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Utopia Talk / Politics / Byeden lol
Sun Jul 21 12:56:21
He got booted.

How it started: "Putin has go to!" - Byeden and the Democrats

How it ended: "I stand down" - Byeden

the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 13:01:45
finally... the stubborn idiot :p
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 13:08:37
i see he signs his name w/ a pen... like adults...
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 13:08:46
Now the little bitch faggots on the left will pretend that Biden stepping down is what they wanted all along. Goldfish memory motherfuckers.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 13:12:22
Like I've said before, the death slave cult fellates itself like a point-of-pride over the fact that they use puppets and have no single valuable person. This is because they are collectivist weaklings who truly have no one who is great among them. They think that not having a "strong man" like Trump is some kind of principle that they are observing as a contradiction or antithesis to "[muh dictator]", but they're admitting to being slaves who are enslaved to the lowest common denominator among them. They are bureaucrats of the hivemind with no individual value, desiring to be cogs in their own annihilation.
Sun Jul 21 13:15:19

And now the Democrats will get curb stomped ... and will blame Biden for it.

Sun Jul 21 13:16:22

"finally... the stubborn idiot"

I don't know if this board will still be here or active in 4 months, but if it is I will be putting your ass on blast 24/7 when Trump wins and the GOP sweeps the House and senate.

Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 13:29:14
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "if it is I will be putting your ass on blast 24/7 when Trump wins and the GOP sweeps the House and senate."

Tumblefag is not a strategic thinker.
The Democrats consistently tried to explain to their tumblefag useful idiots that Biden was the most strategic move and that all the Regime would have to do to make him work — despite the dementia/Parkinson's — is to get him over the line in November.

But, tumblefag, being a low-IQ cultist, wants desperately to appear to *not* be a cultist, and to him this has him follow 2 delusions:
1) Trump has a "cult" of personality! Therefore he is a "cult" leader! His voters want *him* rather than just some disembodied "idea" that serves no one! Those 'cultists'!
2) If liking a single person is "bad thing", then I should prove that I'm not in a cult by *not* showing favoritism to any one person — only to the Bolshevik Party as an "idea" amalgamation. Therefore, by pretending that I don't care about Biden, I am proving that I care about the Party and am *not* in a cult!

Of course, tumblefag is so goddamned stupid that he doesn't realize that this mental process is just proving that he *is* in a cult, since this is exactly what Orwell was warning about in 1984, since "Big Brother" was *not* a "Hitler" figure but a disembodied collectivist Party whose face could be changed without changing anything.
Sun Jul 21 13:37:41
The Democrats still has a chance. They have the female Obama, Kamala Harris. All it takes is that sufficient people vote for the Democrats.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 14:01:33
"I will be putting your ass on blast 24/7 when Trump wins"

what is your evidence Biden would win? also, it's just the principled right decision, issues w/ his age have been showing in every non-prompter event

also, i tweeted to Jill about convincing her husband to drop out on Aug 24, 2023 (just looked it up)... not my new position after debate or otherwise recently at all, i'm not following any media or other influence... i can actually think for myself (& rationally, unlike CC)

i wonder if nutbag CC has learned the assassin was not antifa, & no sign of even being political... just an outcast deciding between typical mass shooter & assassination of a political figure (w/ several considerations not specifically Trump)
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 14:05:26
This also activates the deep state's Nixon strategy:
[January 2023]
1) Biden faces manufactured scandal.
2) Semi-related scandal used on VP Harris.
3) VP Harris resigns.
4) Harris' replacement is appointed by Biden — most likely Hakeem Jeffries?
5) Biden resigns.
6) Hakeem Jeffries assumes the presidency.
7) Same Total State, new face.

I'm not sure if the timing is right for Harris to step down in favor of Jeffries, so maybe Jeffries will just be VP. So Kamala may just pair with Jeffries to gain some popular support, since Jeffries is a low-IQ puppet who says, "Extreme MAGA Republicans," every other sentence — but like, in an affected MLK speech pattern. Low-IQ people love gimmicks like that.

