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Utopia Talk / General Talk / Is UGT a personal blog? II
Wed Sep 30 00:56:41
Before we get started, I have to warn you all that my life is pretty mundane right now.

I quit work in March because it was actually making me depressed. I've been by and large much happier. Not necessarily enjoying unemployment though. Less money, lots of free time and nothing to fill it with, etc. Really do intend to start looking for a job this week or next

I am considering approaching my old boss for a position at their slowest store, but I left on pretty unpleasant terms all things considered. Plus did I mention it depressed the fuck out of me to work there?

Anyways. Still chugging along with Classics. Love it. Faculty has been changed up a little and the new teachers are trash, though, so that sucks.

Considering doing an evenings/weekends course for certifications with Cisco and some Linux thing. I like that sort of stuff (though am by no means good or well versed in it). Supposedly good job prospects, and I'm pretty sure I could continue my studies (in Classics) part time should I actually find a job.

I'm in need of some romantic advice, but the whole story is, I've been told, extremely creepy. And I get that... so lets take it to a vote. All in favor of hearing about my creepy encounter with the girl of my dreams?
Wed Sep 30 01:16:57
Go for it.
Wed Sep 30 02:30:13
Well. There was this girl. I've known her and her sisters since even before high school. Only one did go to the same one I did, though.

Anyways. This sister in particular I only really interact with when we bump into each other on the bus or metro. We live close by and so occasionally take the "other's" bus. Well throughout high school I saw her a few times a year, and we always got along well and had pleasant conversations.

Towards the end of high school I developed a crush, and sometime later, probably quite awkwardly, I tried to gauge her receptiveness. If I recall correctly the answer was a 'I'm not interested in dating' sort of deal, which to be honest didn't surprise me.

Well after that our schedules diverged considerably and I stopped bumping into her. Her sisters, yes, sometimes very often and sometimes only annually.

It occurs to me now that this girl needs a name of some sort for the sake of clarity. So the girl this post is about is bus girl.

In the case of bus girl, I think in the last 8 years I've spoken to her 8 times. I wouldn't say I still have a crush or anything, but I can't really ignore the fact that every time I speak to her she really does strike me as incredible.

Anyways, moving along - a couple of weeks ago I was standing on the metro platform after class. I glanced over to my left and saw a girl, but didn't get a face and just looked right over her (literally though). She was about 2 doors down from me. A few moments pass and, still waiting and bored, I looked to my left again. This time the girl and I totally caught each others glance and starred, for a while. I initially didn't recognize her because she'd dyed her hair K-pop brown or bronze or whatever, and was wearing almost-black purple lipstick. Normally I see her with black or dark brown hair and no lipstick. Anyways, it was a really big difference but then it clicked that I knew her, and just as I was going to initiate conversation and walk over (in the other order, maybe), she turned around. This struck me as odd since she was the one who initiated our last chat in February or so, not to mention the fact we had always gotten along well.

Anyways. I got on the metro and figured that maybe I had been wrong about who I'd seen. So I tried to get a better look, but that was tough because sardins etc etc. So the metro stops and we get off, and I walk straight and to the right, to end up at my usual door and the one that makes most sense for her to go to as well. Well I wait a minute or two and no sign of her.. well it turns out she'd made a hard left.

Did I miscalculate something, or was she intentionally avoiding me? By this time I'd all but confirmed it was her. So we get on the metro, this time different cars, and while I steal glances at her she steals them back. I am now confused.

Up to this point it's just me, starring occasionally at a girl who I know reasonably well trying to figure out of A) it's her and B) why the apparent cold shoulder? IMO this is creepy, and I could understand how it could be construed as such by her.

Well when we get to our (mutual) stop, I decided fuck it - I will take whatever bus she does, provided it makes sense (like I said, live near by. I take 'her' bus as often as 'mine' so nothing unusual). Well low and behold she runs out of the metro, through the crowd, and up three sets of stairs & escalators. I figure either I'd really tripped some alarms or she was catching a bus that was probably going to leave. So I pursued, but without the running and stuff. Just worked my way to the surface and saw her running for the bus, so I hurried over too and bam, early bus home + another chance to talk to bus girl, since the metro didn't pan out.

