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Utopia Talk / General Talk / #UGTwit120 #BesideTheDyingFire
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 01 06:44:38
Little pika says, "Hi"
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 01 08:12:12
Smashmouth for the Comrades!
Tue Sep 01 20:03:29

Nelk Boys & Stevewilldoit are the pinnacle of modern reality entertainment.
Tue Sep 01 20:04:00
Also contemporary and future. Fuck it.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 01 22:39:22
that looked awful

from what i can tell 'Tekashi 6ix9ine' is a person & that cameraman needs to not be a cameraman

a palate cleanser
the wanderer
Tue Sep 01 23:53:44
council meeting issue

seems valid actually
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 03 05:24:56
That guy will have a lot of write-in votes next election :D

Monkeys like to paraaaaay!! ;p

How to ask people very uncomfortable but persistent questions concerning their availability:
[Ryan Long; September 2nd, 2020]
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 03 05:36:42
Super flirty interview with Hayley Williams and Robert Pattinson from 11 years ago.
[MySpace, Artist On Artist]
She keeps doing that "trying to play it cool" question style, and he keeps touching his face and playing with his hair. It's basically the best thing ever.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 03 14:44:09
i can't detect flirting :p

i did enjoy the:

♀: i did the movie as really loved the books
♂: i did the movie as needed money

♀: i worked hard really wanting my song to fit
♂: i don't know how to act or do facial expressions

♀: i like veggie burgers
♂: yuck

i assume she was disappointed in him :p
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 04 07:10:20
lol, maybe :D ..She still seemed like she liked him towards the end of the interview :D ..He wasn't passing some of her questions, though, yeah. But she kept trying to get him to show interest in hanging out or doing a project together [so that they could hang out]. :D :D :D
And he seemed to know that she was interested so he was trying to be less cool or a little flaky so that she'd be more real with him. Some hilarious back-and-forth :D

This was kind of interesting. A comedian tries to do some crowd interaction (the title may spoil it, so try not to look?):
the wanderer
Fri Sep 04 12:39:55
"She still seemed like she liked him towards the end of the interview"

so she's shallow :p


elephant hits a guy w/ his own bike (@ 1:00)
[Volume and annoying language warning]
then at end elephant taunting 'you forgot your bike!'
the wanderer
Fri Sep 04 13:33:48
Gilbert Godfriend reading some WAP lyrics
Fri Sep 04 15:11:38
If it weren't labeled as lyrics, I'd think it was just regular Gilbert Gottfried jokes.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 04 16:14:52
how about Ben Shapiro reading WAP?
that's more unusual
the wanderer
Fri Sep 04 16:18:58
the kind of video i would make
higher difficulty than my Enter Sandmans :p
(just need something hitting something for Enter Sandman...)
the wanderer
Fri Sep 04 23:14:53
BERLIN (AP) — German police said Wednesday they are losing hope of finding out who left on a train a box of vials with hamster DNA, which caused alarm in the southwestern town of Heidelberg last week.

Federal police sent a bomb squad to investigate after a train driver found the styrofoam box with three vials of liquid on a local train Friday. Forensic specialists later determined that the liquid contained genetic material from rodents.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 05 14:40:33
this is scary just watching it (from 2015 but someone tweeted it today :p)
the wanderer
Sun Sep 06 15:22:37
guy gets brain zapped by the men in white
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 06 20:02:06
Probably only a matter of time before someone takes the shell/look of a temperature checker for an actual functioning pistol ;p

"elephant hits a guy w/ his own bike (@ 1:00)"

Lulz.. I love African countries that mix their own local language/accent with French :D
You can hear him saying, "[Don't?] hit him!", "Slowly!", "[Pretend to] sleep!", "Crawl!" and some other guidance in French, but whenever he speaks in longer phrases it mixes with whatever local language/accent they have. It's worse than the Québécois ;p

"Gilbert Godfriend reading some WAP lyrics"
"how about Ben Shapiro reading WAP?"