But smart money is that Harris will appoint someone who's paid more dues to the Regime, which would be Newsom or Whitmer (among others http://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/07/21/kamala-harris-running-mate-heres-who-could-be-her-vp-after-biden-drops-out-and-endorses-her/ ). Newsom has committed some overt treasons that the Regime likes, such as trade pacts with New Zealand and China that bypass the TPP losses. Whitmer, though, successfully killed a lot of people during COVID, which the Regime also really likes. Imagine killing your own state's citizens to secure election wins and *not* being on the short list.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 14:08:30
[tumblefag (TDS bot; Regime sycophant, pedophile supporter, NPC)]: " not my new position after debate or otherwise recently at all, i'm not following any media or other influence... i can actually think for myself (& rationally, unlike CC)"

No, you absolutely and categorically cannot think for yourself. That is why you are in a cult and *only* adopt the cult's viewpoints on *everything*. I have never seen you say something which defied the cult. *Never*. Not once. Strange that that is so, don't you think? Nope! You don't think that's strange because you do not think.

[tumblefag (TDS bot; Regime sycophant, pedophile supporter, NPC)]: "i wonder if nutbag CC has learned the assassin was not antifa, & no sign of even being political... just an outcast deciding between typical mass shooter & assassination of a political figure (w/ several considerations not specifically Trump)"

Nice strawman, faggot. When did I say he's Antifa, you liar bitch faggot?
My repeated point in those threads is that the Regime was intentionally trying to get Trump a55a55inated and that the shooter is a direct product of that. This is absolutely true, and you are an ideological clone of the shooter, given that your obsession with Trump can only be satisfied by having sex with Trump, by killing Trump, or by seeing him killed for your amusement. You are in a cult.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 21 14:16:29
Hillary against Trump?
Sun Jul 21 14:29:40
Wikipedia right now:


the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 15:13:40
fuckhead taking full credit for Biden aging out:

"Crooked Joe just got knocked out, so now I’ll have to do it a FOURTH TIME!!!"

(& still pretending he won last time... as he's a ridiculously unfit mentally-ill fraud child)
Sun Jul 21 15:21:20
I will say this...thank God for Trump that the general public doesn't know about Truth Social.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 15:23:51
yep, i'm sure absolutely nobody from his side is urging him to return to Twitter
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 15:30:13
tumblefag needs to do what is right!

All Democrats must write-in Joe Biden!
Do not let the deep state take this decision from you!

The Regime wants useful idiots such as tumblefag to be happy that Biden was replaced! They want them to think that this was what the useful idiots wanted rather than the deep state! But tumblefag and the collectivist mob must prove that they have willpower of their own!

"Write in JOE BIDEN"!!!
Sun Jul 21 15:31:36
Bashir al-Assad outlasts another
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 21 17:04:42
^what a retarded thing to say. Like thats kamala level retarded
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 17:09:17
The cope on https://imgur.com/ is hilarious right now. If anyone wants to laugh at left-wing idiocy, this is a good time to click "User submitted" from the drop-down menu and see them consoling themselves and glomming onto the next collectivist narrative.

Some highlights:
• "[hur hur, now *Trump* is the oldest candidate! Hur hur!]"
https://imgur.com/gallery/bakari-sellers-speaking-truth-TcCw8Km (Acyn, of course; this is the propagandist that tumblefag posts in pretty much every single one of his threads)

(no, you fucking idiots, it's about Biden having actual dementia/Parkinson's, not age as a number)

• Narrative of suddenly being all-in on Kamala despite her being an embarrassment:

• Blue no matter who cope (the "just voting against Trump" cope):

• Biden did the right thing for "our democracy" cope:

The most useful of the idiots will simply vote for whomever the DNC selects and will have zero complaints about it. Their "choice" is external; they can never own it. This connects directly with the "voting against Trump" useful idiots. As I explained on Imgur:
"When speaking with collectivists it's important to realize that members of the mob will go wherever the bulk of the mob is present. Their only principle is total compliance with the largest bulk of the mob, since they must assure the mob's victory as a surrogate for their own victory. Even in defeat they will presume a victory, since they acted collectively and that itself is "victory"."