So I sat a few feet away, and we kept looking at each other. Repeatedly. But neither of us betrayed any sense of acknowledgement.. she made a couple of phone calls and then looked at me, I was about to speak when she turned away and put on sun glasses. At this point I'm thinking I made a terrible mistake, and consign myself to the weirdest and most awkward bus ride of my life. Then, lo and behold, she looks over at me for a while before exclaiming 'oh hey, i didn't recognize you'. So I greeted her, move to another free seat just a little closer because it was hard to hear from that distance, and we get on with the 'didn't recognize you' stories. She said it was my beard, which is bull since shes seen me with a beard several times. I said her hair, which was true, I'd last seen her with dark brown hair.. not K-pop hair.

Then the kid next to her offered me his seat, which I took. First words out of her mouth when I sat down were "So, are you still with your girlfriend or is it on and off or what?". This took me by surprise, since I haven't spoken to her about my girlfriend since I was 16 and that stupid. We're strictly together, no on/off anything, but I was kinda caught wrong footed and decided to lie and say it was on and off again. She has no way of verifying otherwise, anyways.

We chatted a little, she informed her her phone calls were to her parents for a lift home - but she lives almost in sight of her bus stop. Struck me as odd but whatever, I wasn't going to pry into weird or personal subjects. Once we'd gotten off the bus I turned to ask for her number, but she was already in the car.

That is when I decided I would finally, after years of not doing so, ask her sister for her number instead. We'll call her sister #1. So sister #1 agrees and gives me bus girls number, who I texted and unexpectedly she was ready and waiting. She actually replied with a bit of a subtle joke that I did not get at the time because I was too busy kicking myself in the ass for texting her in the first place.


I asked friends and my sister for advice, they said I should ask her to hangout the following week. I was told since I was free Sunday I should give it a shot then (the above took place on Thursday). So I texted her, asked if she was busy/wanted to hang out at 6, she replied that she was out/busy but asked where I was going. As though I'd invited her along with me to something.

I fumbled my response but she did say she'd like to do something another time perhaps.

Fast forward to the next Thursday on the calender, and I took the same metro (because class let out the same time) and decided to take the same bus. Actually, I was sort of on the fence about the bus. If I took that bus it would be a faster trip home, but a warmer one because of the lack of tree cover on the route and the fact I had to walk down the road to my place. Of course my chief reason was to see if she'd be taking it, but I didn't see her initially. Then I did, and made way for the line.

This is when things, for me, move out of the realm of 'possibly paranoid' to 'ya buddy you're fucked'. I was pretty sure she saw me from the distance, since she was looking my way when I saw her (which is the only reason I did), and it's tough to miss somebody as they walk towards and then down the line. Still, between the last view I had of her and walking by her, her body moved to face the opposite direction which I was in. So instead of being creepy and startling her, I just went to the back of the line and waited.

Bus showed up, I got on and had to stand due to a lack of seats. Seats are nice, since any where there is a seat you can claim convenience and even play stupid and pretend someone escaped your gaze. But standing? Tough to position yourself on a crowded bus standing when you are pretty sure theres someone who is avoiding you and you (reluctantly, maybe) want to respect that. But buses get full and I ended up basically standing infront of her, but with my back to her. First vacant seat and I took it, and on que we both did the 'oh wow hi its you' thing.

First thing she asks me? 'Do you always take this bus?', as in, at that time. I said only if I go to this particular class. She then explained that she has a stalker, who was actually seated next to me last week, and thats why she had her mom pick her up. The rest of the trip, a little more than 10 minutes, was comprised entirely of weird stalker-creepy-borderline rapist stories she and her sisters had. Then the youngest brother of two of our mutual friends decided to inject himself into the conversation. Neither of us recognized him, and he didn't remember me or recognize her, but caught enough of the story to know he knew of her and her sisters.

Anyways. Our stop comes up and she gets off about 6 people ahead of myself. If this were sister #1 I'd say there is a 50/50 chance of her waiting for me to get off so we could say bye. Sister #2 or bus girl? Never happened before. Well I step off and there is bus girl, and not only that but sister #1 is running towards us both. They have a sisterly disagreement over timing and the borrowing of things, and then sister #1 runs off to catch a bus and the two of us are left. Normally I'd have said bye see you next time and turned and walked, especially since the weird ass stalker talk on the bus, but by this point we were closer to her route home than to mine. We live in the same direction, but different streets, and so drifting ~50 feet the other way was a decent enough disincentive for me to attempt a walk home with her. Which I don't think she objected to any, but it was sort of fluid and I didn't ask.