Probably these will be the only times I'll listen to this song ;)

"this is scary just watching it"

Someone in the comments pointed out his weird decision to let his glove get caught in the carabiner around 40 seconds, at which point he just sort of abandons the glove. Then he puts his hand in *front* of the carabiner to slow down (which had the risk of pulling his hand into it). I wonder if using the bottoms of his shoes would have worked? Or just don't bother with slowing down and just get the same outcome with less pain ;p

Fan makes nice catch at baseball game (pre-COVID):
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 06 22:54:55
Novak Djokovic very clearly *accidentally* hit a ball at a lines person and struck her in the throat:
Looks like he was just doing that thing where you inspect fresh tennis balls and toss away the one(s) you don't like, but he was cited for "intentional ... or ... negligent disregard", so he was dropped from the U.S. Open.

I don't completely agree with the analysis by the commentators. They paint a good picture with Djokovic's building frustrations, but I still don't think he *intended* to hit a lines person. The shock in his eyes after he started tracking the line of the ball speaks a lot. Even so, I'd agree about their talk about him needing to get his temper under control (that anger can make a person lose control in automatic moments like this, which speaks to the negligence). But he did apologize later:
"This whole situation has left me really sad and empty. I checked on the lines person and the tournament told me that thank God she is feeling ok. I‘m extremely sorry to have caused her such stress. So unintended. So wrong," he wrote.

"As for the disqualification, I need to go back within and work on my disappointment and turn this all into a lesson for my growth and evolution as a player and human being. I apologize to the @usopen tournament and everyone associated for my behavior. I’m very grateful to my team and family for being my rock support, and my fans for always being there with me. Thank you and I’m so sorry," he added. ( http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/novak-djokovic-us-open-accidentally-hitting-line-judge/story?id=72852681 )

Okay, now back to not paying attention to tennis ever ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 07 01:50:39
Onion head film critic Peter K. Rosenthal tries to get a pull quote citation from Disney for Mulan:
"The Onion Reviews 'Mulan'" [September 4th, 2020]
Mon Sep 07 08:58:49
The stupidest decision in sports history maybe
Mon Sep 07 08:59:20
Other then letting men compete in women's sports
the wanderer
Mon Sep 07 12:30:09
rules are rules... they put up some tennis rule book statement at 5:40 in that video so meh...
(although allowing people to go into rages would help ratings)


re: Peter Rosenthal... he notes Peter Travers of Rolling Stone

on the back of the "Lost in Translation" DVD box is "Flat Out Hilarious!" by Peter Travers :p

that movie isn't flat out hilarious (or meant to be) :p... it's like he saw Bill Murray was in it & picked a quote based on that

maybe phoning it in is Peter Travers reputation
the wanderer
Mon Sep 07 14:54:52
cowboy willing to risk some woman's life to be a hero
(how i see it :p)
Mon Sep 07 17:07:22
I hope they cracked a few ribs off camera.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 07 18:30:40
non-political fighting for a change
kinda like dodgeball
Mon Sep 07 18:55:20
Furniture store be like

Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 07 20:49:07
"non-political fighting for a change"

That was posted to Imgur and someone asked why they were fighting.. I said something like, "They just got their neuroscience final exam scores back, and a few of them ruined the bell curve for everyone else", but it looks like that post was deleted.. maybe the video was too violent for Imgur ;D

"cowboy willing to risk some woman's life to be a hero"

Looks like he pulled the pistol away from her direction though! :D

"it's like he saw Bill Murray was in it & picked a quote based on that"

He's way ahead of Rosenthal in the pull-quote game, I guess. Maybe he just had a list of phrases he'd grab and post to a review before he'd even seen the movie so that he could beat other critics to publication (he posts his review while the other critics still have to watch the movie?). If you want to get quoted, you have to sell out early and often ;D

"rules are rules... they put up some tennis rule book statement at 5:40 in that video so meh..."

