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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Climate Cult #2
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 28 07:15:54 (Documenting the effects not of "climate change" but of climate change propaganda on the mind of the Climate Cult — a subset of the leftist slave cult) Previous thread: http://uto...hread=92511&time=1705465746641 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 28 07:16:32 "Climate activists just saved the planet. They threw soup on the Mona Lisa." [January 27th, 2024] http://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1751567125297168756 via BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68121654 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Jan 28 14:27:36 “Climate justice” and “sustainability” economics just so “happen” to send Western wealth to BRICS+, which includes a growing coalition with, for instance, Pakistan. It increases global pollution by outsourcing clean(er) Western energy to BRICS+, which pollutes freely and sells the West the lie of “green” energy. So anyways, let’s see what this Pakistani man whom the White House appointee climate advisor has to say about the pollution “decrease” from the White House’s freeze on U.S. LNG exports: http://youtu.be/pG6FUBofql8?si=YUlh4UnYUdX5E5yB |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jan 30 08:46:28 Trans your kid for climate justice, or the state will take your kid away and trans your kid anyways. "Todd and Krista Kolstad had their 14 yr old daughter kidnapped in MONTANA by CPS and CPS is transitioning her now." [January 29th, 2024] http://twitter.com/robbystarbuck/status/1752057118499176772 Notice their statement's section on the medical facility coaching their child to transition. Hospitals receiving government funding under "sustainability" and DEI initiatives must demonstrate (as a sub-section on LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA) surgical emasculation and sterilization ("transgender affirming care") policies such as medicine/hormones, plastic surgery referrals or services, and counseling which has a pro-transition slant. ESG businesses also get additional investment dollars if their health plans refer their employees exclusively to these hospitals. Of counseling, the job of many of these people is literally to insist that people *should* transition. They get paid if you do (e.g., for the referral, to justify their position, via greater subsidies), and because it is a Politburo position by its very nature, only activists are meant to fill the position. That means that true believers will *only* council towards surgical emasculation and do not believe it's a debate: they are "affirming", not offering some kind of objective medical advice or a pro/con analysis. They start from the false premise that you are "trans" and tell you how to sterilize yourself. And, as a reminder, the Great Replacement is also in effect here. Q: What race is most likely to be transitioned? A: White people by a *large* margin. [UCLA; October 2016] http://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Race-Ethnicity-Trans-Adults-US-Oct-2016.pdf This is again because "sustainability" governance and the lie of "climate change" (weather cult) is about destroying Western sovereignty in favor of BRICS+ ascendance. Dysgenics programs such as abortion and surgical emasculation are a large part of this. My personal theory is that the large overlap between children with gender dysphoria and children with autism is due to these people being Ender Wiggin types (i.e., strategic empaths). Would there not be a value in making sure that your enemy's best strategists are spayed and neutered? |
Member | Tue Jan 30 09:55:38 Of course Cherub Cow supports the psycho controlling parents over the individual. Textbook behavior of someone who married their rapist. |
Member | Tue Jan 30 10:42:02 So... what does the perfect world look like to someone like Cherub Cow? As far as I can tell it has devolved over the years into cities covered in a dense, massive air pollution; nuking Brazil/Russia/India/China/South Africa; and crucifying non straight people and their friends? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Jan 31 07:34:32 Oh, look, the climate cultists have arrived. Please see thread #1 for why these climate cultists are experiencing cognitive dissonance right now, and always remember that they will never give tumblefucktard this kind of attention. And do note that Dukhat supports the state's right to take children away from their parents — above the parent's right to keep their 14-year-old daughter from being surgically emasculated. This is the psychopathy inherent in state credentialism. The leftist slave cult believes that the state's "experts" are their infallible gods. It does not occur to them that the Regime is merely doing what it must to secure its slaves ("[An expert in slavery says that slavery is good for you, actually!]"). They're in a cult. If you try to reason with them, they'll just start regurgitating their thought-terminating clichés about paying oligarchs money to change the weather. Even now, Hrothgar is too stupid to see how shortsighted his appeal to "pollution" is. He's one of these zoomer-brained ADD people who can't digest information if it's not in a TikTok video. I've already explained that "green" energy pollutes *more* but merely relocates pollution to BRICS+ nations while enslaving the West via the framework of the post-economic state (i.e., the West's useful idiots wrongly believe that "sustainability" is stopping global pollution while in actuality it *increases* it to BRICS' economic benefit). But he is in a cult. He simply thinks "green"="less pollution". That's where their minds stop. That's how easy it is to deceive them. And regarding a "perfect world" — ignoring for the moment that this is the Marxist's dialectic of "Utopia" (itself a principle of totalitarian annihilation via the "end of history"; "Utopia" is supposed to *mean* "Dystopia") — is the solution to pull an Andrew Tate and brag about owning 33 cars to Greta Thunberg? Of course not. Conservationism is not a left-wing issue. The simple reality is that conservationism needs to recognize that it still has enemies in the world. You cannot conserve your nation's resources by selling them to Chinese strip-miners, but this is what "sustainability" encourages. The infiltrators within our governments have explicitly repealed laws which prevented the West from going down this suicidal path. For instance, a late '90s bill recognized that energy transitions away from oil needed to be robust and needed to occur only with a phased stand-down with rivals such as Russia and China. This law was repealed, meaning that the West could downgrade its energy in a suicide pact while BRICS+ could do the exact opposite — selling the West its own energy in the process. (I looked through my references for these bills, but I'll need time to locate them.) Direct things that can be done: • Stop funding slave castes (abolish DEI) • Stop promoting "equity" • Stop promoting migration to the West • Only mine "green" minerals locally (i.e., in Western nations) to bear the true cost of pollution and production. • Stop supporting the "Global South" • Begin mass deportations of non-Europeans from the West with exceptions granted only based on sovereign purview. If your logic is based in NIMBYism (as is the structure of "sustainability"), then a great way for the West to decrease its pollution is to start deporting non-Europeans to their ancestral nations. If your logic is *not* based in NIMBYism and is truly concerned with *global* pollution, then you should oppose "sustainability", since it increases world pollution by moving it to debt-torn regions with no pollution-regulating oversight (e.g., China's belt-and-road). If you support depopulation to reduce pollution, then you should probably be asking why the West is the major focus of these Malthusian psychopaths. Why not reduce the population of Indians and Chinese and allow the population of Europeans to maintain its equilibrium without the lie of "we need infinity migrants for GDP"? But these questions lead back to the true answers: this ideological consistency does not exist for the left because the left has been weaponized as a slavish death cult on behalf of those who mean to destroy the West. This has nothing to do with pollution; it's about toppling Western societies. This isn't about you smelling your own farts while using a paper straw; it's about a Chinese multi-national company wanting exclusive access and distribution rights to a Congolese lithium mine so they can sell your farts back to you in the form of a Tesla or a Toyota battery. |
Member | Wed Jan 31 08:17:22 Cherub Cultist calling someone else a cultist is like Harvey Weinstein calling someone else a rapist. |
Member | Wed Jan 31 08:33:48 CC We can agree that the state forcefully intervening to help sex change a child is wrong. I'm curious what that has to do with climate policy or activism though. |
iChihuaha | Wed Jan 31 09:24:08 Rugian It's all part of the same idea complex. http://twi...us/1719525047285744037/photo/1 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Feb 01 06:38:10 [Dukhat (Projection Bot)]: "[Dukhat] Cultist calling someone else a cultist is like Harvey Weinstein calling someone else a rapist." ftfy Some day Dukhat may stop projecting, but cultists really can't help themselves. ;p .. [Rugian]: "I'm curious what that has to do with climate policy or activism though." Nim's thread link is great if you haven't checked it already, Rugian. I'll just add to it. If you're short on time, just skip to the end and come back to the enclosed (-=-=-=-=-) section if you want more detail. -=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=- First, I explained what "woke" is here, though you've probably heard me say it in UP a thousand times: TLDR: Woke is slave morality. (Explained in just 773 words) "On a Trending Question: What Is 'Woke'?" [March 17th, 2023] http://che...trending-question-what-is-woke As a bit of trivia, if you look at Marxist literature you do indeed find that "woke" is highly related to intersectionality. But, the short version is that people who still call it "critical consciousness" and "intersectionality" are using the *language* of the Marxist literature. That is, they are using the left's own language, which means they are using euphemisms. Saying, "intersectionality"/"critical consciousness" instead of "slave morality" is like saying "intellectually disabled" instead of "retarded". Even Kenneth Minogue (mentioned in that Twitter thread) misses the connection between the oppressor/oppressed doctrines: all of these oppressor/oppressed frameworks come from slave morality and the Master–Slave dialectic. This is not some 19th century framework; it's the ancient strategy of the slave revolt, used, for instance, during the Roman Servile Wars and leading into Titus' sacking of Jerusalem. It was given a re-fresh through Hegel in the 1800s, clarified by Nietzsche, weaponized before WWI and WWII, and given further doctrines for Western applications via, for instance, Marcuse of the Frankfurt school. So what's the connection to climate change? "Sustainability" governance has three pillars: 1) Environment 2) Social 3) Economic This is the same thing as "ESG": E — Environmental S — Social G — Corporate Governance "Sustainability" comes directly from Marcuse (a Marxist) of the Frankfurt School. Notice that going from "sustainability" to "ESG" makes "economic" synonymous with "governance". This is because the overall strategy uses economics to govern. Sustainability is a framework designed to hijack Western economies via asset managers (it was launched by 14 asset managers with UN blessing in 2004 as a means of effecting ESG and SDGs). They do this with a binding of 8 lines of action that they need to control to effect it: 1) Analysts / Brokers 2) Investors / Asset Managers 3) Pensions trustees / Governments and Multilateral Agencies 4) Regulators / Stock Exchanges / Governments 5) NGOs 6) Consultants 7) Accountants / Educators 8) Companies So, how do Marxists convince people to adopt climate-change policy? They.. • Form a coalition of asset managers • Force conditions which create a merger of asset-manager interests with Western governments and which incentivize businesses to take on "safe" investments to weather economic storms (e.g., the 2008 crash, COVID lockdowns) • Use this asset-manager—government coalition to give themselves economic protections from losses and to seed "sustainability" and DEI within bills passed by legislatures (e.g., Dodd–Frank) • Begin leveraging NGO networks to seed "grassroots" activism for climate change propaganda (Astro-turfed political movements). This subsequently is adopted by useful idiots. • Offer all large businesses too-good-to-be-true investment opportunities for adopting these exact same DEI/SDG principles, with all businesses then becoming further propagators of the strategy by themselves investing in NGOs and DEI groups. (This is viral-vector logic; all infected organisms become factories of the same virus.) Don't believe me or just want to test this? Pick almost any major business or organization — possibly even your own employer. Check their website for their "sustainability" and "DEI" pages. See if your health care package includes "affirming" services. See if their "climate commitments" include funding LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA businesses on their supply chain or otherwise only working with other "sustainability" businesses. They have to do that for that sweet sweet asset-manager nod and for subsidies from the captured government. -=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=- TLDR: Slave morality (ancient scheme) ⬇ Master–Slave dialectic (Hegelian refresh of slave morality in the 1800s) ⬇ Frankfurt School (post-WWII dialogue on how to apply slave morality to the West beyond Germany, (e.g., how to tailor the language, how to capitalize on Western weaknesses)) ⬇ Herbert Marcuse (saw conservationist movements and climate-change/pollution logic and "sustainability" as a means to effect slave morality in the West by over-empowering leftists and de-platforming the right-wing in Western nations through, e.g., "repressive tolerance") ⬇ SDGs (The UN's program for "sustainability", informed by Marcuse) ⬇ ESG/"sustainability" governance (The financial structure for funding slave morality in the West through climate policy) ⬇ Captured businesses, organizations, governments, **hospitals** (relevant here), energy sectors, schools/universities, entertainment (movies, games, etc.) — all adopt "sustainability" policies and propagate its tenants to earn subsidies and asset-manager investments. ⬇ DEI (Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity) (ESG's social imperatives; the means of effecting climate policy through mass propaganda which brings about slave castes by manufacturing their consent by appealing to their resentment for their own societies — they become change agents for the Regime) ⬇ Slave castes — LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA, leftist groups, nihilists, Last Men, NGO networks, "indigenous" people, government bureaucrats, leftist women, immigrants, etc. TLDR of TLDR In short, (and bringing it home for the subject of trans/surgical emasculation): Western "climate change" policy in its current form is not just some "let's stop polluting" logic. This comes directly from Bolsheviks who needed a scheme to collapse and thereby control the West. As a wedge for effecting a collapse, they are using climate policy. The delivery mechanism is ESG/"sustainability". "Sustainability" manufactures consent by creating funding structures for NGOs and DEI groups both locally/nationally and globally. At the government level, sustainability policies require the compliance of any organization receiving federal dollars (even federal contractors). For schools, this means they must be "affirming" of LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA identities. For hospitals, this means that they must fund services for DEI-groups such as "trans" people; this means that they must "affirm" "trans" people by offering surgical and chemical emasculation services. For businesses, this means that they must have health plans which refer to hospitals offering these services (further cornering the market in favor of "sustainability"). This is a whole-of-market capture. I.e., you have to trans your kid to change the weather. If this sounds crazy, it's because it is. But it's also true. |
large member | Thu Feb 01 08:33:31 CC You would think that the 34 trillion dollar debt in the US alone would be sufficient means to collapse the Western order without all that creative CT shit you insist on shoehorning into the same pathology. Or perhaps you would like to explain to me how 34 trillion increasing by 4 trillion a year can be resolved without the end of the Western order? |
large member | Thu Feb 01 08:36:07 I remember when I preached doom about the unsustainable debt increases in the US. 5 trillion increasing by 8% og gdp a year. Gasp. Clearly unsustaiable and that is the federal government alone. The housing sector is even worse. I hope nothing happens there. That would be less than ideal. Sub prime even. |