Topic for the 200 meter walk? Jealous girlfriends. It started like this: She asked me again 'where I was going' on Sunday, as if I had invited her somewhere and it wasn't just an offer to chill. I really was at a loss for words here, and just said I was bored and wondered if she wanted to hang out on a nice sunday afternoon. She said that though she wasn't home, I shouldn't asked sister #1. I said, ehhh, thanks but no thanks if you know what I mean, which she did. Then she asked why my girlfriend does not like sister #1. I explained that my gf does not like either of them, because I get along with them and have always had a soft spot for sister #1 (strictly as a friend, swear to god, sights set on bus girl). Thats when jealously came up, and she revealed she was the jealous type. Also let it drop she is newly(ish) single.

Yo. At this point I am confused as fuck. Then she says that her mom is outside, whom I do see across the street, and I ask if perhaps we could do something another day. She says sure. Then she crossed over, and I hear asian. Then a mans voice. And then asian. Which is may way of saying both an asian language as well as yelling, since they're the same shit.

Head down, phone up, walk on by. Parent's ain't my problem and I ain't showing no undue interest in nothing.

But yo. I don't understand. I could chalk up the weird metro and bus moments to my own ineptitude, and my attribution of those moments to negative signals as paranoia.

But the stalker sitting next to me and her not recognizing me while looking at him? And the 10 minutes of stalker and rapist anecdotes? Those could all be true, and the first explains the second... but in relation to the odd (or my odd?) metro behaviour it seems too coincidental.

But then there are the things like asking about my girlfriend, or mentioning out of the blue shes single, or her jealous streak (ok I dont know why a girl would ever mention that, maybe to fend men off?) are confusing. except now the jealous thing makes sense in at least one context.

Anyways. I assume she asked about my bus habits in order to avoid similar encounters in the future. But I don't know.

Somebody provide input. My Utopian friends rated me as an 11/10 for creepy factor on the first thursday, but otherwise have had no valuable input. My RL friends insist she wants the D. My sister is away and hasn't been appraised of the second thursday, but she too marked me high on creepy and insisted bus girl is in fact not interested.

So yeah. Thoughts?
Wed Sep 30 02:40:11
The post has a lot of typos, particularly with regards to negatives being in places they shouldn't and stuff.
Wed Sep 30 03:08:51
Is she hot?
Wed Sep 30 03:09:21
Wed Sep 30 03:11:03
That explains the crazy anyway.
Wed Sep 30 09:43:29
My initial thoughts are that you have a girlfriend and so at this moment whether or not bus girl wants your dick should be irrelevant.

My second thought is that if we forget that your girlfriend exists for a moment, then I would rank you about a 5/10 on the creeper scale. Yea, you kind of followed her around a bit, but it's not like you were planning on dragging her into an alley and raping her or something (at least I would hope not).

My third and final thought is that has it not occurred to you that the reason she may be reluctant to accept any offers is that she knows you have a girlfriend? Even if she thinks it's on and off, she might not want to get too involved in the situation without better understanding your relationship with your girlfriend. That would explain why she keeps talking about significant others and stalkers and such. Trying to get information out of you to get a better picture of what's going on.
Wed Sep 30 10:02:23
Eh. I've been with my girlfriend an exceedingly long time. Yes, I did sort of cheat on her and break up with her. And yeah, I learnt my lesson not to cheat and break up again - just choose one next time.

I'd say bus girl is too far out of my league to consider anything seriously, but for a shot at that I'd totally be down to dump the girlfriend permanently. It's really strong incentive.

Also... Yeah the girlfriend thing did cross my mind but I too am trying to get information and I'd say, should you be correct, neither of us has enough just yet.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 30 10:51:52
this is probably something that makes sense to girls and they assume makes sense to us :p

it's possible her first question was about the gf to see her chances hoping you'd say broken up completely

or plenty of reasons to think she doesn't want to be around you :p girls saying 'some other time' usually means 'no' since they never say 'no'...

is she asian? maybe her parents don't want her with a white devil
Wed Sep 30 11:46:39
She is Asian. And ya I took the 'some other time' as a solid no, too. But others, including women and a womanizer, insist it means yes.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 30 12:16:19
well, you can keep trying women need to learn men don't understand their hints :p, maybe ask her to suggest a time

if she suggests her sister again, she may be trying to pawn you off on her, or maybe she knows the sister likes you
Wed Sep 30 12:20:37
That is nightmare fuel.
Wed Sep 30 12:31:53
Just tell her to bring her sister along :P
Wed Sep 30 12:39:08
It's crossed my mind, as has actually talking to or seeing the sister. But I'm not sure what'd that accomplish other than, like, regular socialization and perhaps catch bus girl off guard should she be interested.