Yeah, the thing is that the rule notes intent and negligence, which means judges have to infer that one of those took place. I can see the argument for negligence, just not intent.

It makes me wonder if he'll start making the job more difficult for court staff by hitting the balls to open spaces between them (making them run more to retrieve the balls), just so that he doesn't risk hitting one who's apparently spacing out ;)

This YouTuber makes poorly drawn characters with odd dialogue:
"Don't ask this question from a crocodile"
[Viakavish; January 13th, 2020]
the wanderer
Mon Sep 07 23:50:40
i looked into it briefly & i guess the pull-quotes are more deception on the marketing team rather than the fault of the critics... Travers' review of Lost in Translation just said Murray was "flat out hilarious" in a specific scene, wasn't describing the movie on the whole

on the other hand, he probably still had to approve it, so he could still be a weasel :p
the wanderer
Tue Sep 08 12:23:10
goat keeps munching on papers
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 09 06:24:56
Lulz... I half-expected the goat to be back in the cruiser when the officer walked back to the driver's side :D
That officer was slow-moving and cartoonishly clumsy :p

"more deception on the marketing team rather than the fault of the critics..."

That makes more sense. It'd be interesting to go through a bunch of them to see how often the quotations take new context vs. accurately representing the review... I've suspected Rotten Tomatoes of doing similar in some of their critic summaries..

Apparently there's a cool video of random person Ronnie McNutt killing himself circulating online. It got press for circulating on TikTok. I haven't seen it, but it's like a new "Two Girls, One Cup" situation — part of the Internet's disturbing Zeitgeist ;p
(I never saw the "Two Girls" thing either, but you have to be aware of these things to be a good Internet citizen) ;)

"version of Titanic where John Lithgow plays every role"
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 09 07:14:21
Yikes. The Tour de France race director tested positive for COVID-19 (mentioned here: "Tour de France 2020: Stage 10 highlights", NBC Sports; September 8th, 2020 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuMfq9QQoj8 ).
No riders have tested positive to date. They put a lot of protocols in place to make things safe (daily tests, mask-wearing when not actively in the race, crowd restrictions/guidelines, etc.), but all it takes is one positive athlete to ruin a team's chances. Almost half way through the Tour! \:D/
the wanderer
Thu Sep 10 23:17:09
a bad cop... clear temper issues :p
the wanderer
Fri Sep 11 01:53:54
small town news:
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 11 05:41:43
"a bad cop... clear temper issues :p"

Yeah :D
He let that dweeb get under his skin and had trouble coming up with logical answers. The officer mentioned "failure to disperse", but that applies to groups. If the officer wasn't given stand-off distance, that can be intimidation. Trolling an officer can fall under coercion in extremely limited scenarios, but for the most part police legally don't have recourse if someone is keeping a distance but harassing them purely with words. They're supposed to accept it and/or not engage. So this looks like "contempt of cop"; the officer felt disrespected and lost control ;p

This is more like how the officer should have handled it:
(NYC crazy starts swearing at an officer; officer gets out to see why, figures it out, moves on)
[TrashSeven News; April 13th, 2020]
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 11 05:47:47
Wallaby and joey eating:
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 11 05:54:11
cat steals lots and lots of shoes:
[The Dodo; September 8th, 2020]
the wanderer
Fri Sep 11 14:54:34
that joey eating is disturbing... as was Kuato (Total Recall)


interesting to get some idea how far a cat travels... there certainly are a lot of people leaving shoes outside in that area :p
the wanderer
Fri Sep 11 19:27:10
keep your eye out for a large coffee-loving cat
the wanderer
Sat Sep 12 14:47:34
unusual fish rescue
the wanderer
Sat Sep 12 22:02:13
society breaking down
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 13 10:06:18
She passed that line between simply having bad manners and being legitimately an insane person who probably lives on the street without meds D:

"keep your eye out for a large coffee-loving cat"

..regular cats can really tear up your arms, so that would be a terrifying arrangement ;D

"interesting to get some idea how far a cat travels..."