Member | Thu Feb 01 17:48:04 Title: The Blood Conspiracy In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where shadows whispered secrets and neon lights danced on the streets, two figures met in the dimly lit alleyways. One was known only as Biden, a mysterious figure cloaked in darkness. The other, Soros the Jew , was a shadowy enigma, their face obscured by a mask of anonymity. Their mission was sinister, their ambition boundless. They were architects of a global conspiracy, weaving a web of deceit that spanned continents. But their intentions were far from ordinary – they sought the lifeblood of the world, not from humans, but from a seemingly unsuspecting source: cows. For years, Biden and Soros the Jew operated in the shadows, orchestrating the clandestine abduction of new born babies from farms and ranches across the globe. They had perfected their method, leaving no trace behind as they drained the babies of their precious crimson fluid. To the outside world, it seemed like isolated incidents of kidnapping, but beneath the surface lurked a darker truth. As the conspiracy grew, so did their thirst for power and control. The blood of babies became their elixir, fueling their insatiable hunger for dominance. But amidst their reign of terror, a lone voice rose from the shadows – Cherub Cow, a fearless investigator with a heart of gold and a mind sharp as a blade. Cherub Cow had spent years chasing whispers and rumors, piecing together fragments of evidence scattered across the globe. With dogged determination, she followed the trail of destruction left in the wake of Biden and Soros the Jew , inching closer to the truth with each passing day. Finally, the moment of reckoning arrived. Cherub Cow uncovered the intricate web of deceit that Biden and Soros the Jew had woven, connecting the dots to reveal the true extent of their conspiracy. Armed with irrefutable evidence, she launched her assault on the heart of darkness, determined to bring their reign of terror to an end. The world watched in awe as Cherub Cow's revelations shook the foundations of society. News of the conspiracy spread like wildfire, igniting a firestorm of outrage and disbelief. People rose up in protest, demanding justice for the innocent creatures whose blood had been stolen in the name of greed. In the end, Biden and Soros the Jew were unmasked, their identities laid bare for all to see. They stood before the world, stripped of their power and influence, as the weight of their crimes came crashing down upon them. Justice had been served, but it was Cherub Cow who emerged as the true hero of the story. Her bravery and tenacity had brought an end to the blood conspiracy, restoring hope to a world on the brink of despair. Cherub Cow was hailed as a beacon of light in a sea of darkness, her name spoken with reverence and admiration by all who had witnessed her triumph. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting its golden rays upon a world forever changed, Cherub Cow stood tall, knowing that she had made a difference – that she had saved not only the babies, but the very soul of humanity itself. |
Member | Thu Feb 01 17:52:49 Wtf, I told it to write 1000 words and all I got was 500 |
Member | Thu Feb 01 17:56:49 Also, I told it to say Cherub the Cow. Fucking AI |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Feb 02 04:16:39 Oh look, another slack-jawed faggot (wtb) has arrived to the thread to show how totally "not" in a cult he is. And, naturally, he's one of these halfwits who uses A.I. writing programs. Earthpig similarly demonstrated such faggotry and even used some of the same prompts (e.g., the insistence that A.I. identify the prompt as "conspiracy theory" — a thought-terminating cliché used by totalitarian sycophants as per Lifton's writings on thought reform in Maoist China). A.I. usage is almost an admission that wtb and ep are too pathetic to write what I can write. It must suck especially for wtb, since he claims that he completed a PhD yet is borderline illiterate and seems to suffer from immense ADD. I would bet that he's one of these mental weaklings whose P.I. felt that he was so insufferable that he kicked him out at the master's level just to save him a couple years of wasted drugs that would never be strong enough to inspire virtue in his worm-like nature*. These sorts of Ritalin addicts damaged their livers and kidneys for little more than an IQ boost from 70 to 75. It never occurs to a worm that there are indeed beings far superior to them who are motivated and who can understand patterns more complex than that required to chase a new flavor in the dirt in which they're presently writhing. As for the "conspiracy theory" lie: all of this is the overt and stated policy of the asset managers. If you spend time reading corporate documents instead of just believing propagandists who tell you, "Green is good!" then you can see it for yourself (Disney's are the most organized http://impact.disney.com/esg-reporting/ ). Despite Dukhat's claims that I don't cite sources, I heavily cite these documents. Here's a 10,000-word article with hundreds of such sources: "The House Oversight Committee Discovers ESG A Look at the Legal Arguments Forming Around ESG" [Cherub Cow; July 11th, 2023] http://cherubcow.substack.com/p/the-house-oversight-committee-discovers So the Celebration Parallax lie told by leftists ("That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is") is simply not going to work. This *is* happening and it is *not* a good thing. TLDR: Wtb is such a fucking coward (like jergul) that he'll post here to alleviate his cognitive dissonance but say nothing of the sort to tumblefucktard, so I've gone ahead and fixed wtb's cowardice as I've fixed jergul's — by reposting the cowardly comment to tw's **42nd** thread exploring tw's media-induced Trump psychosis ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92564&time=1706841990243 ). Tw says some absolutely crazy things in those threads, but wtb seems totally fine with it — because wtb and tw are in the same leftist/slavish death cult. *(That or his P.I. pushed him through because he knew he'd successfully programmed and credentialed another dimwitted useful idiot.) |
large member | Fri Feb 02 04:29:56 Why is not the WESTERN ELITE PRIMING THE POPULATION TO EMBRACE SLAVERY AND INDUCED SERVITUDE USING UKRAINE'S VIOLENT MOBILIZATION TEMPLATE AS AN EFFECTIVE CASESTUDY? I had to use caps as it is the only way I can express crazy with sufficient enthusiasm. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Feb 02 06:45:24 European Central Bank's statement on 2024 climate objectives: [January 30th, 2024] http://twitter.com/Lagarde/status/1752324785822953497 Their 2024 plan document, which talks about their "sustainability" plans: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/climate/our-climate-and-nature-plan/shared/pdf/ecb.climate_nature_plan_2024-2025.en.pdf The European Central Bank's Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) strategies for investing in LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA causes: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/climate/our-climate-and-nature-plan/shared/pdf/ecb.climate_nature_plan_2024-2025.en.pdf • marking days by celebrating a variety of facets, including the International Day of People with Disabilities, International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, International Women’s Day and the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT); • having regular Inspiring Leaders talks (including speeches from World Bank Senior Vice President Sandie Okoro and Central Bank of Ireland Deputy Governor Ed Sibley); • participating in Frankfurt’s Christopher Street Day (Pride) parade; • making breast-feeding facilities available in all ECB premises; • instituting gender targets to increase our share of women at the ECB; • pilot on traineeships restricted to candidates on the autism spectrum (eligibility will be checked on the basis of a medical certificate confirming the autism diagnosis). • Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 02 08:14:06 Wtb should be publicly flogged for AI spam. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Feb 04 05:46:25 "What visionary leadership is needed for systems thinking, transformative solutions and global collaboration to build a more inclusive, prosperous and sustainable future?" [WEF; January 18th, 2024] http://www...rge-through-earths-new-normal/ See the connection again? Here: systems–transformative–global–inclusive–sustainable That is, ESG/"Sustainability" as an economic-governance framework requires Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE). This global "inclusion" means sending Western wealth to the "Global South" ("including" the *global* "oppressed" groups in this oppressor/oppressed slave revolt). "Transformative" comes from Transformative Learning Theory by the Marxist Paulo Freire, whose "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" dealt explicitly with the oppressor/oppressed binary ("Pedagogy of the Oppressed" (1968) https://envs.ucsc.edu/internships/internship-readings/freire-pedagogy-of-the-oppressed.pdf ). Freire's point is one that Aleksandr Dugin has similarly made: that a perpetual global slave revolt could be used to un-seat Western power since the graveyard spiral of the slave revolt favors those with the best "oppressed" narrative. For Freire, the major focus was on using education/indoctrination to effect this, and his plans are used today in, for instance, Social and emotional learning (SEL). To the left, SEL simply means being empathetic (e.g., "sharing is caring" to solve classroom squabbles), but to the Marxist this means empathizing more with the annihilators within the slave revolt than with one's own sovereignty. At this meeting, climate-cult propagandist and violent psychopath Al Gore, infamous for his 2006 fears of the Man–Bear–Pig, explains some of the totalitarian imperatives (36:20): (Key moments) • "We passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which is primarily a climate act." • "the heavy lifting [of the Act] is done by tax credits ... some of them actually open-ended" • Lula's election in Brazil furthered the global climate agenda • 40:50 — "Greenhouse gasses [are responsible for]... creating the droughts, and melting the ice, and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees, predicted to reach one billion in this century." • 41:00 — Gore cites Greta Thunberg as a positive example (lol) and even quotes her most pathetic speech ("blah, blah, blah") • 42:00 — "What do I say to these young activists that I train around the world?" • 43:10 — "We need to have a super-majority process instead of unanimity in the [Conference of the Parties] (COP)" The psychopath Gore believes that it is "climate change" creating these refugees (false) as opposed to climate-change policy (true), and he believes that more climate-change policy will reduce these refugees (false). The reality is that climate-change policy funds NGO networks which encourage and fund mass migration movements. This meddling in the "Global South" also de-stabilizes nations that can be exploited for "green" energy mining operations, causing people in the target nations to flee their own enslavement by Chinese multi-nationals. They flee to the West to escape this reformatting of their economies by, for instance, the IMF's debt-restructuring under "sustainability" principles. Also note that Al Gore expressly admits to funding NGOs and "[training]" climate activists, yet he pretends that these activists are grass-roots organizations rather than climate-cult puppets. The Inflation Reduction Act itself furthered the funding of these client groups to effect this puppetry, devoting millions to DIE causes such as indigenous groups and LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA networks. Lastly note the tyrant's appeal to mob rule (i.e., "super-majority process"). This is the same leftist appeal to changes of governance which bring about, for instance, a national popular vote. To first-order-thinking left-wing cultists, the simplicity of "one person, one vote" has a memetic ring to it, but mob rule directly facilitates the rule by oligarchs who control national/global propaganda — and the totalitarian oligarchs control nearly all propaganda. By applying this same strategy to the COP, the ESG/DIE West would further alienate BRICS+, since they would be effectively neutered in the COP, which would further incentivize the WWIII split between the West and BRICS+. The cynical conclusion would be that WWIII would be good for reducing the world population by several billion — and that that's one of their intentions. But, as I've said before, enabling Malthusian psychopaths of the climate-cult is just one aspect of this broader coalition of client groups. This is because the Malthusians would be most largely enabled in the West — *not* in BRICS+ where "sustainability" propaganda is not being funded so extremely. So, for instance, while a Western Malthusian such as Paul Ehrlich (author of 1968 "Population Bomb") might advocate for the sterilization of Indians after a visit to a crowded Indian city, what he'd get is almost exclusively White depopulation in the West, since White Westerners are far more likely to be targeted for extermination by this propaganda. This again lends credence to it being that the climate cult is acting on behalf of BRICS+ and of the asset managers pushing the scheme — rather than any Western interest. |
Member | Sun Feb 04 08:46:39 http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/common-logical-fallacies Cherub Cow in her entirety: 16 Common Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them Logical fallacies — those logical gaps that invalidate arguments — aren't always easy to spot. logical fallacies trying to fool a brain that's too smart to fall for it Click here to download our free introductory ebook on marketing psychology. While some come in the form of loud, glaring inconsistencies, others can easily fly under the radar, sneaking into everyday meetings and conversations undetected. Our guide on logical fallacies will help you build better arguments and identify logical missteps. Jump to: What a logical fallacy is Formal vs. informal fallacies Straw man fallacy Correlation/causation fallacy Ad hominem fallacy You can also listen to the top 10 below. What is a logical fallacy? Logical fallacies are deceptive or false arguments that may seem stronger than they actually are due to psychological persuasion, but are proven wrong with reasoning and further examination. These mistakes in reasoning typically consist of an argument and a premise that does not support the conclusion. There are two types of fallacies: formal and informal. Formal: Formal fallacies are arguments that have invalid structure, form, or context errors. Informal: Informal fallacies are arguments that have irrelevant or incorrect premises. Having an understanding of basic logical fallacies can help you more confidently parse the arguments and claims you participate in and witness on a daily basis — separating fact from sharply dressed fiction. 15 Common Logical Fallacies 1. The Straw Man Fallacy This fallacy occurs when your opponent over-simplifies or misrepresents your argument (i.e., setting up a "straw man") to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of fully addressing your actual argument, speakers relying on this fallacy present a superficially similar — but ultimately not equal — version of your real stance, helping them create the illusion of easily defeating you. Example: John: I think we should hire someone to redesign our website. Lola: You're saying we should throw our money away on external resources instead of building up our in-house design team? That's going to hurt our company in the long run. 2. The Bandwagon Fallacy Just because a significant population of people believe a proposition is true, doesn't automatically make it true. Popularity alone is not enough to validate an argument, though it's often used as a standalone justification of validity. Arguments in this style don't take into account whether or not the population validating the argument is actually qualified to do so, or if contrary evidence exists. While most of us expect to see bandwagon arguments in advertising (e.g., "three out of four people think X brand toothpaste cleans teeth best"), this fallacy can easily sneak its way into everyday meetings and conversations. Example: The majority of people believe advertisers should spend more money on billboards, so billboards are objectively the best form of advertisement. 3. The Appeal to Authority Fallacy While appeals to authority are by no means always fallacious, they can quickly become dangerous when you rely too heavily on the opinion of a single person — especially if that person is attempting to validate something outside of their expertise. Getting an authority figure to back your proposition can be a powerful addition to an existing argument, but it can't be the pillar your entire argument rests on. Just because someone in a position of power believes something to be true, doesn't make it true. Example: Despite the fact that our Q4 numbers are much lower than usual, we should push forward using the same strategy because our CEO Barbara says this is the best approach. 