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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ismail Haniyeh KIA
Wed Jul 31 03:59:05
Burn In Hell.
Wed Jul 31 05:29:00

Killed in Tehran? Impressive. :o)

Wed Jul 31 05:32:32

btw every single Israeli response to violence ...

"... sparking fears of a wider war."

Not that I'm saying the Israelis did it ... but just saying.

Wed Jul 31 07:13:08
Regardless of how, to hit him when he is in Tehran and security os at maximum is telling the entire Islamic republic leadership, we can hit you, we just have chosen not to. Meanwhile these fuckers have been celebrating blowing up Israeli poultry farms with Kornet missiles. Don’t you know? The price of eggs has double in Israel!

That is a true story I can give you the link, but they speak farsi.
Wed Jul 31 16:50:04
UP's usual anti-Semites and Iran apologists are very quiet today. LOL
Wed Jul 31 19:14:15

Ayatollah Khamenei orders attack on Israel.

Sam Adams
Wed Jul 31 20:10:08
Can we just kill that ahole and get it over with?
Thu Aug 01 07:35:45

We could, but they will just make more assholes.

Thu Aug 01 09:22:08
Just citing their own words, "we have lost our honor and 45 years of reputation". LOL :) You have to admire Israel and their efficiency. 1 missile/warhead 2 kills, a infinite stream of salty Jihadi tears.
Thu Aug 01 21:33:41

The story seems to be that a bomb was smuggled into that guest house months ago, and that's how the guy was killed.

Sounds pretty wild if true.

Fri Aug 02 04:14:50
That is unlikely. Too much can go wrong and such devices would almost certainly be found in security sweeps, SoP for even the most inept security work.
Fri Aug 02 04:18:46
I’m leaning towards the shoulder fired missile or quadcopter explanations.
Fri Aug 02 04:31:50
There is also the possibility that for whatever reason the Islamic republic had decided that Ismail Haniyeh needed to die. But this was a very costly way to get rid of him, total humiliation. I find it unlikely, but you know with these people it can’t be ruled out.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 02 05:19:04
Qatar deciding he needed to go is much more likely than iran(still not all that high probability) . Not sure they would have known which room he was in. Still amazed the mossad figured that out.
Fri Aug 02 08:40:18
What a fucking asshole

"Calling to de-escalate, Biden says Haniyeh’s death has ‘not helped’ negotiations"


This spineless pussy would have let al-Qaeda get away scot free if he had been in charge during 9/11.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 02 15:21:09
Biden is turning into a seb.

Anyway thanks in part to bidens softness iran appears to be about to launch an attack israel.
Fri Aug 02 15:23:45
Tomorrow Israel will be no more


Iranian state TV anchor says that “in the next hours, the world will see extraordinary scenes and important events”.
Fri Aug 02 18:09:45
Seb is the most excited for an extermination of the jew. But he is to cowardly to admit it.
Fri Aug 02 19:47:33


Fri Aug 02 21:22:43
Perhaps Saudis and Iranians should stop harboring terror leaders
Sat Aug 03 09:35:49

It seems like Iran believes that it was a planted bomb.


NYT: Iran arrests dozens suspected of involvement in Haniyeh assassination

Today, 8:00 am

Iran has arrested at least two dozen people over suspected connection to the alleged Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, The New York Times reports, citing two Iranians familiar with the investigation.

Those arrested include senior Iranian intelligence officers, military officials, and staff at the IRGC-run guesthouse, the report says. Iranians fear a major security breach within high-ranking officials made the daring assassination possible.

Sat Aug 03 13:42:52
The official explanation is that it was a short ranged missile.
Sat Aug 03 17:29:02

That wouldn't explain arresting the guesthouse staff. Assuming that really happened of course.

Sat Aug 03 20:35:45

Either way the Israelis would have had to get close enough to know exactly where Ismail Haniyeh was in the house when they fired the missile or set off the blast.

Sun Aug 04 15:06:44
I mean, regardless of the means this should be impossible without having infiltrated IRGC and/or other Islamic republic services? The heads rolling would need to take place regardless. Someone or multiple people are leaking information, the regime thought this was isolated to Syria, clearly IRGC are getting doxxed.
Sam Adams
Sun Aug 04 17:15:38
There are communications intercepts that could have occured without the iranians being infiltrated, or qatar coul have sold him out.

Or maybe iran is infiltrated. There are lots of waya. We may never know.
Sam Adams
Sun Aug 04 21:59:31
I like how seb thinks its some kindof "gotcha" that people turned to twitter after his government and media tried to hide the identity, and that the very first twitter reports made a very slight error: the migrant who stabbed all those little british girls was african instead of muslim.

Meanwhile seb is happy to let african stabbers run over london, lets muslims run around waving hamas flags and chanting death to jews, without the slightest attempt at prosecution, but the moment a white man waves a british flag and says "no more crime", this is a major offense.
Tue Aug 06 17:12:13
Hamas names Oct 7 mastermind Sinwar as leader after Haniyeh assassination


Just another peace-loving move by those peace-loving Muslims. Our State Department should give Netanyahu yet another lecture on why he should be agreeing to a ceasefire with these people.

This fucktard should have been on Mossad's target list anyway but hopefully they take him out immediately. Being the leader of Hamas should be an automatic capital crime.
Tue Aug 06 20:31:22
Netanyahu has made it clear and is firmly standing on the position that this war only ends when hamas is wiped off the face of the world.

This is something fags like seb can't comprehend because they allow their wife's boyfriend to take them out on Thursdays but for the rest of us, it's clear, you don't stop until hamas ceases to exist.
Fri Aug 09 06:24:48
iChihuaha Fri Dec 01 04:21:11
I would tell you to have faith, but you don't even need faith. It is completely a rational conclusion, there is no way for Israel to stop that does not include the physical removal of Hamas from Gaza.

Let us not fall down the pit of despondence.



I agree periodically even I have been concerned, however that was all propaganda. The deal is pretty much signed between Israel and the Arabs for Gaza after Hamas. They have also masterfully outmaneuvered the Islamic republic and they know it. The Islamic republic has lost a huge battle and incured heavy costs to it's prestige, opened the first they have shaken and revealed it to be empty. I wish I could do justice conveying their own "analysts" but they have now 10 months in realized that their Jergulologic model of the world has no anchor in physical reality. The lucidity has been shocking to listen to. One of them said "nobody imagined this war dragging on for 10 months, only Netanyahu said it, but everyone discounted him because bla bla bla bla".


An additional claim has been made that the IRGC was indeed infiltrated and 2 of their own agents members of the Ansar al-Mahdi corps (The secret service of the IRGC) planted a bomb under the bed. They were then extracted out by Mossad. This would, by far, be the most embarrassing scenario. I mean sure, Israel has far great technical capabilities and intelligence assets using dissidents and civilians, but infiltrating the inner layer and echelon of the IRGC? The rot is deep.
Mon Aug 12 09:28:06

Almost 2 weeks later and Iran still has their limp dick in their hand and nothing to show for their empty threats.

Mon Aug 12 10:44:34
There likely won't be an Iranian response. Netanyahu and the rest of the leaders in Israel can come out from the bunker now. They don’t have to hide no more.
Tue Aug 20 10:15:00

I'm old enough to remember Iran making a bunch of noise about striking Israel over this. What's the point of running your mouth and then turning bitch?

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