Yeah! Reminds me of that video that I referenced for the raccoon story years ago... They put trackers on raccoons and saw their individual neighborhood territories. I can't seem to find that UGT thread for the story... I thought I'd saved it somewhere. Have to look again later..

Speaking of raccoons..
(with Mahna Mahna)
the wanderer
Sun Sep 13 17:34:07
i don't remember a racoon tracker post... but doesn't mean much, i don't remember half the stuff in these threads if i go back just a few :p

a really exciting scene must be playing out to the right of this view:
the wanderer
Sun Sep 13 21:46:39
tv shows/movies really need to stop having scenes of people reading texts on their phone then showing us a view of the phone & expecting us to be able to read it
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 13 22:03:47
Maybe the sketch artist will have some neat depictions later ;)

I'm bookmarking this for later..
This BLM activist claims that she was told by her USCIS officer, “my proposed endeavor of being a public defender only benefits the poor + indigent and is not of interest to the nation”, but she is likely lying:
[@msolurin, Twitter; September 11th, 2020]
I'd like to check in later to see if she ever attempts to post proof. Right now she claims that it is a direct quotation, which it literally cannot be because she wrote, "my". The "+" and tone also look very questionable. In her other Tweets *she* uses "+" for "and", which means that she has altered the quotation in at least two places.

She also wrote, "Yup, I’ve got the letter somewhere around here", which reads as disingenuous. If I had a "letter somewhere around here", I wouldn't even post that, I would just find the letter and post it. I doubt she has any intent of finding it or posting it because it would expose her. She already (apparently) had a politically affiliated friend of hers, @artemis_nieves, say that she read the letter, but it also reads as fake corroboration: "I will never forget reading that letter you received. Like wow, the federal government literally put that in writing."

I'm betting that she paraphrased it and is just pretending it's a direct quotation because that's what liars do :p
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 13 22:06:03
"tv shows/movies really need to stop having scenes of people reading texts on their phone then showing us a view of the phone & expecting us to be able to read it"

Some seem to have gotten on board with showing the text on the screen to the side. Doing otherwise is clearly backwards heresy at this point :D

bear playing in a pool:
the wanderer
Mon Sep 14 13:20:33
i know nothing about the immigration process but i can believe she was denied for that reason (it's current administration position :p)

her subsequent post suggests it happened 7+ months ago so not having letter around not surprising, but yeah i'm sure not a direct quote

(the subsequent post: "Thank you, for the concern everyone. It took 7 months and a lot of hoops but I’ve since gotten another work visa and continue to do my public defender work...")


they miss a probably good freakout, but still worth the 8 secs of viewing:
the wanderer
Mon Sep 14 16:06:13
"ohhh goddammit! fuck!"
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 15 00:08:56
lol!!! :D :D
Once the mistake is made, sometimes that's all you can do XD
Doing things on the cheap can get very expensive ;p

"they miss a probably good freakout, but still worth the 8 secs of viewing"

Lulz, I definitely want the full video for that :D

"i know nothing about the immigration process but i can believe she was denied for that reason (it's current administration position :p)"

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if she was denied for reasons close to or similar to that. I just find it interesting that she's saying that it's a direct quotation when it's clearly a paraphrase. She's a college graduate and has supposedly passed the bar exam, so she should absolutely know what "direct quotation" means. And government letters tend to be very bland, so probably they didn't even put phrases like that in the same sentence. It was probably something like, "[based on evaluations of career capacities within the current job market, your career path does not meet citizenship requirements outlined in [insert boring subsection here] and thus you cannot be naturalized on those terms]." I doubt that phrases like "poor + indigent" and "not of interest to the nation" were even used.

