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Utopia Talk / General Talk / Take Care in Florida
Fri Sep 08 05:16:08
I know some people have had problems trying to leave Florida. A friend I know had someone send her a plane ticket to leave Miami.

I hope that everyone makes it through the storm safe if they don't evacuate.
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 14 18:18:33
"Hurricane Irma: No power, blocked roads add to frustrations in Florida"
[CNN Article]

Sounds like most of the damage was in the Keys? High temperatures still happening (90°+ with Florida humidity). Hurricane/TropicalStorm José is expected to turn north and not gain too much power, which is at least better than the apocalypse scenario where it would follow directly in Irma's wake
Thu Sep 14 19:47:51
I had power out for a while and lots of limbs down.
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 14 20:19:31
Yarr :/
Did any fall on your home or lines? Did you canabalize anyone?
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