4. The False Dilemma Fallacy This common fallacy misleads by presenting complex issues in terms of two inherently opposed sides. Instead of acknowledging that most (if not all) issues can be thought of on a spectrum of possibilities and stances, the false dilemma fallacy asserts that there are only two mutually exclusive outcomes. This fallacy is particularly problematic because it can lend false credence to extreme stances, ignoring opportunities for compromise or chances to re-frame the issue in a new way. Example: We can either agree with Barbara's plan, or just let the project fail. There is no other option. 5. The Hasty Generalization Fallacy This fallacy occurs when someone draws expansive conclusions based on inadequate or insufficient evidence. In other words, they jump to conclusions about the validity of a proposition with some — but not enough — evidence to back it up, and overlook potential counterarguments. Example: Two members of my team have become more engaged employees after taking public speaking classes. That proves we should have mandatory public speaking classes for the whole company to improve employee engagement. 6. The Slothful Induction Fallacy Slothful induction is the exact inverse of the hasty generalization fallacy above. This fallacy occurs when sufficient logical evidence strongly indicates a particular conclusion is true, but someone fails to acknowledge it, instead attributing the outcome to coincidence or something unrelated entirely. Example: Even though every project Brad has managed in the last two years has run way behind schedule, I still think we can chalk it up to unfortunate circumstances, not his project management skills. 7. The Correlation/Causation Fallacy If two things appear to be correlated, this doesn't necessarily indicate that one of those things irrefutably caused the other thing. This might seem like an obvious fallacy to spot, but it can be challenging to catch in practice — particularly when you really want to find a correlation between two points of data to prove your point. Example: Our blog views were down in April. We also changed the color of our blog header in April. This means that changing the color of the blog header led to fewer views in April. 8. The Anecdotal Evidence Fallacy In place of logical evidence, this fallacy substitutes examples from someone's personal experience. Arguments that rely heavily on anecdotal evidence tend to overlook the fact that one (possibly isolated) example can't stand alone as definitive proof of a greater premise. Example: One of our clients doubled their conversions after changing all their landing page text to bright red. Therefore, changing all text to red is a proven way to double conversions. 9. The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy This fallacy gets its colorful name from an anecdote about a Texan who fires his gun at a barn wall, and then proceeds to paint a target around the closest cluster of bullet holes. He then points at the bullet-riddled target as evidence of his expert marksmanship. Speakers who rely on the Texas sharpshooter fallacy tend to cherry-pick data clusters based on a predetermined conclusion. Instead of letting a full spectrum of evidence lead them to a logical conclusion, they find patterns and correlations in support of their goals, and ignore evidence that contradicts them or suggests the clusters weren't actually statistically significant. Example: Lisa sold her first startup to an influential tech company, so she must be a successful entrepreneur. (She ignores the fact that four of her startups have failed since then.) 10. The Middle Ground Fallacy This fallacy assumes that a compromise between two extreme conflicting points is always true. Arguments of this style ignore the possibility that one or both of the extremes could be completely true or false — rendering any form of compromise between the two invalid as well. Example: Lola thinks the best way to improve conversions is to redesign the entire company website, but John is firmly against making any changes to the website. Therefore, the best approach is to redesign some portions of the website. 11. The Burden of Proof Fallacy If a person claims that X is true, it is their responsibility to provide evidence in support of that assertion. It is invalid to claim that X is true until someone else can prove that X is not true. Similarly, it is also invalid to claim that X is true because it's impossible to prove that X is false. In other words, just because there is no evidence presented against something, that doesn't automatically make that thing true. Example: Barbara believes the marketing agency's office is haunted, since no one has ever proven that it isn't haunted. 12. The Personal Incredulity Fallacy If you have difficulty understanding how or why something is true, that doesn't automatically mean the thing in question is false. A personal or collective lack of understanding isn't enough to render a claim invalid. Example: I don't understand how redesigning our website resulted in more conversions, so there must have been another factor at play. 13. The "No True Scotsman" Fallacy Often used to protect assertions that rely on universal generalizations (like "all Marketers love pie") this fallacy inaccurately deflects counterexamples to a claim by changing the positioning or conditions of the original claim to exclude the counterexample. In other words, instead of acknowledging that a counterexample to their original claim exists, the speaker amends the terms of the claim. In the example below, when Barabara presents a valid counterexample to John's claim, John changes the terms of his claim to exclude Barbara's counterexample. Example: John: No marketer would ever put two call-to-actions on a single landing page. Barbara: Lola, a marketer, actually found great success putting two call-to-actions on a single landing page for our last campaign. John: Well, no true marketer would put two call-to-actions on a single landing page, so Lola must not be a true marketer. 14. The Ad Hominem Fallacy An ad hominem fallacy occurs when you attack someone personally rather than using logic to refute their argument. Instead they’ll attack physical appearance, personal traits, or other irrelevant characteristics to criticize the other’s point of view. These attacks can also be leveled at institutions or groups. logical fallacy examples: Ad Hominem Fallacy Example: Barbara: We should review these data sets again just to be sure they’re accurate. Tim: I figured you would suggest that since you’re a bit slow when it comes to math. 15. The Tu Quoque Fallacy The tu quoque fallacy (Latin for "you also") is an invalid attempt to discredit an opponent by answering criticism with criticism — but never actually presenting a counterargument to the original disputed claim. In the example below, Lola makes a claim. Instead of presenting evidence against Lola's claim, John levels a claim against Lola. This attack doesn't actually help John succeed in proving Lola wrong, since he doesn't address her original claim in any capacity. Example: Lola: I don't think John would be a good fit to manage this project, because he doesn't have a lot of experience with project management. John: But you don't have a lot of experience in project management either! 16. The Fallacy Fallacy Here's something vital to keep in mind when sniffing out fallacies: just because someone's argument relies on a fallacy doesn't necessarily mean that their claim is inherently untrue. Making a fallacy-riddled claim doesn't automatically invalidate the premise of the argument — it just means the argument doesn't actually validate their premise. In other words, their argument sucks, but they aren't necessarily wrong. Example: John's argument in favor of redesigning the company website clearly relied heavily on cherry-picked statistics in support of his claim, so Lola decided that redesigning the website must not be a good decision. Recognize Logical Fallacies Recognizing logical fallacies when they occur and learning how to combat them will prove useful for navigating disputes in both personal and professional settings. We hope the guide above will help you avoid some of the most common argument pitfals and utilize logic instead. This article was published in July 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Feb 04 18:53:13 I was surprised for about half a second that Dukhat had actually posted something longer than a 140-character Tweet-length diarrhea thought, but it's just copy&paste spam that makes zero effort to point out any instance of how *I* employ those fallacies, so, yet again, this is Dukhat projecting and being another lazy false-premise Redditor. And Dukhat's consistently low-IQ posts are really sad if you take the hypothetical position that he's *not* just another UP multi account. If he is a real singular account being sincere with his weak messaging, it places him in the position of a retarded kid in a middle-school English class. You may remember this type: the type of person who could not comprehend textual evidence in his most excellent moment and instead said, "I'm just not good at English." Do we not see the consequence of that here? This is the consequence of "is/am weak" versus "can/must overcome weaknesses". -=-=-=- E.g., In the most absolutely basic middle-school English test, you're given a question and asked to respond to it in a complete sentence which re-states the question. This forces the student to engage with the actual material/question. Teachers have to do this because some students will completely mis-read the question and answer something completely unrelated. • Q: "Why did Gene jounce the tree branch off of which Finny was jumping? (Re-state the question in your response and use complete sentences.)" • Low-IQ Answer: "He broke the branch." (Doesn't answer the question, doesn't re-state, uses an unclear pronoun, and makes an incorrect statement showing the student didn't even understand the plot point.) • Acceptable answer: "Gene jounced the tree branch, causing Finny to lose his balance and shatter his leg from the fall because Gene's quiet competition with Finny had become resentful. Gene believed that he must defeat Finny as an "enemy" and from this error he betrayed his best friend, denying them both a chance to be free-spirited and improve each other — all out of Gene working from a place of sickly self-loathing and maliciousness rather than love and friendship." (Answers the question, re-states it in the answer, uses clear pronouns/names, offers additional information not provided in the question, offers insights.) -=-=-=- People such as seb, dukhat, jergul, tw, wtb, and ep are incapable of this simple exercise — an exercise demanded of children. Years ago, I had an argument with seb wherein he was misrepresenting my argument so tenaciously that I asked him to quote me and show his interpretation of my actual argument before responding to it. He couldn't sustain this for more than one or two comments before simply regressing to his misrepresentations — and this was *before* he had become so transparently bad faith. It becomes more and more clear that a major aspect of the climate cult is that many such people are incapable of even this basic level of self-examination. |
Member | Mon Feb 05 06:22:37 The most classic problem with mental illness has always been that the patient cannot fathom that they are ill. Its always been a classic symptom that they're convinced everyone else is insane. |
iChihuaha | Mon Feb 05 07:25:47 ^The guy who assaults mentally ill homeless people and the brags about it on the internet. |
Member | Mon Feb 05 11:00:16 ^ Guy who enables someone clearly mentally ill and actually subscribes to toxic masculinity and belongs in Iran and not a western democracy. |
Member | Mon Feb 05 11:00:20 ^ Guy who enables someone clearly mentally ill and actually subscribes to toxic masculinity and belongs in Iran and not a western democracy. |
Member | Mon Feb 05 11:00:46 Site is having a lot of issues, setting a lot of flags in my browser. |
iChihuaha | Mon Feb 05 11:52:41 Oh look the guy who had a celebratory meltdown when someones father died. The sad thing is that we can link to these threads, while the things you say are, obviously, hallucinations from the same minds that did those very things :-( |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Feb 18 05:05:51 Having your children hold your hand on your death bed after you pass on your legacy and teach them your values and the value of life is... "unsustainable" (i.e., the continuation of the species is.. unsustainable?): (TikTokker discovers the anti-value of idling alone, of living in a skyscaper sarcophagus, and of burning all wealth without a thought of the future) http://twitter.com/JoshLekach/status/1758794292058116586 This hearkens back to AOC getting in the news for her "[erm, this is so candid!]" videos in 2019 where she was trying to convince her followers in the West to not have children from inside her upscale D.C. condo: http://www.vox.com/2019/3/11/18256166/climate-change-having-kids "“Basically, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question: Is it okay to still have children?” [AOC] said." That's a hilarious Vox article, btw. The author pretends that conservatives latched onto AOC's quotation with reactions "predictably swift and hollow", but then goes on to pretend to have the middle ground.. by riding the line between anti-natalism and a neurotic cult-like fixation on arguments that ultimately *support* anti-natalism via psychic dread. That is, the author quietly knows that if you're afraid of the impact of climate change on the well-being of future children, then you'll probably become anti-natalist by default or otherwise produce anti-natalist Final Solutions to the Climate Change Question. The connection to the Great Replacement is relevant here, since, by the Regime's reckoning, the Final Solution to the Climate Change Question is White genocide to effect the annihilation of the West. And who is the author of this article? It's Vox' "Umair Irfan", a Pakistani man who lauds himself for his "climate change" articles. Pakistan is a BRICS+ hopeful ( http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/24/pakistan-seeks-brics-membership-despite-india-roadblock ) and thus has a vested interest in spreading climate-change propaganda in the West, because while the West adopts this propaganda BRICS+ evades it to become the West's "green" energy supplier. That is, many of these pro-"sustainability" journalists are effectively undeclared foreign agents. This Canadian TikTokker living in Toronto under the shadow of the CN Tower ( http://www.tiktok.com/@chlobow_to ) may not be so lucky as to have the explicit purpose of state propaganda, though her elevation to 40k followers may be her reward for producing it. She is another Zoomer inheritor of the Boomer selfishness of the past, where, for instance, public figures such as Sting would happily liquidate or donate their fortunes to society rather than be concerned with the prosperity of their own children. Auron MacIntyre explores this subject (February 12th, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnwHvaqNwvo ), following how the "bootstraps" logic of the Boomers morphed — at the societal level — into the expectation that offspring receive no resources/inheritance and must start from scratch. While this propaganda did not succeed on all boomers, the propaganda is inherited further by the climate cult Gen-X/Zoomers/Millennials, who not only do not plan for the future but actively prevent themselves from having one through self-selection from the gene pool. This propaganda-induced creation of disposable consumers with no future ensures a pool of easily disposed Kulaks. Endless trips to various coffee bars for new flavors replaces the sacred ritual of inheriting leadership roles in society. The greatest vision these Last Men have for society is making sure that their final possessions can be easily disposed and that their death certificate is not a burden for the medical examiner. This relates also to Biden's HHS Secretary "Admiral" Richard "Rachel" L. Levine recently putting out a video for Bike-Theft History Month: http://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1758516973745410407 https://www.hhs.gov/black-history-month/index.html "Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of Black communities." The HHS is another Regime apparatus of "health equity" in addressing "climate change" through medical programs which ensure funding be allocated above-all to the Regime's client groups: http://www.hhs.gov/blog/2022/08/30/year-one-of-the-office-of-climate-change-and-health-equity.html Again, the absurd connection between climate change and black communities and LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA communities makes perfect sense to the Regime, though you have to understand a few key Regime distortions: • Any negative weather event is blamed on climate change (e.g., heavy winter? light winter? too much rain? not enough rain? forest fire? no forest fire? — all climate change) • These communities being affected by "climate change" typically means being affected by "climate change" *policy* • The Regime's protected classes are therefore the canary in the policy coal-mine; the mass poverty created by climate-change policy must be hidden in part by funding those who would be affected by it, hence, if black communities will be impoverished even further by climate-change policy, then climate-change policy must bribe these communities with "equity" policies to hide these effects in the short term. In the long-term, the bribes will stop as the bottom falls out on the entire experiment. This necessarily funds the slave revolt in morality and the Bertrand de Jouvenel "High-low vs. middle dynamic", since these protected classes are bribed as Regime client groups, destroying the middle class and society at large. Sadly for these client groups, they are unlikely themselves to join the middle class, as the middle class shrinks for all ethnicities: http://www.statista.com/statistics/500290/share-of-us-middle-class-population-by-race-and-ethnicity/ Slave revolts do not result in mass prosperity but only mass death. The rush for those trapped in the dialectic is to achieve "Master" status, so only a few people become owners of fiefdoms, with the rest left in tribal squabbles — and those lines have already largely been drawn. Life itself is not "sustainable" for the slave cult because it is beyond them to imagine a world where they actually work not just for their own prosperity but for the prosperity of their children. This is a reason why the climate cult is so appealing to these nihilists, bureaucrats, and suicidal leftists: the climate cult anoints as its god the personification of Death, and Death is best served through annihilation of the self through trans-emasculation (LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA), through ideology which convinces them not to have children (climate psychosis), through the importation and funding of their enemies (DEI and mass-immigration), and through the destruction of their entire society's future ("sustainability" governance). The climate cult provides a perfect ideology for a nihilist: an ideology which rewards their laziness and inefficacy with promises that spending their days mutilating children and destroying society is all actually "good" because their endless shrugging of responsibility and their suicide helps their conquerors clear the land of their wretched bodies for an army of foreign slaves who ask even less of this gift of consciousness. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Feb 27 19:29:15 Another AOC moment of depopulation, this time from Joy Reid: "MSNBC’s JOY REID: “The U.S. has a population of 327 million people. Why do we need more kids?!” "“What’s the purpose?”" http://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1762177440405696964 They really do go right to Handmaid's Tale, as I pointed out here ( http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92637&time=1709043389515 ). And notice her inversion: she claims that closing the borders and having children would create slaves. No. It's the opposite. Secure borders and a population of sovereigns reduces slavery. Open borders, on the other hand, continuously drives down the cost of labor while demolishing sovereignty. This is, in fact, what was done with the importation of African slaves to the colonies and was the subject of Thomas Jefferson's diatribe against the English use of slavery in the colonies (e.g., https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery/ ). And Jefferson described the exact same slave revolt in morality that I talk about, btw. This is not a new thing: King George of Great Britain is "Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another." In other words, Jefferson was pointing out that King George was intentionally forcing the colonies to accept masses of slaves so that these slaves could be used to displace the sovereignty of the colonies in a slave revolt — killing the local "masters" (believing this would liberate them) while truly just empowering the one funding the slave revolt (King George and the Jewish slavers). This same strategy was used also by Lincoln. While many still believe the meme, "[Hur hur, the Civil War was about states' rights **to do what?** [i.e., to own slaves]", in reality, Lincoln was losing the War of Northern Aggression and used the propaganda of a slave revolt to turn the tide. The strategic hope at the time was that by creating a slave revolt at Southern farms while Confederate farm-owners were at war, the slaves would rape and murder the women and children left to defend the farms. The gamble that Lincoln took was that Northern slave-owning farms would not face this issue, and his hope was to send all slaves back to Africa once he had used them to secure his totalitarian government. He was, of course, misled, and he did not survive to send the slaves back. So in the Joy Reid case, she is being encouraged — as are many others — to dispossess the sovereignty of these United States by using a slave revolt which ultimately benefits mass immigration from BRICS+ nations (Mexicans are merely a segue as a client group to BRICS+). They believe that they are merely dispossessing White Westerners and that once they secure power that *they* will be the new sovereigns (e.g., in Reid's case she believes that black people will achieve sovereignty through the dispossession of Whites), but black people are themselves a client group that will be dispossessed. An end state of this strategy is a Congress of Bengali women telling blacks that they're asking for too much and having too many children and that the new American democracy was built on black supremacy which must be dismantled. A global slave revolt does not stop with a strategy of "the only way out is through". Even in Herbert's "Dune" fiction, it took 20,000 years for the slave revolt to re-address this original error. |
Member | Thu Feb 29 05:47:31 Appropriate thread for UP's beloved, never-employed 400-pounder: "American fast food, strong link to mental disorders" “Strong evidence shows that a higher intake of ultra-processed foods was associated with common mental disorders,” http://edi...isks-study-wellness/index.html |
Member | Thu Feb 29 14:08:14 The only thing about Cherub's rants is how virtually all of her idiot beliefs are the same as every other idiot's beliefs online. The social media algorithm is very real and easy to manipulate by kleptocrats to keep the mouthbreather demographic voting against their own interests. |
iChihuaha | Fri Mar 01 01:51:04 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Mar 01 04:30:40 Once again, Dukhat is fulfilling his role as UP's projection bot, since he himself is the mouth-breather who just regurgitates algorithm BS and can never seem to read or write more than a sentence or two. I, meanwhile, am telling UP things that no one else is saying. Notice for instance, that I have been pointing out the roots of woke ideology as slave morality since at least 2016, but have people in the online right figured it out yet? Largely no. Even in the online circles that I frequent, people still have not figured it out, much less do they know that sustainability governance is funding it. You can find dozens of figures who think that it's "critical consciousness" or "intersectionality", but this is exactly the sort of algorithmic thinking that ensnares a Dukhat-type. It is simply beyond belief to a low-IQ Dukhat-type that my knowledge came from being extremely well read offline as opposed to Dukhat's preference for just spending time within the left-wing cult of Reddit. Those Redditors are the result of many such modern weakling academics who only read the abbreviated assignments but never the web of referenced works and therefore only knew the simulacrum of simulacra. To a leftist, it is a struggle just to appear in class having browsed the cliff notes, so the very idea of someone who read all of the material, read the unabridged and related material, and even read the professor's published material before the first class... it just seems impossible to them. Why would a weakling want to research the political perspectives of their professors, after all, when writing a paper is difficult enough for them? And williamthecoward's attempts at insults do not even make sense since they're not connected to anything real. For instance, if I were interested in insulting williamthecoward, I'd leverage something known about him, like that he's illiterate and cognitively impaired. Thus, an insult would leverage his illiteracy and mental impotence to point out how "strange" it is that williamthecoward can never demonstrate the academic knowledge that he supposedly amassed at university. That is, I could call williamthecoward a fraud, and the insult fits since it follows from what is known about him. As an Idiocracy lead/follow/g.o.o.t.w. meme, his P.I. probably told him, "Publish or perish," and williamthecoward chose to perish. But williamthecoward seems to be attempting an insult by saying that someone is a "never-employed 400-pounder" with a "higher intake of ultra-processed foods"? What? This certainly does not follow from any fact pattern about *me*. Is it meant for Dukhat? Or did wtb again channel his cowardice and post things here to evade any challenge of tumbleweed's threads? I could definitely picture tumbleweed driving around a work truck filled with fast-food wrapping and copy&pasting the latest Trump outrage.. but me? Wut? I've given very few details about myself in these forums, but I *have* revealed details about my job, diet, and exercise habits which completely undermine his attempt. So his insult ends up revealing still further that he is mentally impaired and just maundering in the stupor that his likely abuse of Ritalin brought him. I've pointed it out too many times, but williamthecoward's ideology chose *him*, as do the ideologies of many such weaklings. |
iChihuaha | Fri Mar 01 06:14:13 Triathlons for fun, is what I remember CC saying a few threads ago. So, at 400 pounds that would be quite the achievement. Meanwhile, we know for a fact that WTB pontificates about feline intelligence, lost his patience with a homeless mental patient after LARPing social worker, and indeed he has admitted to evading taxes and asked for advice about this. How do we know this? Because WTB told us, we can reference the threads. By his own admission, WTB is a terrible human being, legally and physical as a citizen. For these reasons, and many more, he needs to come to UP and pretend like he is better than everyone else and just make shit up often in total opposite, because he is total garbage IRL. On top of being a garbage human being, he is about as uneducated as a person can be, while still being literate. There is an additional thing to be commented here, there are two posters that have gone off on psychotic outburst involving my wife, Dukhat and WTB (honorable mentions Paramount, who also seems obsessed with my wife, but he remembers that picture of her in the hotpants, so I don't blame him). It reeks of incel jealousy. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Mar 01 07:28:09 If they could read, they'd be pretty upset right now ;) |
Member | Fri Mar 01 08:25:39 Shut the fuck up Nimtardo. All you have is personal attacks so you can enable some piece of shit mentally-ill racist cat lady who doesn't know how to use the internet. |
iChihuaha | Fri Mar 01 10:59:24 Stop with the personal attacks you piece of shit! Classic Dukhat. Meanwhile, then one time I took him seriously, in a thread about solar panels, he produce glitching NPC dialogue about global warming, ultimately admitting he didn’t read anything I had said. The fact that I belong to the same specie as wtb and dukhat, is a personal insult. God have mercy on you, should our paths ever cross. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Mar 03 04:00:56 [Nim]: "The fact that I belong to the same specie as wtb and dukhat, is a personal insult" Lulz. It reminds me of the Internet adage that goes that when someone is more than two standard deviations beneath you, communication is basically impossible. Add to that the midwit meme, and you can see how someone such as Dukhat is probably sitting at about a 90 IQ and wtb maybe a 92. So Dukhat/wtb is just "smart" enough to regurgitate whatever the Regime dogma is, but he's too stupid to explain why he agrees with it. It's the same thing with tw. He could go on and on about hating Trump and can list the Regime's propaganda, but he cannot think two steps ahead to the consequences of the Regime's dogma, and he cannot understand why he has adopted this dogma. There is no meta-thinking involved. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Mar 10 23:50:18 Let's check in on climate cultist Philip Proudfoot: ---------- The protest at Cambridge was not art destruction but art creation. Whenever there is an act of iconoclastic protest, people seem to think attacking artwork is somehow outside of protest dynamics, when in fact it has a long history. Throughout time, protestors have defaced art as a substitute for the object of contention (statues, portraits, etc). Is this really artistic “destruction”? Is it not art creation in reverse? I quite like the new version of Balfour. And trinity should continue to hang it. http://twi...oot/status/1766396881607807300 ------------ Video of Lord Balfour painting being vandalized and destroyed: http://news.sky.com/video/pro-palestine-protesters-slash-lord-balfour-painting-at-cambridge-university-13090096 BBC article: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-68515368 And what do Palestinians destroying Zionist artwork have to do with climate change? Glad I asked! Here's a throwback to Greta Thunberg saying, "No Climate Justice on Occupied Land!" (promoted agreeably by the above Philip Proudfoot, of course!) http://twitter.com/PhilipProudfoot/status/1723746555872624722 I.e., why would Palestinians be talking about "climate justice" as an ideological framework for Israel/Palestine conflict? Because it's the same exact oppressor/oppressed (master/slave) dialectic. • "Climate justice" is about defeating the Western "oppressor" on behalf of the "oppressed" "Global South" (BRICS+). • "Racial Justice" is about defeating the White "oppressor" on behalf of "oppressed" "BIPOC". • "Gender justice" is about defeating the straight male "oppressor" on behalf of the "oppressed" LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA coalition. • "Migrant justice" is about defeating the "oppressor"/"colonizer" Western nation's native White people on behalf of the Global South's "oppressed"/"colonized" BIPOC. • "Disability justice" is about defeating the able-bodied "oppressor" on behalf of the Global South's "oppressed" Sarah Biffen. In effect, these terms (e.g., "climate justice", "racial justice") are just the interchangeable coding of the same master/slave dialectic. You could have Palestinians equally claiming that there's "No Gender Justice on Occupied Land", "No Disability Justice on Occupied Land", or some sub-category such as "No Trans Justice on Occupied Land". They mean the same thing: "[We are identifying ourselves as the 'oppressed' group and seek the global slave revolt's ideological protections]." All castes identifying themselves as "oppressed" are merely looking for the protections of the slavish "Master" class (i.e., claiming to be 'oppressed' but with all the social and financial perks of an enslaver). As such, you have to trans your Israelis and vandalize Western art for Disability Justice to address climate change in a post-colonial sustainable world. Don't you get it? Hop in, losers, we're doing a slave revolt. |
large member | Mon Mar 11 01:25:10 Spartacus! |
Member | Mon Mar 11 06:16:52 Oh for gods sake, now Biden is faking pics of Princess Kate to cover up that he murdered her and is now using a body double! We all know Biden killed her years ago during a bloody baby-killing orgy held by Epstein and Hillary just when she was going to blow the whistle on the lizard alien royal family! How can the evil libtards deny that she was about to give birth to a lizard when its right in front of their noses? When Trunch Senshal and Infowars has so much evidence??? These libtards are insane because most of them are lizard aliens themselves!!! Do the research people!!! |