"her subsequent post suggests it happened 7+ months ago so not having letter around not surprising"

True, and that also speaks to the likelihood that she was paraphrasing — and from an unreliable memory. At least she only has 6200 followers, I just make an issue of it because it made the front page of Imgur and doesn't qualify as much more than misinformation/sensationalism. I'd also note that she claims that she's saving it to show the injustice to her children, so she knows where it is. And she posted a picture of her apartment, and it is very small and organized (a studio; one room). I'd bet it would take her 5 minutes to produce the letter :p

There was also this sock puppet-sounding comment:
[@imagunition, September 12th]: "yall she quoted the salient text, what more do you want? it was NOT my intention in asking about the doc that we demand to see a copy on social media of a confidential document related to an ongoing legal matter in which she is involved. can we please let this go now?"

Interesting to make a comment to "let this go" without proof that it was even a real quotation. Her followers likely will let it go, and I won't exactly be posting there either (it looks like the topic was abandoned a day after it was posted anyways), but this speaks like, "Stop calling her out; you'll expose the fraud" ;p

"Not for the faint of heart"
[A top comment]: "Do you want to help me develop an app?"
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 15 00:12:06
Benny Hill music already added to this police chase:
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 15 04:34:18
Sweet prank:
the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 00:08:44
another bear video
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 16 05:36:45
The way people auto-reach for their cell phones in these situations makes me wonder if we should just get on with adopting "The Final Cut" (2004) strategy of just implanting memory recorders already ;p

Pickup line + half-court shot:
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 16 06:35:52
Weird update from Stage 16 of le Tour de France:
The race director, Christian Prudhomme, who tested positive September 8th, was back officiating on September 15th...
(he waves the start flag before 49 seconds)
They say he's asymptomatic, and a Reuters article mentions that he had a negative test. Apparently the reasoning for the truncated quarantine (one week) is that government officials have found people to be more likely to comply with self quarantines if quarantines last only one week [before the second test?], and they estimate people to be most contagious about 5 days after symptoms or 5 days after testing positive, with contagion dropping significantly afterwards. I hope it's not a case of downplaying the risks for the sake of mediating social compliance...
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 16 07:07:50
The Cow Rebellion:
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 16 08:06:01
Political post, sorry, just need to bookmark it :p

Yan Li-Meng goes on Tucker Carlson:
"Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on 'Tucker'"
[Fox News, July 15th, 2020]
(She claims that she has evidence that the virus was made in a lab)

It's probably bullshit. I want to read her paper myself tomorrow ( http://zenodo.org/record/4028830#.X2IIx4tryUk ), but current reviews basically say that she hasn't substantiated any of her claims and has misinterpreted existing findings. She also has some red flags: she has connections to Hong Kong, which could mean that she'll lie to make China look bad (to me, the timing of her smiles in the video make it look like she's enjoying a chance to do so), and [supposedly?] her research institute was funded by Steve Bannon, which paints a picture of a mutually beneficial lie (Makes China look bad for two people who both have a reason to make China look bad).

This also reminds me a little too much of Wang Liqiang, who in late 2019 claimed to have information about the Chinese government's espionage actions in the East, but that fizzled out and was forgotten — possibly because none of his claims could be verified. Still no news on that.

It may well be possible that the virus was lab-made, but I doubt that Yan Li-Meng has any novel proof of that. It seems that she started stringing together a conspiracy theory in July based on popular facts in the hopes of getting press coverage for her narrative. To be seen.
the wanderer
Wed Sep 16 12:35:40
the "virologist doctor steve bannon" UP thread is about her claims... i don't think she claims to have any inside info so not sure why only she was able to determine what no one else seems to be determining

seems Bannon got her notice, & obviously Tucker doesn't care if she's credible


that cow is amazing :p ... & what's in the bucket that isn't in the trough?
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 17 06:04:09
"& what's in the bucket that isn't in the trough?"

Good question! I looked up "treats for cows", and it sounds like they'll prefer sugary items like apples or clovers. I'm guessing they'd especially like anything that's just not regular grass and hay ;D

"the "virologist doctor steve bannon" UP thread is about her claims..."