In other words, collectivists have no principles outside of compliance with the collective, so if the DNC puts up a literal brick of shit, collectivists will vote for it and be annoyed at anyone who even suggests that another principle exists since choices confuse people into making a choice which is not "correct" by the mob's reckoning (this connects with what I've said about collectivists not actually being "pro choice" in a general sense). Hence, they're calling anyone who disagrees with this current outcome a "Russian bot" (these retards *still* believe the Russia hoax *that* deeply; tumblefag admitted as much recently). The mob must be uniform, as tumblefag demonstrates with his totally uniform thinking patterns.

The "must vote against Trump" defensive-voting narrative is also itself the post-WWII boomer delusion, which I explained here ( http://uto...hread=92965&time=1719994042922 ). The Regime enforces the post-WWII boomer delusion as a foundation myth wherein the myth is "[Just don't be Nazi badman Hitler]." Because leftists think in this way, their only founding myth is to *not* be right-wing. That is, they can only *not* be (i.e., they must un-become); they cannot *be* (i.e., they cannot become). They have no positive principle. They deconstruct into annihilation, serving the function of the death cult. This propels the Bolsheviks into power, employing tumblefag useful idiots towards this purpose.

Each narrative eases the psychology of the leftist useful idiot. They have been denied external choice, but the Regime replaces Biden and makes them believe that this was their own choice (as is the case with tumblefag, who thinks that he is triumphant and independent-thinking in wanting Biden replaced earlier — even though this was the Regime's own desire and tumblefag was merely reflecting it dutifully). The death cult can only lead itself to death. That is its function.
Sun Jul 21 18:01:32

"what is your evidence Biden would win?"

The scoreboard.

the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 18:53:13
he had a weak win w/ Trumps daily idiocy fresh on people's minds, heavily relying on Trump hate over any Biden love

now people's memory of Trump have faded, while Biden blamed for inflation (& he does nothing to dissuade the view) + border numbers + appearing half-dead

his numbers were terrible from the start & he's a drag on every race in battlegrounds... there's a reason all these people wanted him to step down
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 19:31:01
They want him to step down because he's a puppet, and useful idiots such as tumblefag think that removing a puppet and replacing that puppet with another puppet is somehow different. This is because they convinced fucktards such as tumbletard that replacing Biden would be "good for democracy", but this is purely their logic of *theater*. That is, a puppet is still a puppet; it is the Party that is still in power, and tumblefag fully supports the pedophile totalitarian Regime. The Bolsheviks frequently did this with their puppets: if one of them becomes a public liability, they simply find an ideological clone. That is all that the pedophile-supporter tumblefag wants: and ideological clone.

Whereas, the puppet Biden's treasons (the DNC's direct impact on inflation, the DNC border treason, the DNC's helping to establish New Khazaria, the DNC's sustainability treasons), are merely going to be maintained by the next Bolshevik puppet. Tumblefag is in a death cult, and the death cultists want the DNC to bring about WWIII and the annihilation and enslavement of the West.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 19:31:53
*"that the pedophile-supporter tumblefag wants: [an] ideological clone."
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 21:42:29
I want someone fit for office... though I probably also have endorsed annihilation of humans
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 22:01:54
[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime death cultist)]: "though I probably also have endorsed annihilation of humans"

With your every breath.

[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime death cultist)]: "I want someone fit for office..."

We've already established that this is a lie.
For the record, tumblefag has previously made this (false) claim that he would vote for "[anyone but Trump]", but he could not even defend the next obvious conclusion of it, with this being the test:
Would tumblefag vote for Boebert? For MTG? For Gaetz?
Of course not!

tumblefag cannot convincingly pretend that he is merely against Trump (i.e., Trump, the one man and that man alone); he is explicitly *for* pedophilia and global totalitarian Bolshevism. He is explicitly *against* *anyone* who stands against this global annihilation and enslavement. tumblefag would *not* suddenly vote GOP if the GOP put-up some "fit for office" candidate because the GOP is not Bolshevik enough and the Bolsheviks would still call *any* GOP candidate "Hitler 2.0" **and has in fact done so for decades**.