Member | Mon Mar 11 06:24:29 Unraveling the Conspiracy: Biden's Dark Secrets Exposed by Cherub the Cow By Investigative Reporter, Alex Turner Kensington – In the seemingly idyllic town of Kensington, where picket fences lined the streets and neighbors exchanged pleasantries, a dark and clandestine conspiracy was at play. At the heart of it all was Biden, a shadowy figure with immense influence and an agenda shrouded in mystery. This investigation unveils a tale of murder, extraterrestrial intrigue, and a cover-up orchestrated by Biden, with the ultimate revelation brought to light by the intrepid hero, Cherub the Cow. Chapter I: The Disappearance of Princess Katherine It all began with the mysterious disappearance of Princess Katherine, a woman who seemingly vanished without a trace. Residents initially speculated about her whereabouts, but as days turned into weeks, whispers of foul play began to circulate. Unbeknownst to the tight-knit community, Princess Katherine held a secret that would shake the foundations of Kensington to its core – she was on the brink of giving birth to an alien child. Sources close to the investigation reveal that Biden, a man of considerable wealth and influence, ordered the hit on Princess Katherine. The motive? The fear that the extraterrestrial birth would unravel a secret experiment that only he was privy to. The execution of this sinister plan was swift and efficient, leaving investigators grasping at straws as they tried to make sense of the inexplicable disappearance. Chapter II: The Doctored Photographs As the town grappled with the enigma of Princess Katherine's vanishing act, Biden went to great lengths to conceal the extraterrestrial nature of the impending birth. Central to his cover-up were photographs of Princess Katherine's left hand, where a peculiar mark was rumored to appear during the alien delivery. Our investigation uncovered a trail of deceit leading to a skilled Photoshop expert hired by Biden. Photos of Princess Katherine were meticulously doctored to erase any trace of the unearthly symbol. The doctored images were then strategically disseminated, creating a narrative that portrayed Princess Katherine's pregnancy as nothing more than conventional. The entire town, it seemed, was living a lie. Chapter III: Cherub the Cow's Pursuit of Truth Enter Cherub the Cow, a scientist specializing in extraterrestrial studies, whose keen intuition sensed that something far more sinister was at play in Kensington. Driven by a relentless pursuit of truth, he delved into the labyrinth of Princess Katherine's disappearance, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for answers. Cherub the Cow stumbled upon the doctored photographs during the course of his investigation, and as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place, he began to unravel the layers of deception meticulously constructed by Biden. The doctor's tenacity and expertise led him to the realization that Kensington was on the brink of a revelation that could alter the town's destiny. Chapter IV: Confrontation and Unveiling The climax of this investigative saga unfolded as Cherub the Cow confronted Biden, who was initially dismissive but soon found himself cornered by the weight of evidence. The truth spilled out in a tense exchange, as Cherub the Cow revealed the details of the conspiracy orchestrated by Biden – the murder of Princess Katherine, the doctored photographs, and the impending birth of an alien child. The revelation sent shockwaves through Kensington, as residents grappled with the inconceivable truth that had been hidden beneath a façade of normalcy. Biden's calculated machinations crumbled, and he faced the consequences of his malevolent actions. Epilogue: Kensington Reckoning In the aftermath of Cherub the Cow's revelation, Kensington was left to pick up the pieces of a shattered illusion. The community, once bound by trust, now faced the challenge of rebuilding in the wake of a conspiracy that had fractured its very foundation. The alien child, born into a world of chaos, became a symbol of hope and unity as Kensington embarked on a journey of redemption. Cherub the Cow emerged as the unsung hero, the whistleblower who dared to challenge the darkness lurking beneath the surface. The town may have been scarred, but it was also awakened to a new reality, forever changed by the events that transpired in the quiet streets of Kensington. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 11 07:42:48 williamthecoward once again copy&paste spamming garbage from some A.I. program. What a fucking coward. |
Member | Mon Mar 11 07:49:12 Cmon, dear, you love it when someone clicks one of your links :D |
Member | Mon Mar 11 07:49:38 Even if its only to take a slash in the corner |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 11 07:56:52 [williamthecoward]: "you love it when someone clicks one of your links" No, you absolutely pathetic weakling. I am not some immoral "all press is good press" destroyer. Do not project your repugnant characteristics onto me. In reality, the spamming by mental weaklings such as yourself, jergul, seb, and dukhat is completely useless. You all are illiterate, so there is zero fruitful engagement in your words or even in your very existence. I have repeatedly organized my thoughts so that you cretins could have this information brought to your abysmal IQs, but even then you cannot read. This very paragraph is already too much for you. You are a waste of the flesh that was fed to give you consciousness, since you have spent your life wasting any gift you might have had. |
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:31:29 So anyway, whats the latest on the Princess's fake hand? Veeery suspicious stuff, eh? |
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:35:04 “You’re telling me that Kate Middleton—the same woman who posed outside the hospital like a freaking supermodel mere hours after giving birth—suddenly requires months of recovery before showing her face? And the British press now magically respects privacy? This feels … sinister.” - Truth seeker at Truntch Satchel who is totally onto something |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:36:22 [williamthecoward]: "[hur hur, i'll adopt the totalitarian state's thought-terminating clichés by suggesting that others are 'conspiracy theorists', hur hur. no way people will notice i'm retarded!]" If williamthecoward were literate, he might just realize what a fucking idiot he is. |
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:37:20 rofl |
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:38:44 press the button and watch them dance :D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:52:41 [williamthecoward]: "press the button and watch them dance :D" williamthecoward just admitted to doing asymmetric trolling in this thread. I realize moderation is light in UP, but this seems like a pretty egregious and straight-forward example. Moderators: please remove all of his comments from this thread, thank you. |
Member | Mon Mar 11 08:54:02 Title: William the Bastard's Square Dance Extravaganza with Cherub the Cow Once upon a time in the quaint village of Utopia, there lived a peculiar character named William the Bastard. Despite his rather unconventional name, William was known far and wide for his unique talent – the ability to make Cherub the Cow square dance with the mere yank of a string. Cherub, a gentle and amiable bovine resident of Utopia, would gracefully sway and twirl in response to William's tugs, creating a spectacle that captivated the entire village. The story of William and Cherub's square dance escapades had its roots in a whimsical encounter on a lazy Sunday afternoon. William, a lanky and mischievous fellow with a perpetual twinkle in his eye, stumbled upon Cherub grazing in the meadow. Inspired by a passing fancy, he decided to try his hand at coaxing the gentle cow into a dance. Little did he know that this impromptu idea would soon become a beloved tradition in Utopia. It all began with a simple piece of twine that William found lying in the grass. He approached Cherub cautiously, offering her a handful of sweet clover to establish trust. Once Cherub had warmed up to him, William decided to tie the twine to her tail. With a gentle tug, he discovered that Cherub responded by taking a few steps to the side. Intrigued by this discovery, William experimented further and soon realized that he could guide Cherub's movements with the twine, creating a makeshift dance partner in the process. The news of William's peculiar talent spread like wildfire throughout Utopia, and soon enough, the entire village gathered to witness the enchanting square dance performances. Cherub, seemingly delighted by the attention and the rhythmic tugs of the string, transformed into an unexpected dancing sensation. The duo's performances became a highlight of village gatherings, festivals, and special occasions, bringing joy and laughter to all who witnessed the spectacle. William, reveling in the newfound fame, became affectionately known as "William the Bastard – Master of Cherub's Dance." He took great pride in his ability to orchestrate intricate dance routines, twirls, and spins with a simple yank of the string. The villagers marveled at the harmony between the mischievous William and the graceful Cherub, as if they had formed a telepathic connection that transcended the ordinary boundaries between man and beast. The square dance performances became a cherished tradition in Utopia, bringing the community together in laughter and celebration. William and Cherub's exploits were the talk of the town, and the duo's popularity grew beyond the village borders. Travelers passing through Utopia would often be treated to impromptu performances, and stories of the magical square dance duo spread far and wide. As the seasons changed, so did the choreography of William and Cherub's square dances. William, with an innate sense of creativity, introduced new moves and playful gestures that kept the performances fresh and exciting. The villagers eagerly anticipated each new routine, and the duo's chemistry seemed to deepen with every dance. Cherub, who had once been a simple grazing cow, now reveled in the adoration and attention she received during her performances. The village children, in particular, adored Cherub's twirls and prances, often mimicking her movements in the village square. The square dance had become a symbol of joy, unity, and the enchanting bond between man and animal in Utopia. However, like all good things, the square dance extravaganzas couldn't last forever. One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, William reluctantly realized that he had to return to his responsibilities. Utopia, though enchanted by the whimsical performances, was still a place with chores, duties, and the humdrum of daily life. As William gently untied the twine from Cherub's tail, the atmosphere in the village square shifted. Cherub, sensing the change, lowered her head and gazed at William with big, soulful eyes. The villagers, who had been clapping and cheering, fell silent, realizing that the magical square dance was coming to an end. A heavy sigh escaped William's lips as he patted Cherub's flank affectionately. The connection between them, formed through countless dances, was palpable. The twinkle in William's eye dimmed slightly, and a shadow of melancholy crossed his face. Cherub, seemingly aware of the shift in energy, nudged William gently, as if to reassure him that all good things must come to an end. Reluctantly, William bid farewell to Cherub and the gathered villagers. The square dance had been a delightful escape from the rigors of daily life, a respite filled with joy and merriment. As he trudged back to his humble abode, the echo of applause and the distant memory of Cherub's graceful twirls lingered in his mind. The following days were filled with a sense of nostalgia and longing for the magical square dance performances. William found himself yearning for the moments when he could escape the mundane and lose himself in the enchanting world of dance with Cherub. The villagers, too, felt the absence of the lively duo, and Utopia seemed a bit quieter, a bit less vibrant without the rhythmic beats of the square dance. Despite the yearning for the magical escapades, William knew that he had responsibilities to attend to. The fields needed tending, and the chores couldn't be ignored indefinitely. As he reluctantly picked up his tools and set to work, the memory of Cherub's twirls and the joyous laughter of the villagers played like a bittersweet melody in the background. In the heart of Utopia, the square dance performances with Cherub became a cherished memory, a testament to the magical moments that could be created with a simple twine and the willingness to embrace the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary. And though William the Bastard would continue to toil in the fields and fulfill his duties, the twinkle in his eye would forever carry the spark of the enchanting square dance extravaganza with Cherub the Cow. You Write approx. 2000 words about how the dashingly good looking WilliamtheBastard loves yanking Cherub the Cow's strings to make her squaredance, which she does with hte elegance of a hippopotamus, and end with how sad WilliamtheBastard is when he has to get back to work after procrasting by enjoying a good squaredance show ChatGPT ChatGPT Title: The Dashing William the Bastard and the Elegance of Cherub's Square Dance Extravaganza In the picturesque village of Utopia, there lived a character who was as dashing as his name was unconventional – William the Bastard. With chiseled features, a wry smile, and eyes that sparkled like sapphires, William was not just a charismatic figure but also the mastermind behind one of the village's most delightful spectacles – the square dance extravaganzas with none other than Cherub the Cow. William's dashingly good looks and mischievous charm made him a favorite among the villagers, and he reveled in the attention. Clad in a well-fitted shirt and trousers that accentuated his athletic build, he sauntered through Utopia with an air of confidence that only heightened his allure. His tousled brown hair and a neatly groomed beard completed the picture of a man who seemed to embody the very essence of charisma. One sunny afternoon, as William strolled through the meadow, he chanced upon Cherub, the amiable cow with a heart as gentle as her eyes. A whimsical idea struck William, and with a devilish grin, he decided to add a touch of flair to the village's routine. What followed was the birth of an enchanting partnership – the dashing William and the elegant Cherub, whose square dance performances would soon become the talk of Utopia. William, always one to appreciate the finer things in life, was determined to infuse a sense of sophistication into the rustic charm of Utopia. Inspired by the lively rhythms of the village, he decided to turn Cherub's gentle movements into a graceful square dance, a spectacle that would showcase the harmony between man and beast in a way Utopia had never seen before. The process began with the careful selection of a vibrant array of ribbons and strings. William, being a man of style, chose colors that complemented Cherub's brown and white coat. With meticulous attention to detail, he tied the strings to Cherub's tail, creating a makeshift dance ensemble that shimmered in the sunlight. The transformation was complete – Cherub, the humble cow, was now a dance partner in Utopia's most extraordinary square dance duo. However, elegance was not Cherub's strong suit. As she swayed and twirled to the tugs of the strings, her movements were more reminiscent of a playful hippopotamus than a graceful ballerina. Nevertheless, the village embraced the uniqueness of the spectacle, finding joy in the unexpected beauty of Cherub's awkward elegance. The laughter that echoed through Utopia became a symphony, a testament to the magical connection between the dashing William and the unassuming Cherub. The square dance performances became a regular feature in Utopia's social calendar, drawing villagers from all corners to witness the charming duo in action. William, with his debonair demeanor, led Cherub through intricate routines, twirls, and spins that showcased the unlikely harmony between elegance and clumsiness. The village square transformed into a dance floor where laughter and joy swirled like the colors of the ribbons that adorned Cherub's tail. William's reputation as the charismatic orchestrator of Cherub's square dance extravaganza spread far beyond Utopia. Travelers passing through the village would stop to marvel at the spectacle, and tales of the dashingly good-looking man and the gracefully awkward cow reached neighboring villages. The duo became a symbol of Utopia's eccentric charm, drawing visitors from far and wide to witness the unique blend of sophistication and lightheartedness. Cherub, for her part, seemed to revel in the attention. Her eyes, usually serene and placid, now sparkled with a newfound delight as she pranced and swayed to the rhythms of the square dance. The village children, captivated by Cherub's endearing awkwardness, mimicked her movements in the meadow, adding a touch of innocent joy to the whimsical atmosphere. As the seasons changed, so did the square dance routines. William, with his eye for style and innovation, introduced new twists and turns that kept the performances fresh and entertaining. Utopia's residents eagerly anticipated each new dance, and the duo's popularity soared to new heights. Yet, as with any enchanting tale, the time for revelry had to come to an end. One golden afternoon, as the sun bathed Utopia in a warm glow, William reluctantly acknowledged that his charming interlude had to yield to the demands of reality. With a touch of regret, he began the process of untying the strings from Cherub's tail, signaling the conclusion of yet another spectacular square dance. The atmosphere in the village square shifted as Cherub, seemingly aware of the change, lowered her head with a touch of melancholy. The villagers, who had been clapping and cheering, fell silent, acknowledging the inevitable end to the captivating show. William, with a last affectionate pat on Cherub's flank, bid farewell to the gathered crowd. The following days were marked by a sense of nostalgia that lingered in the air. William, with his dashing looks momentarily eclipsed by a shadow of wistfulness, returned to his daily routine. The fields awaited attention, and chores demanded completion. The once-vibrant village square, echoing with the laughter and rhythms of the square dance, now seemed a bit quieter, a bit lonelier. As William reluctantly returned to his duties, the memory of Cherub's endearing twirls and the joyous laughter of the villagers played like a bittersweet melody in the background. The dashingly good-looking man, whose charisma had elevated Utopia's spirits, found himself yearning for the carefree moments spent orchestrating the square dance with Cherub. The villagers, too, missed the lively duo, and the village square seemed incomplete without the rhythmic beats of their unique performances. In the heart of Utopia, where elegance met clumsiness in a dance of joy, William the Bastard discovered the bitter truth that all good things must come to an end. The strings that once bound him to the enchanting world of square dance were now replaced by the responsibilities that awaited him. As he immersed himself in the tasks at hand, the twinkle in his eye carried a faint echo of the elegance that once graced the village square. The memories of the square dance extravaganza with Cherub lingered as a testament to the transformative power of unexpected partnerships and the magic that could be woven with a touch of whimsy. Utopia, though momentarily subdued, carried the indelible mark of the dashingly good-looking William and the elegantly awkward Cherub. And as the village returned to its routine, the enchanting tale of the square dance duo became a cherished legend, a reminder that even in the most ordinary moments, there lies the potential for extraordinary joy. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Mar 12 05:35:52 Increase immigration for climate change. "Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA): "I don't think that people are breaking into the country illegally... When people differentiate between legal and illegal immigration, the undertone from your side is that somehow people who are coming illegally are trying to break into the country"" http://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1767306225497067910 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Mar 24 07:18:59 Climate activist ski-bro wants governments to change the weather so he can get fresh powder on the slopes: "John Kennedy Has Tense Questioning Of Olympic Athlete [Gus Schumacher] Who Ultimately Refuses To Answer" [Forbes; March 20th, 2024] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rC3hcjKbuU Ski-bro pretends to be "above" Kennedy's questions about ski-bro's social media history, but his social media history exemplifies that ski-bro has exactly the connected policies you'd think he'd have, since the Climate Cult is a web of peripheral politics all centered on slave morality's oppressor/oppressed master/slave false dichotomy. Ski-bro also does as billythecoward does, which is to shrug all responsibility for anything where a Regime "expert" must be cited (e.g., "[the thing is definitely happening since the Regime told me it is, but I cannot substantiate anything myself]"). I remind that this is directly antithetical to the Enlightenment practice of the polymath / Renaissance Man" who resists the totalitarian state's insistence on total abstraction to the level of atomization (i.e., in a totalitarian state an atomized person is unable to speak even on matters of his or her own annihilation). The polymath does not claim expertise in all matters despite having no expertise (e.g., as sebgul does), but *can* demonstrate congruence, through, for instance, ideological consistency. The atomized totalitarian sycophant's only ideological consistency is that of the friend/enemy distinction as oppressed and oppressor. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Mar 31 23:49:11 Hmm. Extinction Rebellion is a cult? Interesting theory. (Extinction Rebellion disrupts Easter service) [March 31st, 2024] http://twitter.com/SovMichael/status/1774487822143049874 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Apr 02 14:56:55 "[Pakistani] Climate advisor to the United Nations [Ayisha Siddiqa] says white men are to blame for climate change & to save our planet we must protect ‘black trans women’" [April 2nd, 2024] http://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1775214434073325756 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Apr 07 15:24:19 SA's thread definitely makes the Climate Cult thread topic: (How rain in Indonesia negatively impacts the profit margins of surgically emasculated whores) http://utopiaforums.com/boardthread?id=politics&thread=92750 |
Member | Sun Apr 07 15:27:53 "A candidate running for Senate in New Jersey was ruthlessly goaded on social media after claiming the “climate crisis” was to blame for the Friday earthquake that rocked the tri-state area. Green Party member Christina Amira Khalil shared the controversial message just minutes after the quake, which was the strongest temblor to strike near the Big Apple in 140 years. “I experienced my first earthquake in NJ. We never get earthquakes. The climate crisis is real. The weirdest experience ever,” Khalil wrote on X." http://nyp...climate-change-for-earthquake/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Apr 09 13:58:36 More cult behavior: "European court rules human rights violated by climate inaction" [BBC News; April 9th, 2024] http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-68768598 • "The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change." • "More than 2,000 women are in the KlimaSeniorinnen group. They launched the case nine years ago, calling for better protection of women's health in relation to climate change." • "The ruling is binding and can trickle down to influence the law in 46 countries in Europe including the UK." • "Swiss President Viola Amherd ... said: "Sustainability is very important to Switzerland, biodiversity is very important to Switzerland, the net zero target is very important to Switzerland."" -=-=-=- It's basically the same as ski-bro (above). The government needs to reduce global temperature so ski-bro can catch some fresh powder next season, and these boomer women need lower temperatures so they can make it to Bingo at the local senior center. There's also a note in the article that a youth group wants to reduce global temperatures so they can play outside more. This sort of first-order thinking really works on these fucking idiots. Meanwhile, this user points out: "The 'Right to family life' (Article 8) has been re-interpreted as an obligation to reach Net Zero emissions (including imported emissions)." http://twitter.com/WestminsterPup/status/1777648796672913720 In other words, you can see how the family is actually *dissolved* by the government imperative to fund "sustainability" governance, so the claim of this being about "human rights" is merely a pretext for further centralization of totalitarian power. The first-order thinkers believe that the government is stepping in on their behalf (improving the weather so that the planet is livable), but it is globalist governments themselves that corral these first-order thinkers into useful idiots, since the manufacturing of consent here allows the government to create a resource-based economy (the post-economic state) in which they have total control over all human behaviors (think OPEC price-fixing except for "green" resource allotment). In practical terms, ski-bro won't get to go catch that fresh powder because his carbon allotment was exceeded for the decade (that shuttle up the I-70 produces a lot of carbon, bro!), the boomer women will be put down Logan's Run -style since their cost to the state is too high, and those youth who want to play outside will have to shed their bourgeois sensibilities by being relocated into the countryside death camps — I mean.. umm.. into the migrant housing facilities. And the "binding" aspect of the ruling also means that the 46 nations affected will be incentivized to break with the "sustainability" pyramid scheme as their people revolt. The effect is civil conflict within target nations, more propaganda to counter-signal national sovereignty, more mass-migration to replace that sovereignty with useful client groups, and an eventual world war between those nations that attempted to hold sovereignty and those who bought into the protection racket. Billions dead in a holy war in the name of the Jewish messiah. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat May 11 08:43:31 Your boomer liberal parents — zoning out watching CNN and BBC — aren't safe from this scam: "NEW: Just Stop Oil have broken the class protecting the Magna Carta. "Reverend Dr Sue Parfitt, 82, and Judy Bruce, 85, are demanding an emergency plan to stop new oil and gas licenses by 2030." [May 10th, 2024] http://twitter.com/PoliticsJOE_UK/status/1788890364427829368 And why 2030? That is, why would these two old people care about 2030? Because that's the World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations initial target date for global totalitarianism to be effected through "sustainability" governance, with the second goal being 2050. The "Net Zero Coalition" pushes those dates the same way they previously pushed Agenda 21 (i.e., Agenda [for the 21st century]): ["Net Zero Coalition"; United Nations dot org] http://www.un.org/en/climatechange/net-zero-coalition Agenda 21 did not achieve the necessary scale of government infiltration, of course, which is why ESG was formulated in 2004. With total society capture, they can propagandize anyone, ranging from dumbass Zoomers and puppets such as Greta Thunberg, to the 20–40 Jennifer Lawrence williamthebastard demo (see "Don't Look Up" (2021)), to Regime-media-watching geriatrics like those above. You can watch "The Creator" or the latest "Avatar" to be told to to kill White people and give the world to the "elves" of the Global South (popular with the 18 – 34 key demo), or watch "Coronation Street" (popular in the 60+ demo) to see how the West can take on "climate change" ("Casualty, Coronation Street, Doctors, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Holby City and Hollyoaks join forces to highlight climate change" https://web.archive.org/web/20211012224658/https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/2021/soaps-unite-to-help-highlight-climate-change ). Pick your poison, and join the cult! Side effects may include TDS, an agreement with the structure of government bureaucracies that lack oversight, and an existential fixation on the weather and with which totalitarian oligarchs to whom you can give money to change that weather. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Jun 11 15:06:39 Let's check in on climate-change propaganda's effects on leftists: "Gender, family, reproductive issues and the 2024 election" [Pew Research; June 6th, 2024] http://www...-issues-and-the-2024-election/ • "Trump supporters (59%) are much more likely than Biden supporters (19%) to say that it is better if people prioritize marriage and children." • "About nine-in-ten Biden supporters (88%) say abortion should be legal" • "93% of Biden supporters and 66% of Trump supporters say it’s good for society that birth control is widely available." Yeah, so, it's a death cult. Slaves use their will to power to affirm their own annihilation. Sad! |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 28 20:37:13 This is a pretty hilarious clip from Matt Walsh's movie "Am I Racist?" Here, he sits down with racialist cult member Robin DiAngelo, tricking her with her own rhetoric into not just making "reparations" some "systemic" policy abstraction that encourages black communities to advocate for government handouts.. but instead to literally take money out of her purse and pay a black producer who is in on the joke: http://x.com/WomanDefiner/status/1850952653012181097 You can see the idea here too. The climate slave/death cult is not about oligarchs and Inner Party apparatchiks taking personal responsibility as individual actors. The cult must hide behind the structures of the collective, who move the revolt into a wave of mass death. In this case, DiAngelo thinks that it's "weird" to literally pay reparations. It's always someone *else* who pays (always someone with much more money!), whereas she, a good NIMBY apparatchik, is supposed to collect her speaking fees, stay away from the realities, and gain prestige for moving the slave revolt forward. A lot of these people are in for a rude awakening. The slave revolt does not leave even its Vanguard-apparatchiks in their towers. Anyone who enriched themselves on the movement is liquidated by the more ideologically pure criminal classes that the movement enabled. All bourgeois sensibilities are liquidated. This, again, is why during the French Terror even leftists fled the cities once the executions widened their lists. This is why Soviets fled to the Urals — to the East beyond the gulags. This is why even moderate Hutu or anyone with "White" features fled the Rwandan genocide. The "revolutionaries" themselves were targeted by the "revolution". DiAngelo, like many grifters of the slave revolt, believes that she can violate noble society's rules and remain immune due to the good graces that only the nobility can sustain. But, the successful destruction of the noble system means that she will be subject to the absolute lawlessness of the slave/death cult. She would be subject to *that* system, not the current one that she actively works to undermine. Leftism under the slave/death cult always proceeds as though it will have the protections that it seeks to destroy, but in its success is its own annihilation. |
Member | Thu Oct 31 15:44:07 I can only pray that one day, Mr Super Alpha Male Nimatzo, Leader of Men, will burst into the bedroom of this poor 500 pound woman who has been physically confined to the upper floor of her parents house since the age of 16 - trapped in this evil body which has never been able to be gainfully employed, but has managed to spend 10 hours a day posting fascistic 50 Shades of Gray perversions for two decades - and flex his biceps and help her flee and climb out the window of this terrible prison and down his golden alpha male locks to his manly yet tender embrace of superior masculine strength. What a guy! |
Member | Thu Oct 31 15:54:24 This is a guy who is genetically programmed to never wear pearl necklaces, thats how much of a mighty, superior pack leader he is! |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Nov 03 06:31:32 [williamthebitchfag (degenerate low-IQ left-winger)]: "poor 500 pound woman who has been physically confined to the upper floor of her parents house since the age of 16 - trapped in this evil body which has never been able to be gainfully employed, but has managed to spend 10 hours a day posting fascistic 50 Shades of Gray perversions for two decades" williamthecoward's theory-of-mind for others is just abysmally bad. That syphilitic paragraph was supposed to be his attempt to accurately portray his opposition, but he's so pathetic that *that* was the closest he could get — a bunch of inaccurate spaghetti-slinging that does not match anything I've ever said or indicated. I'd suspect it of being a Cunningham's Law ploy (i.e., saying false things to get me to state the truth), but williamthecoward is too low-IQ for that kind of a move. So I think he's just describing himself. And it's *obvious* that williamthecoward is the pathetic weakling that he describes. Between his degenerate stories which read like new chapters of Dostoevsky's "Notes from Underground", to his effectively admitting that he took on student debt just to become a low-tier document translator (a sad average salary of about $57,000), he would naturally envy someone who can write coherent paragraphs in UP in just a few minutes whereas it apparently takes him "10 hours a day" to post his Twitter-length diaper-shitting. Many leftists seem afflicted with this same degeneracy wherein they claim "media literacy" but are too SSRI-addicted and ADHD-affected to consume content more complicated than a TikTok video. This kind of nihilistic degeneracy is very much a part of this thread's critique of the slave/death/climate cult. williamthecoward continuously appears in this thread because he knows that he and his entire ideology are implicated by it (i.e., he keeps posting because he intuitively knows that he is in the cult and wants to protect his consciousness from the cognitive dissonance he feels every time he sees information that contradicts Regime programming). williamthecoward, like so many leftists, is a slave taking part in its revolt against the stronger, more beautiful, and more courageous. There is no difference between him and the Dostoevsky-inspired collectivist/nihilists who needed 7 attempts before they could kill Tsar Alexander II — their ideology comes from the same degenerate place: Bolshevism. But williamthecoward is too weak to even know his own masters as they manipulate him and talk him away from having his own mind. Is there no point at which a slave can learn to be noble? Of course there is! But williamthecoward makes sure that he will not know it. .. COP 29 is coming up (November 11th), and you can even see the slave/death cult itemizing their slavish talking points: [The Official Youth Constituency of "UN Climate Change"; November 3rd, 2024] http://x.com/youngo_unfccc/status/1853048939223597286 Highlights: • "Doubling adaptation finance, and allocate fundings to support climate displaced communities and the NAP process for Least-Developed Country Parties" (i.e., this is "global equity"; Western nations must fund their slave groups, and the West at large must send its wealth to slavish nations of the "Global South") • "Ensure a gender-sensitive, children-sensitive and disability-inclusive participatory approach in protection initiatives and reduce vulnerability to climate change" (i.e., pay slave castes to join the slave revolt) • "Recognize the critical role of climate change in amplifying security risks, especially in conflict-affected regions" (i.e., "climate change" policies cause civil wars in 3rd world nations as they are strip-mined by Chinese multi-nationals, so those Chinese multi-nationals need Western wealth via the IMF to stabilize those nations with pro-"sustainability" governance so that they can be raped) • "Reduce disparities exacerbated by climate-related disasters" (i.e., "global equity"; fund slave groups and de-fund noble groups so that everyone is as equally fucked as retarded 3rd-world williamthecoward-types) • "Accelerate the role of artificial intelligence as a technological tool for climate solutions" (i.e., empower Larry Fink's BlackRock A.I. (Aladdin) to steal Western wealth automatically, creating the A.I. of slave morality) • "Acknowledge gender and climate change as deeply interlinked, and disproportionate burden faced by women" (i.e., empower slave morality by funding gender dysphoria sufferers and those most likely to throw open the gates to the West — namely brown women) • "Promote educational initiatives that are aimed at engaging males in comprehending the gender-specific challenges faced by female" (i.e., get Western men to subsidize their own brainwashing and the brainwashing of their children) |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 04 05:36:51 YouGov conducted a survey showing further evidence of the ESG/DEI cult's effects on the West. Just as reflected in the governance-indices, the Scandinavian nations are the most cucked: http://you...