I guess either of those is a good, though.
Wed Sep 30 15:31:07
Firstly, you have a girlfriend and should be slapped for "shopping around." Your girlfriend isn't a toy to be placed on a shelf just in case your ventures don't office fruitful elsewhere. Break it off before you go prowl others.

Secondly, I don't see your acts with bus girl as creepy. I find bus girl creepy and confusing, and you did your best with the info you had.

Conclusion, you need more info. Be straight and honest with her, don't play games, and be sure of what she wants with you before you make a super mistake by assuming the wrong thing and getting ass-deep in trouble over it

Also it sounds like sister #1 is interested in you, that may be why bus girl is giving mixed signals.
Wed Sep 30 15:32:17
Office= prove*
Wed Sep 30 15:35:20
One last note, we are too fucking old for this school yard bullshit, are you serious?
Wed Sep 30 21:04:19
I disagree. If you happen to meet someone why not explore the idea a little?

If I see her again tomorrow I do hope for fewer oddities and games. Will keep you all appraised. Must get a better idea of what she's thinking.

I semi regularly, like maybe y ice a year, offer to hang out with sister 1 and smoke a joint. Her response is always that she doesn't smoke, but never seems interested in hanging out either. Still, when we do text, for example during such an exchange, it lasts many hours.

But nightmare fuel.

Also I know right? I'm honestly ashamed.
Thu Oct 01 15:38:51
Just barely missed the bus today.

Oh well.
Fri Oct 02 15:09:53
So I kind of broke up with my girlfriend? She snapped at me, for a semi-legitimate reason. I reacted pretty bluntly and was myself unreasonable, though polite. Eventually we settled it sort of.

But it got me thinking - I'm tired of this. I'm not only tired of the way she treats me, but how I treat her. We've been dating since we were 15 and we're 24 now. There is too much bad blood, and too many bad habits, and stubbornness from both sides to make this a healthy relationship. To say nothing of how I am personally disappointed in myself for being so damned lazy. In the original thread I mentioned how she was good for me for keeping me on track, essentially a crutch. Someone probably said that was bad - Kaylana maybe. Well I've come to the same conclusion. I need to be independent for some time.

Additionally I can recall every girl I've been attracted to since our relationship started, and I can tell you approximately how I felt and what I was thinking. And let me tell you, I wouldn't really say I've been shopping around. There've been about 4 girls I've really been into in those 9 years. Anyways. I guess I felt guilty whenever speaking to them? But I just get the one feeling for everything. I assume it's guilt. That is pretty consistent, although it ebbs and flows maybe. I also feel guilty about the break up. And after we fight or argue. And when I see her when I don't want to. Anyways. Moving on. My thought process was always to be discreet, because I shouldn't be speaking to someone I want to sleep with behind my girlfriends back, and also hesitation. Then it was just to keep it secret. And now, honestly, sometimes I wonder why I don't ask her for advice.

Which is stupid, right? Trust me, I know. But that should drive home a point from earlier - it's been 9 years. I see her sometimes weeks on end, she embedded herself into all my groups of friends, she commandeers my time (although I let her so by bad), and we do everything together. I firmly believe smoking weed should be a social activity - I love smoking with people, the more the merrier if we've got enough herb. I don't much care for this solitary bullshit, but I smoke plenty on my own. Anyways, my GF smokes just as much as I do, whenever she sees me, all day. And since all my friends are working weird hours or quit smoking, the only person I smoke with regularly now is her. Several days a week.

Plus, for all the reasons chronicled in both threads by this point, I do not see a future.

Between my dissatisfaction with myself, the role my girlfriend plays in my life, and my feelings and attitude towards her, what else am I to do?