What tumblefag *actually* wants — as demonstrated consistently by his ideology — is the death of the West as an extension of his own desire for suicide, and he sees that the DNC is the most effective at achieving this goal.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jul 21 22:11:39
In case anyone doubts that tumblefag gets his talking points from the Regime, here's the "not fit for office" talking point:

tumblefag is a smrt independent cultist who don't need no propaganda to tell him how to think!
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 23:03:53
"Would tumblefag vote for Boebert? For MTG? For Gaetz?"

if they were the highest polling candidate opposite Trump, yes (though not a terribly realistic scenario as none of them would dare challenge the cult leader)

what is your crazed nutbag belief i would do?

& no, Trump's unfitness is not related to him being unable to walk down a ramp w/o assistance (or anything physical)... but of course you know nothing about my positions (nor about Trump)
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 23:10:27
...though i'm not claiming MTG is fit for office (the worst of those 3), her definitely unfit given how susceptible she is to crazy theories of tweeters (even a Qanon believer)

just none of those 3 less fit than Trump (as Trump also susceptible to believing weird shit of randos/bots, plus is the source of some of that made up shit that MTGs believe, plus so much more)
Sun Jul 21 23:32:19
An aging Biden that could at least muster 75% of the person he was in 2020 for the debate would have won the election. He knew he had to just come out strong and he would’ve clamped down on the “too old” meme.

But he failed. Kamala isn’t a great candidate but at the end of the day she’s boring and safe and thats what people will want as the stock market hits new highs and we hit record low unemployment.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 00:09:31
[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime death cultist)]: "if they were the highest polling candidate opposite Trump, yes"

Do we see how tumblefag is so goddamned stupid that he thinks that he's contradicting me as he confirms exactly what I was saying about him?

[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime death cultist)]: "& no, Trump's unfitness is not related to him being unable to walk down a ramp w/o assistance (or anything physical)... but of course you know nothing about my positions (nor about Trump)"

Do we see how abysmally stupid tumblefag must be to misinterpret that link in this way? He, again, is making a category error — a common error for dumbass leftists (forest for the trees error). He is literally too stupid to understand the mistake that he made in this interpretation, just as he is similarly not mentally equipped to recognize a thousand other errors that he has made.

And again, as I have pointed out for years now: leftists such as tumblefag, murder, sebgul, wtb, earthfag, and dukhat are incredibly fucking stupid, immoral, and maliciously and unapologetically evil. It is because of this *innate* condition that they *fell* into their evil ideology. tumblefag does not oppose Trump because "[Gish Gallop of reasons]". No. tumblefag opposes Trump because tumblefag is a goblin with a goblin's morality.

Would not a goblin be attracted to the sewers?
Would not we find a troll under a bridge waiting for goats?
Would not we find a liar selling cars at a used car lot?
Would not we find a pedophile serving as president for the DNC?
Would not we find a tumblefag demanding his own self-annihilation be shared with all of the West?
Would not a slave search for a master?

tumblefag is evil, and anything he says is merely said to serve that evil. He and those like him must be absolutely defeated for all time. I hope he lives forever with a perfect memory and develops a conscience so that he might know fully the limitlessness of his depravities.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 00:16:53
you're slightly odd
Mon Jul 22 00:19:05
She’s mentally ill without the ability to form adult relationships.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 00:23:54
"you're slightly odd"
— maliciously evil goblin
Mon Jul 22 05:03:38
Cuckhat "kamala is boring but safe"

Dude. How delusional are you? Kamala is anything but boring and anything but safe. She is hated across the country and has been hated across the country for a solid 4 years. Do you think that's gonna change once the trump campaign digs into her entire lack of achievement?

She sucks a good dick. She has a terrible laugh. And she loves to jail blacks.

