really care about Gaza. But it can still happen very fast and very violently.
Wed Jan 03 00:52:55
(Also, the economy in Lebanon now is horrendous and a war would be very unpopular and may drag Hizballah into a civil war if the rest of Lebanon / the army, the Christians and Druze, the moderates, etc) decide that they are too much of a burden)
Wed Jan 03 12:43:42
Nasrallah speech was meh. One the one hand he said a response will come *yawn* and on the other hand he was talking like they had already achieved so much.
Very much like Islamic republic TV has been calling neighborhood after neighborhood in Gaza (that is occupied) as the next "grave yard of the Zionists" since ground operations began. It's like drug induced hallucinations, minus the euphoria and drugs, just a sense of disconnect.
Wed Jan 03 12:44:26
Congo ...what ... WHAT .... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?


The “voluntary” resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza is slowly becoming a key official policy of the government, with a senior official saying that Israel has held talks with several countries for their potential absorption.

Zman Israel, The Times of Israel’s Hebrew sister site, has learned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition is conducting secret contacts for accepting thousands of immigrants from Gaza with Congo, in addition to other nations.
Wed Jan 03 13:23:36
This government is insane.
Hopefully the courts will order Netanyahu to quit due to conflict of interests in his corruption trials. The Supreme Court just today cancelled a parliamentary law made this year, that made it impossible to issue such an order
Wed Jan 03 14:13:28

I can't imagine Israel being able to pay enough for other countries to take them voluntarily. But it's good policy if they can pull it off.

Wed Jan 03 15:16:02
When you have exhausted all the sane options, there is only the insane ones left.
Wed Jan 03 16:48:47
I mean. Why not? Assuming it's a voluntary resettlement. I am sure there are plenty of moderate Palestinians who want to move away from the radicals. Resettle them.
Wed Jan 03 17:16:38
Perhaps 72 gorillas is better than 72 virgins
Wed Jan 03 18:05:34
Yeah I don't see how Israel realistically pulls the deportation of 2 million hostile Gazans off. One can dream though.
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