One of my friends suggested I try to just be friends with her. She has contacted me 3 times in the last 75 minutes since we agreed I could take the day. Each time more distraught and cry-y. I can't stand tears, or crying. I can get tears swelling up, but like, balling? Jesus Christ almighty help me.
the wanderer
Fri Oct 02 17:30:33
you could point out what a horrible person you are
Fri Oct 02 17:54:58
da onlie importent queston iz "iz da pusie ne gud" or haev u used it up so now itz all loose leik a elefants trunk
Fri Oct 02 18:14:27
She knows I'm a horrible person, though.
Sat Oct 03 06:54:43
da bus girl wantz u 2 karate chop her pusie wit ur dik
Cherub Cow
Sat Oct 03 16:46:54
"you could point out what a horrible person you are"

+1 Deer. Even if she "knows," you should remind her! ;D

"So I kind of broke up with my girlfriend? ... Eventually we settled it sort of."

Wait.. so you broke up, or you didn't? :/

After reading this thread... lots of dysfunction happening. I agree with Kay about not "shopping around", but to go further, it definitely sounds like you should either break up or change your habits drastically, because this doesn't seem like a healthy relationship. For one thing, the MJ usage sounds like it's resigning you both to acceptance. Maybe stop using it for a while (or make it a once a month thing, at the very least), and/or start using cocaine, which will give you ambition (not really, though. Don't do cocaine. It will give you superpowers, and you'll end up building intricate glass sculptures on Mars). But you're 24! If you don't evolve meow, when will you evolve? And if this relationship keeps you from becoming the Dragon, then you must find a safe place to begin your metamorphosis! All glory to the re-becoming!!
Sat Oct 03 17:20:42
"Wait.. so you broke up, or you didn't? :/ "

We settled the argument. The breakup didn't go as planned, and I was supposed to take the day to think about it. But predictably I ended up letting her come over after she'd been drinking and we take a long awkward discussion before during and after breakup makeup sex, or something.

Our status is ambiguous now. I really do think this is a good decision, and I do want it, but at the same time it might not be a good decision. And I hold firmly to the opinion that all of my decisions are, invariably, bad.

As for the rest of your post: I agree it is unhealthy. But whereas in the first 5 years of our relationship I would look forward to or create opportunities to breakup, now I just sort of slam the breaks whenever things get heated. In part because of the fact that I feel we've just gone about our relation in a bad way for too long.

I agree that weed has made me exceptionally complacent - and her too. It really is a great relationship tool imo, provided it's not used to bury issues or fill a gap and just to compliment something positive.

As for quitting - again, probably a good idea. And I'd like to, I really would. But will I? Probably not. I need to reign myself in with regards to how much I smoke though, but I definitely lack the self control or interest required to just make it an occasional thing. And quitting always strikes me as pretty pointless unless it's clearly interfering with something like school. Or ya know, I'm suffering some sort of paranoid break.

No cocaine. No money for coke and I've yet to meet someone who made it look like a good idea. Speed on the other hand..

Truth be told there are 4 things everyone needs to know if they want to smoke chronically:

1- You can't smoke exclusively indica or sativa. Alternate between the two and don't smoke indica before you have something to do

2- Smoke quality herb. Crappy herb is more likely to give you a weed hangover, give you a headache, or make you feel groggy for up to a day afterwards. Good herb will not.**

3- Don't smoke before or between tasks, especially ones that require you to be self motivated like studying or something.

4- maybe there is no 4.

** Some weeds will cause these symptoms regardless but if they bother you you can avoid them

disclaimer: I dont follow any of my advice in this post but i do alright. i'd rank daily pain and discomfort much higher on my list of impediments to productivity than smoking.
Tentacle Rapist
Sat Oct 03 17:30:10
'2- Smoke quality herb. Crappy herb is more likely to give you a weed hangover, give you a headache, or make you feel groggy for up to a day afterwards. Good herb will not.**'

That really depends on how stoned you choose to get
Sat Oct 03 17:43:49
Oh, that also plays a role. I tend to smoke pretty much the same amount day-to-day though, so I prefer higher quality weed any day.
Thu Oct 08 16:32:46
She was not on the bus today.

I wished her sister a happy birthday Tuesday. Texted a bit. Offered to go and do something with her before/if she moves. She seemed reluctant.

I'm thinking I double down here and text bus girl with an actual plan of what to do. But, what? I've been told to avoid cliches. Unfortunately that means discarding my entire playbook.