That's about all there is to her. None of it is appealing or worthy of being the leader of the free world.
Mon Jul 22 05:05:03
Dei got kamala to the VP and now dei is gonna fuck the democratic party and it's gonna be beautiful to watch.
Mon Jul 22 05:44:31

"he had a weak win"

WTF are you talking about?

Biden beat Trump by more than 7,000,000 votes

He beat him by 4.5% of the vote

He won 306 electoral votes.

How the fuck is that weak?
Mon Jul 22 05:52:40

"now people's memory of Trump have faded"

Yeah amnesia set in for 330,000,000 people.

4 year is like a lifetime ago. </sarcasm>

"his numbers were terrible from the start & he's a drag on every race in battlegrounds... there's a reason all these people wanted him to step down"

Right. People wanted to vote for Democratic Candidate Rando, but with Biden leading the ticket they just could bring themselves to.

The retarded shit that people say is mind blowing.
Mon Jul 22 06:07:34
I saw a typo in my initial post, so I might as well rewrite it.

Biden/The Democrats: Putin has got to go!

Biden: Okay, I’ll go!
Mon Jul 22 06:12:19

Yeah, Putin is going to outlast another US President.

the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 11:36:56
"Biden beat Trump by more than 7,000,000 votes"

popular vote doesn't matter

PA : won by 70,000 out of ~6.8 million
WI : won by 20,000 out of ~3.2 million
AZ : won by 11,000 out of ~3.3 million
GA : won by 12,000 out of ~4.9 million
(PA any +2 of the others & Trump won)

that was with huge turnout given Trump found a way to be a fucking idiot embarrassment news story every single day for 4 years

you don't think significant inflation + border hysteria + Biden not being inspiring at all wouldn't keep people 'on the couch' (if not flat out switching to Trump)? there's already indication of black people (men in particular) moving toward his bullshit lies... (though at least the next BLM riot is now on R's)
Mon Jul 22 12:01:23
Biden won by more. Trump did everything he could to fuck up the election and tilt the election in his favor. Most of all he tried to sabotage mail-in-ballots because Dems took Covid seriously and stayed home and tried to push the stolen election narrative because his pollsters said he would lose and that his lead on election night from live voting would disappear.

Fucking dumbasses like Obaminated still use the mail-in-ballots coming in as evidence that the election was stolen.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 22 13:48:45
"Trump did everything he could to fuck up the election"

Says the side trying to import the third world to gain future votes.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 14:32:41
Boebert is taking note of how there has not yet been proof that Biden himself approved of his own resignation:
I demand proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00pm.

He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he’s aware that he dropped out.

Hiding is completely unacceptable.
(currently 86k likes)

Detractors may say this is silly of Boebert, but she is picking up on hundreds of posts that were expressing the same thing yesterday. This is a matter of how little people trust the Regime. CNN wrote a puff piece which (supposedly) shows the process that went into the decision:
The article includes information that was passing on social media yesterday:
• "Biden consulted only a very small number of close aides on the decision. Some members of his inner circle were left in the dark until minutes before he posted his announcement on social media, including one of his closest communications advisers, Anita Dunn.
• "Multiple sources told CNN that Dunn and a small group of senior aides became aware of Biden’s announcement in the minutes before the post."
• "Biden and Harris spoke multiple times Sunday ahead of his announcement, according to a source familiar with the matter. Biden also held separate calls with chief of staff Jeff Zients and campaign co-chair Jen O’Malley Dillon informing each of his decision."

In other words, per Regime-owned property CNN, while Biden (supposedly) left a trail of contacts, these people are all in his inner circle.

With trust in the Regime so low, the counter-narrative is that Biden was just zoning out while people made decisions around him, then they put a paper in front of him for him to sign and posted to his social media to force the outcome before he became lucid (think of an invalid drooling in a nursing home while relatives argue over power of attorney). This combines with separate worries, such as that Biden's COVID was weaponized to force him into seclusion. With the donors all pulling the rug out from under Biden leading into the weekend ( https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/18/democratic-donors-biden-drop-out-kamala-harris.html ), the thinking is that the donors staged a coup to take the decision away from him.