-2024-us-presidential-election "Western Europeans want Kamala Harris to win the US presidential election" Denmark — most cucked at 81% Harris Sweden — second-most cucked at 73% Harris Germany — 71% Spain — 65% France — 62% Britain — 61% Italy — 46% So, again, we're seeing the highest success of cult dogma in these nations. These nations were the most likely to comply with cult dogma surrounding COVID, most likely to vote away their own liberties, most likely to surgically and chemically emasculate their own children, most likely to be bleeding hearts for the "Global South", and most likely to accept whatever Regime dogma is mass-produced for their liquefied brains. These are compliant and easily controlled people. One hope is that a Trump election will bring enthusiasm to the right in these nations so that mass-re-migration can take place and purge the subversive sebguls, but the Scandinavian nations are such pathetic weaklings that it seems unlikely that they can survive without being liberated externally. While it would, of course, be useful to subdivide these nations by voting blocs to see which elements within them are the most cucked, we know the answer already from the redundancy of these higher resolution images: pathetic leftists are typically dysgenic, low-T, overly feminized, anti-White, POC, jewish/lutheran/calvinist, and have poisoned/foreign admixture. In the broad picture these nations are the long house, the Devouring Mother archetype, and the Last Man — too weak and ineffective to resist their own annihilation. They have systematically dis-empowered their great and noble peoples, with their "bravest" action being the anti-life conviction to press the button that releases nitrogen into their suicide pod. |
large member | Mon Nov 04 05:53:36 The populations of those countries definitely need to get deported to Madagaskar. |
large member | Mon Nov 04 05:56:33 It has absolutely nothing to do with stuff like Trump wanting to tariff everything exported to the US by those countries. Or that an America first platform in general unbalance a status quo of give and take that has keep the west aligned for 80 years. What irrelevant rational reasons for having a Harris preferrance. Nope, it has to be low t. That is the only thing it could be. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 04 10:23:01 jergfag once again too retarded to follow the argument. Absolute cuck faggot. |
large member | Mon Nov 04 10:41:40 I dunno. I feel this discussion has gone rather well for me. I even weaned you off using brackets :D. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 04 11:31:27 jergul is too retarded to realize when I use brackets, even though I've been doing it in exactly the same way for probably a decade and have not changed in the course of "this discussion" — which is me not talking directly to him but over him since he is not even a human worth speaking to. He's an absolutely oblivious fucking idiot, so if he is at all representative of his doomed species then it's no wonder that his nation is a nation of cucks and faggots. He cannot name Nietzsche's four categories, and he was exposed as a retard when he thought there were only two (while claiming that he was well read in Nietzsche! Fucking liar!), and now, similarly, he lacks the IQ to know the pattern I use for quotations even though it is incredibly simple. He is literally subhuman. |
large member | Mon Nov 04 12:30:43 I feel we will have to respectfully agree to disagree on those last points CC. |
Member | Mon Nov 04 13:29:55 Poor woman would have so much less raging hate for the world inside her tragic little head if she lost a couple of hundred pounds and got the first job of her life as she approaches her 50s. Imagine the pride she would feel if she could leave her bed on her own volition and even make a couple of dollars to contribute to her parents' expenses to keep her alive! |
Member | Mon Nov 04 13:37:46 I suppose, as a pathologically far right extremist, her only goal as a woman is to be physically pretty and give birth to kids with her alpha male leader-of-men superhero, and to fail by hundreds of pounds of lard at that one task must really sting. It must be like when far right extremist alpha male leader-of-men superheroes discover their cock twitches every time they see a drag queen. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 04 15:48:16 [jergfag (pathetic subhuman coward)]: "I feel we will have to respectfully agree to disagree on those last points CC." I would only "agree" that you are a pathetic subhuman coward, with your opinion on the matter being irrelevant to this reality. In this forum you have never proven otherwise. Not once has there ever been a spark of creativity in your words, much less sincerity, and it is simply undeniable that you are mentally incapable of showing either virtue. [williamthebitchfag (low-information left-wing projection bot)]: "Poor woman..." williamthecoward once again proving that he is so abysmally low-IQ that his ability to produce an accurate theory-of-mind for his opposition is basically zero. I.e., we can accurately see that williamthecoward is a pathetic leftist whose earning potentials have forever plateaued due to his endless vices and impotent nature, but williamthecoward is so stupid that he seems to think that he can get under my skin with pathetic and inaccurate insinuations about weight. Or, in other words, his inaccurate insinuations themselves further show how pathetic he is; he cannot even coat his insults with a veneer of truth, and so they have no effect and no impact. None of his insinuations are based on any kind of fact pattern and are, in fact, resentful optimism on his part. And I have explained this leftist belief structure of resentful optimism in the past. A leftist could literally be a diseased-riddled prostitute with zero moral structure whatsoever, but the very *idea* that a public right-wing figure of "family values" *might* have shown some slight moral failing approaching infidelity in a Regime media scandal speaks to them as some proof-of-concept that higher morality is itself impossible or that the right-wing slight justifies the left-wing abomination. This is yet another leftist category error, since the prostitute in this situation is, in the Dante sense, in the deepest depths of Hell whereas the virtuous are not in Hell at all. This same formula is used, topically, with the idea of weight among the degenerate left. Degenerate Redditors/Imgurians will tell themselves tales of how Chris Hemsworth's flat stomach is "impossible" because he had to work out for hours a day and then dehydrate himself before a shoot. In their pathetic stupor, they tell themselves that the difficulty of that flat stomach means that they themselves are justified in never working out at all, thus they are consoled back into their terminal degeneracy. It does not occur to them that the Grand Heights of the «Aristeia» will *always* demand this commitment to what may amount to a singular moment of perfection. It does not occur to them that the *baseline* of this fitness before it even attempts the task of Greatness is itself beyond them due to their own weak natures. Where the alcoholic's life as metaphor for the leftist is one disaster of addiction after another, there are those who are incomprehensible to the leftist who suffered no disasters of self-discipline whatsoever — who had no such temptation to the drink. A sparrow will bump into a falling acorn and nearly die, lashing out at eagles with pathetic threats of this acorn, but to an eagle this sparrow's very idea of difficulty is so petty and small that it may as well represent the plight of an even lesser organism of another species, such as a dung beetle on its back, helplessly clawing at the air while nature tells a joke whose punchline is the beetle's very existence. williamthecoward is the sparrow, the beetle, Dostoevsky's "worm". From his state of resentment he wishes the noble were affected to even the slightest degree by his own sick vices, but each time he lashes out he realizes that the only purpose of his consciousness is to poison his spirit with his own terminal irrelevance. Oh, what torment! To be pathetic and *conscious* of it as well! Worse, the words that I give the coward william here are not even given to him, since he is only a symptom of a cult — another collectivist whose nature is identical to millions more vermin whose core guiding principle is such a deep-seated aversion to nobility that they wish that they had never been born and curse the world and life itself for making them conscious of their worthlessness. But worst of all, where all life has some nobility in it, they reject even that spark within them, since rather than going into the sun and drinking from the mountain spring they instead "cure" themselves of a life drinking ideological poison by drinking a still more fatal poison and spitefully spilling their contaminated blood in communal fountains. What beauty has a death cultist ever known and loved? What is sacred to the deconstructionist? How long can the death cultist affirm nothingness without dying of despair? The slave/death cultist wastes his life without the interruption of these questions because he is afraid to risk living. |
Member | Mon Nov 04 16:12:26 900 words, I love it :D Nazi Whore - is it ok if I call you Nazi Whore, you Nazi Whore, or do you prefer Ms. Nazi Whore? I'll be respectful and call you Ms Nazi Whore. Ms Nazi Whore, lose some weight and get a job. You'll feel far less raging chimp hatred toward the world. |
Sam Adams
Member | Mon Nov 04 16:16:37 ^such enlightenment. Much advanced. Very euro. |
Member | Mon Nov 04 16:21:08 Aaah, the little KKK liar who used to lie on UP about being a professional pilot when he was about 16 years old until everyone was laughing at him and he had to give it up lol... |
Member | Mon Nov 04 16:51:59 Cmon, little proven liar - the UP chimps are the closest thing youve ever had to friends in the last 2 decades. Isnt it time you tell them the truth about your job? You've been so shockingly worse at everything about the climate than the stupidest, stoned hippies 50 years ago, and since you've been caught lying about your occupation on UP before, its time to fess up. You took a 1 month community college weathergirl course, right? Just like your dad bought you 3 pilot lessons and that was all you needed to lie about being a professional pilot, right? |
large member | Mon Nov 04 16:55:06 [jergul (Couragous knight of enlightened and noble intellect)] There is a two main problemss with your line of argument. Let me sum them up: I am unimportant and my opinions do not matter. You are unimportant and your opinion of me does not matter at all because both of us lack relevance. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 04 17:10:20 Lol. williamthebitchfag spiraling even deeper into Regime thought-reform with the ol' "Nazi" thought-terminating cliché. What a fucking idiot XD |
Sam Adams
Member | Mon Nov 04 19:37:04 Lol poor wtb. I wish i could tell you what i do, what an awesome job i have... i would enjoy your feelings of inferiority. Alas my employer prefers secrecy and you are worth very much less than my job. Tormenting you, while enjoyable, is pretty unimportant. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 01:52:24 Nordic nations also most likely to be faggots and faggot-adjacent: http://www...letely%20opposing%20positions. As a map: http://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1b35elm/attitude_of_europeans_towards_lgbt_neighbours/?rdt=34223 |
large member | Tue Nov 05 02:06:17 Least homophobic you mean. You should at least try to understand what the study was looking at. I know, lots of big words in those studies, but I know you can do better! |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 02:27:31 "Least homophobic you mean. You should at least try to understand what the study was looking at. I know, lots of big words in those studies, but I know you can do better!" — Some faggot |
large member | Tue Nov 05 02:47:31 Like I pointed out, it is hard to overstate how irrelevant your opinion of me is. You do not matter and are voicing an opinion about someone else who does not matter. I frankly do not know how to top that level of impotence. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 06:38:37 As we anthropologically examine the habits and rituals of the left-wing slave/death climate cult, we can see how their delusions consume their every thought. As already shown in this thread series, I do not even have to speak directly to the common cultist for the cultist to feel assured that somehow this thread about the left-wing slave/death cult is about them. Even after explaining that I am not speaking directly *to* the general cultist but merely *about* the general cultist (which, I remind, is an identical collectivist framework with no individuality, spirit, or life-affirming principle), the cultist's dogma assures them that they are directly implicated and must defend the overall Zerg collective. Some of the cultists in this thread, we may recall, were drawn by cult dogma to compulsively spout Regime Dogmas without prompt, showing that they are so completely ruled by cognitive dissonance that the very idea that their dogma is opposed stirs them into action and activism. They both compulsively and desperately call out for attention *and* impotently and falsely claim that they are unaffected and rationally above it all and it "does not matter" anyways (both of which are Regime dogmas of useful-idiot narcissism and nihilism; the cowardly nihilist will always claim "it doesn't matter anyways" after a pathetic and embarrassing defeat), even adopting the language that has been used against them (such as one cultist borrowing "impotence" after having seen cultists called impotent — a pathetic and transparent projection, as being pathetic and projecting is natural to the cultist; see also the cultist tumblefag desperately calling his opposition "in a cult" despite he himself now having 51 threads about one man in adherence to the TDS of his cult dogma). This narcissistic personality disorder is common to the cultist, who, being a pathetic left-winger, has a higher chance of being afflicted by many such disorders, such as.. • support for the LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA collectivists • a lower disgust reaction (this allows the acceptance of disease, of foreign infiltration, of disgusting sexual activities, of subversion, etc.) • lower affinity for the family unit (more easily controlled and enslaved by the state) • more likely to have been sexually abused as children by leftist care-givers • more likely as adults to sexually abuse their own children or those children mistakenly placed in their reach (higher affinity for pederasty and pedophilia) I have previously summarized these common left-wing dysfunctions here: ---------- http://uto...hread=92615&time=1725247793399 • "Leftists are less attractive" • "Leftists are shorter and poorer" • "Leftists are weaker" • "Men with more masculine faces are more likely to be explicitly prejudiced (i.e. not Leftist)" • "Leftists are more mentally ill" • "Leftists are more unhappy" • "Leftists are more neurotic / emotionally unstable" • "Leftists have lower disgust sensitivity" • "Leftists don't believe that disgusting things are immoral" • "Leftists have incomplete moral foundations, are individually rather than group-focused" • "Simulating brain damage makes people Left-Wing" • "Leftists have smaller amygdalas (part of the brain responsible for processing threats, among other things) ... Smaller amygdala... correlates with increased mental illness" • "A damaged amygdala reduces