Mfw 9 year relationship and no game.
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 08 16:38:31
Get a bunch of plastic surgery and "accidentally" run into her while wearing a tuxedo and going to the opera. That always works :)
Thu Oct 08 16:40:36
I can't place the reference, but it reminds me of the tourist which I enjoyed a lot.

But no?
Cherub Cow
Thu Oct 08 17:29:51
I was thinking "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" with the surgery and tuxedo part, but The Tourist could work too :)
Fri Oct 09 08:05:59
This seems like the perfect opportunity to try to pull off the naked man.
Fri Oct 09 11:41:54
Probably not going to go with the naked man with this one. Was thinking maybe a comedy show.
Fri Oct 30 02:17:44
Is UGT a Personal Billahg?

Do you still suck at Utopia? I bet I could stomp you rn.
Thu Nov 05 00:36:19
Kaylana is the only one worth reading in here. Listen up.
Thu Nov 05 00:36:42
I'd like to add that my life is never mundane.
Thu Nov 05 00:37:23
And Im trying to read the Elder Pliny and the Younger one at the same time. I like Elder more but geez the world Younger lived in, I could totally live there.
Thu Nov 05 12:03:18
I just read The Haunted Vagina. When daemons start poring out your girlfriends vagina what do you do? Dive in with your best weapon in hand!

Thu Dec 10 01:44:11
Age is ending and everyone is too n00b and scared to war my kingdom. Where you at Pillz? I'd like to say whats up in Utopia.
Thu Dec 10 23:06:06
The Province of Billah (x:x)
[http://www.utopiatemple.com Angel v2.21 Beta]

Server: World of Legends (Age 66)
Utopian Date: January 13th, YR14 (10% in the day)
RL Date: December 11th, 2015 (7:06 GMT)

Ruler Name: Marquis BecarioLokoMaloteII the Sorcerer
Personality & Race: The Mystic, Elf
Land: 4,140 Acres
Money: 702,686gc (27,138gc daily income)
Food: 111,142 bushels
Runes: 74,691 runes
Population: 118,793 citizens (28.69 per Acre)
Peasants: 8,462 (60% Building Efficiency)
Trade Balance: -5,285,320gc (9.6% tax rate)

Military Eff. with Stance: 126.72% off. / 121.44% def.
Soldiers: 67 (69.2% estimated draft rate)
Rangers: 0
Archers: 32,853 (199,488 defense)
Elf Lords: 38,425 (243,469 offense / 186,657 defense)
War-Horses: 37,459 (up to 47,470 additional offense)
Prisoners: 1,220 (4,638 offense)

Total Modified Offense: 295,662 (71.42 per Acre)
Practical (85% elites): 253,145 (61.15 per Acre)
Total Modified Defense: 386,226 (93.29 per Acre)
Practical (15% elites): 227,569 (54.97 per Acre)

Thieves: 10,860 (2.62 per Acre / 16% Stealth)
Wizards: 28,126 (6.79 per Acre / 41% Mana)

Spy on Throne on your province will show:
Max. Possible Thieves/Wizards: 47,618 (11.50 / Acre)
Estimated Thieves Number: 19,047 (4.60 per Acre)
Estimated Wizards Number: 7,143 (1.73 per Acre)

** Networth Table: **
Total Networth: 828,166gc (200.04 per Acre)
Elf Lords: 230,550gc (28%) - [6gc]
Land (90% built): 211,140gc (25%) - [15+40gc]
Archers: 164,265gc (20%) - [5gc]
Wizards: 112,504gc (14%) - [4gc]
Thieves: 43,440gc (5%) - [4gc]
Science (estimated): 34,526gc (4%) - [1/92gc]
War Horses: 22,475gc (3%) - [0.6gc]
Peasants: 8,462gc (1%) - [1gc]
Money: 703gc (0%) - [1/1000gc]
Soldiers: 100gc (0%) - [1.5gc]

Buildings: 1,015gc to build, 609gc to raze
Fri Dec 11 00:03:26
I can't pretend to take you seriously when you're still using Temple.
Fri Dec 11 00:14:02
Billah (x:x) - SOT - Age: 49sec - Thieves Sent/Accuracy: 0%
Submitter: billah - Tool: SNET Ext v1.96(Chrome_47-Win7)
The Province of Billah (x:x)
[ StingerNET Formatter v1.4 - SNET Ext v1.96(Chrome_47-Win7) ]