The only real proof that the public accepts is (maybe) Biden's signature, though the more conspiratorial doubt even that. People basically want to see if he'll emerge with a black eye, looking frail, and crying out for help with his eyes because he was just manipulated. COVID gives him cover for not having to appear before the public in the short term. COVID also gives the Regime the ability to a55a55inate Biden before he can address the public, but that would be over-the-top since Biden will probably play ball even if the worst has happened.

It's clear, though, that this was a coup.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 14:50:22
"but she is picking up on hundreds of posts that were expressing the same thing yesterday"

"It's clear, though, that this was a coup"

The Dumbening

Boebert was also an idiot in the hearing with the Secret Service director... amongst her stupidity she asked if the director sent any encrypted messages to the White House (not sure what rabbit hole she was in, i'm sure CC knows), the director said no, Boebert said so will you turn over your phone? director said if i'm required to... Boebert: ahhh... well... i'll look into that...

so prepared! & presumably the rabbit hole is believing Biden & SS conspired for the hit or something? definitely has to be something stupid...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 14:54:28
the Speaker of the House also claimed there will be lawsuits if Dems try to put Harris on the ballot instead of Biden...

the convention hasn't even happened yet

& Biden while encouraged to step down, was not forced to... he incredibly obviously is allowed to drop out...

such constant stupidity

(then there's poor Comer who now won't be able to spring some Hunter Biden nonsense in October that they'd play up as meaningful while actually demonstrating nothing)
Mon Jul 22 15:16:37

"PA : won by 70,000 out of ~6.8 million
WI : won by 20,000 out of ~3.2 million
AZ : won by 11,000 out of ~3.3 million
GA : won by 12,000 out of ~4.9 million"

Do you notice the word "won" that keeps showing up? That's good. And those last two usually go for Republicans.

And Trump had the advantage of incumbency.

"you don't think significant inflation + border hysteria + Biden not being inspiring at all wouldn't keep people 'on the couch' (if not flat out switching to Trump)? there's already indication of black people (men in particular) moving toward his bullshit lies... (though at least the next BLM riot is now on R's)"

No I don't. Trump is still Trump, and Biden is still an angry white guy from Scranton.

Biden is competitive for the angry white guy vote. He's an acceptable alternative for them. You know who isn't? The Indian/African American woman.

She's going to have to make up those votes somewhere, or some of those tight wins are going to turn into losses. Arizona and Wisconsin in particular don't have a hell of a lot of black people.

And if the margin among other groups is large enough, the percentage of black voters won't really matter. For example, the two states with the highest percentage of African Americans are Mississippi and South Carolina. Both will go Republican.
Mon Jul 22 15:22:29
I predict endless movies and made for TV stories will be written about this election....
Mon Jul 22 15:29:04

In case tumbleweed isn't aware, angry white voters are what broke the "blue wall" in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and allowed Trump to beat Hillary.

the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 15:47:21
you aren't explaining why there would be no movement from 2020, he can afford so little

the polls show clear movement... & that Biden doing worse than the down ballot D's in the battlegrounds

inflation affects everyone & very directly... how has Biden defended himself? (whatever it was, clearly wasn't working)

Kamala will have an uphill battle too but at least it's some kind of change, & people like change & signs of life
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 16:57:43
[tumblefag (TDS bot, NPC, Regime sycophant, pedophile supporter, likely pedophile)]: "not sure what rabbit hole she was in"

Of course you do not. Ignorance is Strength!

The left-wing echo chambers are trying to run with this "but Trump is old" line. It's abysmally stupid. They're pretending that the argument was "[Biden is old!]" as opposed to, "[Biden literally has dementia/Parkinson's and is a puppet]". Fucking cult idiots.
Mon Jul 22 17:00:30

"you aren't explaining why there would be no movement from 2020, he can afford so little"

I don't have to explain why there wouldn't be.