threat-perception" • "People with amygdala damage experience sudden uncontrollable fear and panic when threatened (sound familiar?)" • Women with more feminine faces, lower testosterone, and higher estrogen have greater maternal tendencies (e.g. don't kill their babies, like Leftists)" • "Leftist women are less attractive" • "Leftist men have lower testosterone; giving moderate Leftists steroids makes them more Right-Wing" • "Men with higher testosterone lie less frequently" • "Men with higher testosterone are more likely to adopt heterodox positions, question consensus, impartially analyze information" • "Higher testosterone correlates with increased ingroup preference and outgroup discrimination" • "High testosterone produces prosocial behavior and heightened ingroup preference in the face of external threats, while low testosterone produces selfish behavior (again, does this sound familiar?)" • "Envy, selfishness, egalitarianism, and willingness to harm the innocent predict economic Leftism/redistribution" • "Narcissism and psychopathy predict anti-hierarchical aggression (i.e. Leftists wanting to destroy society)" • "Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy predict virtuous victimhood signaling" • "Virtue signalers are hypocrites" • "Psychopaths mimic prosocial personality traits to get women" • "Leftists are anti-White" • "Normal people are subconsciously more empathetic toward their own race" • "To save the lives of others, Leftists are willing to kill innocent Whites but not innocent Blacks" • "Leftists are more tolerant of anti-White than anti-Black discrimination" • "Being exposed to anti-White ideology makes Leftists more anti-White" ---------- These many symptoms are common to the cultist, whose nature is weak, impotent, and constantly afflicted by some new condition and new propaganda trend. Readers may note, for instance, that the cultist "jergul" attempted in the previous thread to desperately and pathetically gain my attentions with some frivolous debate about "pretty basic chemical physics" — an obvious red herring when the thread's topic is the slave/death climate cult. Despite being completely ignored, this cultist insisted on spamming the thread for my attention like an ugly school boy with a crush. He literally cannot stop due to his cult dogma, its accompanying envy, and its resentful desire to destroy all that it cannot achieve. We can easily think of the counter example to this behavior: -=-=-=-=- • Where the leftist lies, obfuscates, signals cult dogma, is drawn to narcissistic disorders, is heavily impacted and distressed by truth statements outside of cult dogma, has reduced threat perceptions, and has lower testosterone Conversely • A right-wing person can freely tell the truth, needs no obfuscation, speaks plainly with truth statements, is less likely to have any disorders or negative health states, responds positively to the truth, can recognize threats, and has better hormonal outcomes thus A strong person (more likely to be right-wing) will simply put up or shut up. Rather than taking the coward's pathetic route of pretending not to be affected while spamming the opposition's thread with red herrings and desperate pleas for attention, the right-wing person would simply have not said anything in the thread at all. And we have that data: the jergfag and williamthecoward cultists will spam this thread in their bitchboy cowardice, but the mental control necessary for silence requires strong character — which they lack. I, meanwhile, rarely post in tumblefag's threads. -=-=-=-=- But, again, these individual cultists are merely a symptom of Regime Dogma and are themselves irrelevant. As I mentioned previously, during the Bolshevik propaganda of tsarist Russia, resentful cultists were activated by propaganda to take action against the tsars. These cultists were obsessed with the works of Dostoevsky and felt a personal affinity to his Underground Man. Even though Dostoevsky's Underground Man represented a pathetic nihilist whose social abilities were so comically shortened that he was unaware of his surroundings and only *accidentally* revealed the manner in which others judged him as a dysgenic leach, his mental state was a kind of inspiration for fellow dysgenic leftists of the late tsarist period. With works such as this as their guidebook and inspired further to a direct resentment of the tsars, propagandists called these cultists to form a55a55ination collectives. (This is largely detailed by Avrahm Yarmolinsky 1956 work on the Alexander II a55a55ination collectivists.) This same effect is in place with the modern slave/death cult, who is being activated by the same nihilistic psychosis propaganda to kill Trump and oppose the right. We can even see where propaganda attempted to communicate these lessons to them, such as movie "The Joker" (2019), which was meant as left-wing nihilism propaganda but which attracted instead right-wingers who saw through its left-wing coding and laughed at its intended messaging. Just as Bolshevik propaganda was controlled by international jewry, so too was "The Joker" written and directed by a jewish writer/director, who attempted to code "vigilantism" as killing White rich people on the subway — when right-wing viewers could watch the same scene and realize that the people causing problems on the subway are actually left-wing goblins. Hence, the jewish director attempted to destroy his own character in the sequel. Other propaganda is far more widespread. The movie "Civil War" (2024) reads as a leftist's a55a55ination fantasy, including the leftist's lack of spacial awareness — things only overcome through the collectivist mob's virginal fumbling with the bra straps of reality, where, with enough hands fumbling, perhaps the task will be accomplished. There is even a remake of "The Day of the Jackal" in the works, which, naturally, places a White villain against a black heroine. The underlying message, no doubt, will be that the seeds of a55a55ination are good when the leftist and the invder does it and bad when the Westerner does it. These themes are all the propagandized imperatives of the ESG/DEI slave/death cult dogma, which I detailed here: https://cherubcow.substack.com/p/a-guide-to-the-total-states-cultural UP's cultists are merely symptoms of this propaganda, like machines with no souls or a mass of dung beetles moving towards their destiny in a pile of shit via their sheer fluid-spilling movements. Flamethrowers love such aggregation. In short, slave/death cultists of the climate cult are, at their core, simply dysgenic goblins lashing out at the beautiful and strong. Or, as others have put it: "Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing." With this simple premise you can reverse engineer the entire ideology. We know, for instance, that the leftists in this forum are likely incredibly ugly and dysgenic. We know that they have no respect for beauty, that they likely hate their own families, that they would destroy their own children (e.g., by "transing" them, by giving them to the state that hates them), that they reject the West's noble values, that they hate the strong, that they deceive as easily as the strong breath, and that they have no moral system keeping them from accepting the morality of international conquerors. It is their nature instead to adopt any framework which enables their lies and enslavement dogmas, whether that be judaism, lutheranism, calvinism, or the climate cult's imperatives as prescribed the UN's SDGs. Heinlein's descriptions of the collectivists are appropriate. These cultists place no value on their own lives and have no nobility, hence, ammunition itself is wasted on them. It is their lairs that must be sought out. There is no utility talking to the "one" collectivist directly because all you will see is the Inner-Party lair's cud being re-chewed inarticulately by the Outer Party prole, who will maintain the Celebration Parallax in a perpetual immunity to reason. A williamthecoward, tumblefag, or sebgul knows what doctrine to repeat, but they do not know the hivemind that they obey and cannot be expected to reason through the ideological core of it — only obey, only comply, only annihilate on behalf of the hive. A tumblefag will never know what ESG is, nor will any cultist be released from the psychosis signal without the overall defeat of the lair. |
large member | Tue Nov 05 11:12:54 Here, let me show you with the help of a little light editing. Do you see how I improved that chapter of your manifesto (reader beware, I may not have fully purged bile against irrelevant individuals, but point should be clear)? ================ I have previously summarized these common left-wing dysfunctions here: ---------- http://uto...hread=92615&time=1725247793399 • "Leftists are less attractive" • "Leftists are shorter and poorer" • "Leftists are weaker" • "Men with more masculine faces are more likely to be explicitly prejudiced (i.e. not Leftist)" • "Leftists are more mentally ill" • "Leftists are more unhappy" • "Leftists are more neurotic / emotionally unstable" • "Leftists have lower disgust sensitivity" • "Leftists don't believe that disgusting things are immoral" • "Leftists have incomplete moral foundations, are individually rather than group-focused" • "Simulating brain damage makes people Left-Wing" • "Leftists have smaller amygdalas (part of the brain responsible for processing threats, among other things) ... Smaller amygdala... correlates with increased mental illness" • "A damaged amygdala reduces threat-perception" • "People with amygdala damage experience sudden uncontrollable fear and panic when threatened (sound familiar?)" • Women with more feminine faces, lower testosterone, and higher estrogen have greater maternal tendencies (e.g. don't kill their babies, like Leftists)" • "Leftist women are less attractive" • "Leftist men have lower testosterone; giving moderate Leftists steroids makes them more Right-Wing" • "Men with higher testosterone lie less frequently" • "Men with higher testosterone are more likely to adopt heterodox positions, question consensus, impartially analyze information" • "Higher testosterone correlates with increased ingroup preference and outgroup discrimination" • "High testosterone produces prosocial behavior and heightened ingroup preference in the face of external threats, while low testosterone produces selfish behavior (again, does this sound familiar?)" • "Envy, selfishness, egalitarianism, and willingness to harm the innocent predict economic Leftism/redistribution" • "Narcissism and psychopathy predict anti-hierarchical aggression (i.e. Leftists wanting to destroy society)" • "Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy predict virtuous victimhood signaling" • "Virtue signalers are hypocrites" • "Psychopaths mimic prosocial personality traits to get women" • "Leftists are anti-White" • "Normal people are subconsciously more empathetic toward their own race" • "To save the lives of others, Leftists are willing to kill innocent Whites but not innocent Blacks" • "Leftists are more tolerant of anti-White than anti-Black discrimination" • "Being exposed to anti-White ideology makes Leftists more anti-White" • Where the leftist lies, obfuscates, signals cult dogma, is drawn to narcissistic disorders, is heavily impacted and distressed by truth statements outside of cult dogma, has reduced threat perceptions, and has lower testosterone Conversely • A right-wing person can freely tell the truth, needs no obfuscation, speaks plainly with truth statements, is less likely to have any disorders or negative health states, responds positively to the truth, can recognize threats, and has better hormonal outcomes thus A strong person (more likely to be right-wing) will simply put up or shut up. As I mentioned previously, during the Bolshevik propaganda of tsarist Russia, resentful cultists were activated by propaganda to take action against the tsars. These cultists were obsessed with the works of Dostoevsky and felt a personal affinity to his Underground Man. Even though Dostoevsky's Underground Man represented a pathetic nihilist whose social abilities were so comically shortened that he was unaware of his surroundings and only *accidentally* revealed the manner in which others judged him as a dysgenic leach, his mental state was a kind of inspiration for fellow dysgenic leftists of the late tsarist period. With works such as this as their guidebook and inspired further to a direct resentment of the tsars, propagandists called these cultists to form a55a55ination collectives. (This is largely detailed by Avrahm Yarmolinsky 1956 work on the Alexander II a55a55ination collectivists.) This same effect is in place with the modern slave/death cult, who is being activated by the same nihilistic psychosis propaganda to kill Trump and oppose the right. We can even see where propaganda attempted to communicate these lessons to them, such as movie "The Joker" (2019), which was meant as left-wing nihilism propaganda but which attracted instead right-wingers who saw through its left-wing coding and laughed at its intended messaging. Just as Bolshevik propaganda was controlled by international jewry, so too was "The Joker" written and directed by a jewish writer/director, who attempted to code "vigilantism" as killing White rich people on the subway — when right-wing viewers could watch the same scene and realize that the people causing problems on the subway are actually left-wing goblins. Hence, the jewish director attempted to destroy his own character in the sequel. Other propaganda is far more widespread. The movie "Civil War" (2024) reads as a leftist's a55a55ination fantasy, including the leftist's lack of spacial awareness — things only overcome through the collectivist mob's virginal fumbling with the bra straps of reality, where, with enough hands fumbling, perhaps the task will be accomplished. There is even a remake of "The Day of the Jackal" in the works, which, naturally, places a White villain against a black heroine. The underlying message, no doubt, will be that the seeds of a55a55ination are good when the leftist and the invder does it and bad when the Westerner does it. These themes are all the propagandized imperatives of the ESG/DEI slave/death cult dogma, which I detailed here: https://cherubcow.substack.com/p/a-guide-to-the-total-states-cultural "Communism is when ugly deformed freaks make it illegal to be normal then rob and/or kill all successful people out of petty resentment and cruelty. The ideology is all just window dressing." With this simple premise you can reverse engineer the entire ideology. Heinlein's descriptions of the collectivists are appropriate. These cultists place no value on their own lives and have no nobility, hence, ammunition itself is wasted on them. It is their lairs that must be sought out. There is no utility talking to the "one" collectivist directly because all you will see is the Inner-Party lair's cud being re-chewed inarticulately by the Outer Party prole, who will maintain the Celebration Parallax in a perpetual immunity to reason. |
large member | Tue Nov 05 11:15:08 Wow, scare how much better the lightly edited chapter became. Kind of is food for thought, dont you think CC? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 11:57:36 Can a moderator remove this spammer's latest two comments from my thread? I realize that he's a faggot and that's totally fine in UP; faggot's are gonna faggot, and perhaps we should not silence our LGBTQ2S+NAMBLA pedophiles and pederasts until a case can be built against them. But he's literally just spamming now. This is little different than williamthebitchfag spamming A.I. prompts. |
large member | Tue Nov 05 12:03:10 Revision is not spamming CC. Seriously, take a look. Do you not see how much better that manifesto chapter is without the random adhoms at irrelevant people? Even your closing paragraph says as much. You should internalize Heinlein's thoughts on the footsoldiers of evil. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 12:04:59 jergul now so pathetically defeated that he's having a meltdown in this thread. He really is the ugly little schoolboy with a crush. Fucking creeper stalker freak. |
large member | Tue Nov 05 12:10:39 CC You sure that "meltdown" comment is not a classic case of projection? It could be me, but I seem rather calm and collected. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 12:15:48 Sure thing, bitchboy. You sure seem calm having your little meltdown, you creepy stalker freak. Go tell your wife what you're doing. |
large member | Tue Nov 05 12:22:58 hehehe, she knows. I have been reading to her from these exchanges for our common amusement. We only have the fun we make for ourselves :). |
Member | Tue Nov 05 13:19:12 Hahaha, 1,700 words of triggered raging chimping from our favourite, bedridden 500-pounder :D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 05 13:26:35 I once again remind williamthecoward that I can write quickly and easily. It took me literally 15 minutes to write all of that. It must suck for williamthecoward to realize that those long nights he spent on amphetamines such as illegally obtained Ritalin — trying desperately to write pathetic and forgettable essays — were an incredible chore for him rather than the pleasure that it is for me to write far more and far better than he could ever dream. :) |
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