Server: World of Legends (Age 65)
Utopian Date: January 14, YR14
RL Date: December 11, 2015 (06:11:33 GMT)
Origin: Unformatted (1st hand)

Ruler Name: Marquis BecarioLokoMaloteII the Sorcerer
Personality & Race: The Mystic, Elf
Land: 4,140 Acres
Money: 697,004gc
Food: 106,196 bushels
Runes: 85,389 runes
Population: 118,747 citizens (28.68 per Acre)
Peasants: 8,396 (60% Building Efficiency)
Trade Balance: -5,272,106gc

Military Eff. with Stance: 126.62% off. / 121.34% def.
Soldiers: 66 (69.2% estimated draft rate)
Rangers: 0 (0 offense)
Archers: 32,874 (199,447 defense)
Elf Lords: 38,425 (243,269 offense / 186,500 defense )
War-Horses: 37,400 (up to 37,400 additional offense)
Prisoners: 1,220

Total Modified Offense: 290,718 (70.22 per Acre)
Total Modified Defense: 386,013 (93.24 per Acre)

Thieves: 10,860 (2.62 per Acre) - Stealth: 19%
Wizards: 28,126 (6.79 per Acre) - Mana: 45%

** Current Effects: **
- None

** Networth Table: **
Total Networth: 828,164gc (200.04 per Acre)
I bet you use upoopu or upimp or some shite.
Fri Dec 11 00:42:20
I've helped create more bots than you've used =\

Anyways, my province died about 4 days ago, after I stopped logging in because it was boring.
Thu Jan 07 11:08:07
Age just started and I'm already the 1%

Networth Rank 34 of 3640
Wed Feb 14 15:46:23

About 1 year after my last update, my ex broke up with me. It hit me very, very hard. Probably took me over a year to begin to get over that.

About 1 year after i had started to get over it I tried to kill myself for unrelated reasons. A week after that I got kicked out by my parents & arrested for fighting with my dad.

Had a thing with a girl, a friend, whatever. Id make a move, she would curve me, she would make a move, i would curve her. One day I was awake for 36+ hours due to work and being a dick to my friend so I msgd her to just... have something to do instead of be a dick. Confessed out-right. She reciprocated. But was in a relationship.

Her boyfriend offered to let her... explore things. She declined. Stuck around with me instead. I wouldnt let her cheat. She broke it off with my shortly after.

We are still friends. Im very glad I didnt burn that bridge. She means a lot to me.

Managed to otherwise remain single and unattached from 2016 - dec 2021.

A co-worker who I had a very... close & open & fun dynamic with. She was a tattooed bald lesbian who'd slept with the last 2-3 people in my position (department manager, not her department though). Expected that to just be sex. She wanted more. I was happy to oblige.

Shed never had a boyfriend before. Or a girlfriend. Just flings. Announced it to the entire store (about a week after i left). her family.

then after a couple months she ended it.

i didnt chase her. got mad. left her stuff by the garbage to pick up with her step-dad.

Then I saw some crazy iranian girl a week later. That was insanity. She was insane. It was fun. But scary. She was insane.

Then life just fell apart for the next year.
Wed Feb 14 15:48:01
Changed careers, less stable pay, etc. Stopped paying rent. Went back to old career. Started playing utopia again.

Met a girl on Utopia. broke a 20 year rule. Got close to her. really close. eventually we dated. she visited me a couple times. It didnt go well. it blew up.

I became a total and complete mess. Just fell apart. idk.
Thu Feb 15 13:43:05
The most amazing thing is realizing I was.... Not totally depressed for 6 months or so and then being aware of how far I have fallen VS. That and the comparison to before we'd become friends.
Turtle Crawler
Tue Mar 05 02:16:03
Oh wow my life is so simple compared to yours. With the same girl since 18 years old. Married, house, 5+ years in job, 4.5 and 7 before that. 5 kids.
Sat Mar 16 11:10:50
My life is not nearly so simple. "You can do everything right and still lose." But that's okay, we're adaptable, and we can choose to recover.
Tue Jun 04 21:49:04
My life is like a sitcom. I’ve nearly peaked, naturally, in bodybuilding, but the resulting confidence boost and amount of female attention have ridiculous unexpected downsides. At least management isn’t triggering my PTSD for laughs. It’s hilarious, trust me.
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