Reality: Biden beat Trump

Unfounded fear: OMG people now like Trump better!

You haven't explained how Kamala or anyone else is going to do better or as well as Biden in the swing states or how they will put new states into play.

Democrat oligarchs, their cronies, and fools, chose to elect Donald Trump and everything that is going to come with that. Every single one of those persons deserves the rope if Democrats lose in November.

Mon Jul 22 17:02:26

On the plus side, the media no longer seems to care that Joe Biden is old and demented. Apparently it's no longer an issue.

Funny huh?

Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 17:06:00
Yup. They can hide the FDR propaganda for a little while longer — just long enough that they don't get in trouble for having kept a puppet in office.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 22 18:56:20
Is biden alive?
Mon Jul 22 20:39:50
It legit seems like he is either dead or in a coma and we are watching the deep state launch a coup in real time.

It's pretty wild

Tw will have no problem with it because it hurts trump.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 20:47:37
When people were asking yesterday why Biden hadn't appeared in front of a camera, I was figuring we'd see *something* today, but they didn't even do a White House Press Briefing. All we've gotten is a letter from his doctor saying he's super juiced up:

"Biden" (or one of his handlers) also had no problem (today) authorizing BlackRock infrastructure plans to proceed:

They still have him signing documents. The absolute state of puppetry.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 20:48:50
(infrastructure plans in Ukraine, that is; BlackRock is managing infrastructure for Ukraine, just as BlackRock has inserted itself into Belt-and-Road infrastructure via the recent G7 meetings)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 21:27:40
or he actually has covid, and will address the nation later this week as he said he would in the drop out letter..
Mon Jul 22 23:43:51
Yeah, his phone call to Harris where his voice sounded strong, didn't sync in with what she was talking about at all and where she almost said he was recorded is not fishy at all.

It's totally what you do when you have covid.
Cherub Cow
Mon Jul 22 23:54:31
The more extreme theories now are that he's just fucking dead. NYT was even forced to respond to a Charlie Kirk rumor about Las Vegas PD being given instructions to med-evac Biden to Johns Hopkins in Maryland. I wouldn't trust Charlie Kirk to toast bread, but just now the Regime seems dedicated to murdering politicians, so it has that dash of truth to it.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 00:06:14
This is that info for anyone interested:
(Additional details about a possible stroke)

There's even a video of them shoveling the old Weekend at Bernie's sack of shit into a presidential vehicle. He looks basically braindead, which is a normal day for him, but Biden-Padme has maybe lost the will to live after the DNC's a55a55ination of Trump failed.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 23 00:39:41
is it in the water supply? what is going on w/ so many...
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 01:07:36
[tumblefag (likely pederast)]: "is it in the water supply?"

I don't think that Biden can get dementia/Parkinson's from the water supply, tumbletard. Whereas, the sack of shit Biden puppet has a history of strokes and brain deficiencies, so if he got COVID then he'd be at further risk of additional strokes. Biden being dead is simply people taking Regime psychopathy to its natural conclusion: the DNC is composed of conscience-free fucktards who would literally play Weekend at Bernie's with a dead Biden just to buy themselves more time to put Biden's name on some documents.

Internalize this, faggot: the people trust your pedophile Regime so little that it is entirely within the scope of expectations that the White House staff is running around with a rotting corpse as did the cast of a slapstick '80s comedy. That is your "adults back in the White House" triumph: a bunch of White House staffers trying desperately to delay telling everyone that Biden is a vegetable.
Tue Jul 23 01:33:41
"[tumblefag (likely pederast)]"

Tue Jul 23 08:46:28
Nobody will vote for dirty Harris.

And so Donald Trump will become your next President. Like the last time he will be easy prey for Putin, because he is not well in his head
the wanderer
Tue Jul 23 13:04:46
well the press got video of him boarding AF1 so i guess he's not dead despite all that compelling evidence...
Cherub Cow
Tue Jul 23 14:12:53
Biden kicking wet shit out of the bottom of his pant legs while shuffling up stairs is enough for Regime apparatchik tumblefag to declare another record harvest! This is true Faith in Party!
Wed Jul 24 03:49:52
With proper moderation, Cherub would have been instantly banned from most forums but this place is so dead anyways
large member
Wed Jul 24 08:40:25
Moderation here is top notch if I may say so myself.
Wed Jul 24 10:17:57

You have to say so. You're the only one left. :oP

Wed Jul 24 10:35:58
If Joe Byeden is not capable to campaign, he can’t be capable to govern the country either. If Byeden really puts the country first then he should resign from office.
Wed Jul 24 10:56:22
Is Byeden even in charge of the country? If he isn’t, then who is?
Wed Jul 24 11:09:59
Why does it take so long for Byeden to come on out and explain to the american people why he dropped out? He should have done that on Monday already. If not on TV then on X. How hard can it be?

Maybe it does take time for Byeden to rehearse what the coup leaders has told him to say?
Wed Jul 24 17:19:49

"If not on TV then on X."

All government accounts on X should be shut down.

the wanderer
Wed Jul 24 18:41:29
Biden* is speaking tonight for those interested

(*or some George Soros-funded, extremist communist marxist deep fake or DEI clone)
large member
Wed Jul 24 18:54:25
Trump is significantly older than all of the dinosaurs the USSR used to trot out in display. He is too old. This is clearer now that the even older dude dropped out.
Thu Jul 25 00:51:22
”All government accounts on X should be shut down.”

Yes, it is problematic when the government is using X as an platform to convey important messages to the citizens and when citizens have been banned from X.

the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 17:45:20
Vivek still thinks it will be Michelle Obama:


that crowd, including Faux, has been suggesting it will be Michelle forever despite her never expressing any interest (in fact specifically expressing disinterest)
Thu Jul 25 23:21:36
Tw doesn't know that just about everyone says they have no interest in running for office until they declare they do.

Let's see if tw can figure out why

Tw, what advantage does someone give themselves if they always say they won't run but then eventually do?
the wanderer
Thu Jul 25 23:41:44
solid argument... every age 35+ american is as likely as Michelle to be the nominee...

you once again accepting a theory merely because someone posited it rather than there being anything whatsoever supporting it
Fri Jul 26 12:09:07
Lol. You don't know the obvious answer. This is legit funny.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jul 26 23:41:58
[Dukhat (projection bot; retard)]: "With proper moderation, Cherub would have been instantly banned from most forums"

dukfag once again proving that the left is indeed psychotic and authoritarian. we have patom over-moderating the other forums, jergfag threatening to delete the underdogs threads after I embarrassed his tiny little intellect (he's clinically retarded), sebfag celebrating the Regime logic of not showing news that makes brown people look bad, murder wanting to genocide all White people, and tumblefag wanting to totally empower the slave death cult for the annihilation of the West. All of these things are ideologically consistent with a politics of totalitarianism and enslavement.

This left-wing ideology cannot persist when the opposition has a "platform", hence why they are all illiterate (cannot comprehend what you say even when they make some meager attempt at reading) and lazy (do not read despite frequenting a text-base forum). It is no coincidence that the left is chronically incurious. Mental weakling leftists such as tumblefag will never learn what ESG is because that would require curiosity; it is outside of the Regime's approved Overton Window, and that Window is the braindeath which leftists wish for themselves. They fear anything outside of it.
Sat Jul 27 23:49:18
You’re literally one of the most profoundly mentally ill person I’ge ever seen.

It’s a sad state of affairs that they let you post since you clearly belong in an institution.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jul 27 23:59:02
Projection bot projecting. Shocking!
Sun Jul 28 12:14:29

"You’re literally one of the most profoundly mentally ill person I’ge ever seen."

She's just way down the rabbit hole. Half the country didn't just go insane. People red pill themselves. The amount of "crazy" they spout is directly related to how much they choose to immerse themselves in that type of content.

If she's the most mentally ill person you've ever dealt with, then consider yourself blessed.
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