Yar! I looked around in UP for a thread before posting... that one seems fitting in hindsight, but I overlooked it :p
They need to work on their thread names! Then again, I don't think many people understand the UGT thread names either :D

Pretty wild 18-wheeler accident:
[Happened in Sacramento, CA on September 8th, 2020]
Articles point out that one person died — comments suggest it was the red car (Chrysler) that was smashed between the 18-wheeler and the silver car. That same car continues to be pinned and dragged into more collisions.
Police haven't released any obvious cause of the accident. They said that alcohol and drugs weren't a factor... Everything else (faulty brakes, distracted driving, etc.) just seems like speculation.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 17 12:03:29
that's probably what every truck driver dreams of doing

i'll go w/ a brakes issue


a lot of ducks:
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 18 06:12:44
So. Many. Ducks. D:

"i'll go w/ a brakes issue"

I think so too. It looks like he's swerving a little, so it's weird if he wouldn't brake but also wasn't speeding up (speeding up would mean intentional). Still no new info. One article mentions the truck "driver has only been identified as a 24-year-old Washington man", so it could be a loss of control issue.

You've seen *one* cat drinking water from the faucet, but have you seen *two*?? ;p
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 12:49:26
i had not :p


the slight swerving was why i ruled out sleeping... but still could be sleeping maybe :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 19 02:43:19
He must have lawyered up if we haven't heard anything still :D

""DO A KICKFLIP!" With Wee Man"
(Driving around asking people to do kickflips. If they do, they get skateboard merch)
[The Berrics; September 18th, 2020]

the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 16:39:26
another hand sanitizer misidentification:
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 18:59:14
3 tweets from Senator Chuck Grassley (none linked as reply to something):

"If u lost ur pet pidgin /it’s dead in front yard my Iowa farm JUST DISCOVERED here r identifiers Right leg Blue 2020/3089/AU2020/SHE ///LEFT LEG GREEN BAND NO PRINTED INFO. Sorry for bad news"

"I assumed deer dead bc it was night and no carcas"

"But in case of this pidgin i could actually pick up bird. No life whatsoever"


(a senator probably should be able to spell pigeon... unless a pidgin is some local name for something else :p... & should learn to click [reply] so your replies have context)

on the deer comment, someone did the detective work posting:

"After 8 years, we finally know why Chuck Grassley assumed that deer was dead.
Talk about a cliffhanger."

w/ post of Chuck Grassley from 2012:

"Fred and I hit a deer on hiway 136 south of Dyersville. After I pulled fender rubbing on tire we continued to farm. Assume deer dead"

[so presumably someone asked Chuck about the deer in response to the first 'pidgin' tweet... although who would remember that deer comment?... maybe no one did & Chuck was just thinking about it...]

Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 20 01:46:00
Wow. That was barely intelligible even when the story was resolved.
Poor old men .. their brains no worky no moar :p
As we all walk to dusty death :'(

"Ghost Crash"
(crashes with the second vehicle edited out)
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 21 04:35:45
Le Tour de France wrapped up yesterday!
"Tour de France 2020: Stage 21 extended highlights"
[NBC Sports; September 20th, 2020]
I had been watching the NBC highlights for each stage each week. There were some pretty intense reversals in the mountains. One surprise was seeing Egan Bernal (last year's winner) give up in the mountains in stage 15. He then left the race altogether in stage 16.

Other cool moments were..
• former favorite Peter Sagan ruining his race chances with a stage 11 relegation (pushed rider Wout van Aert off his line at the finish); Sagan held on to 2nd place overall for the green jersey, but that relegation deficit couldn't be overcome
• Miguel Angel Lopez winning by a large margin in the stage 17 climb finish (my favorite moment of the tour; I love climb stages, and he really divided the field on a steep finish; he finished 5th overall of the climbers)
• Michał Kwiatkowski and Richard Carapaz crossing the stage 18 finish together (both from team Ineos, and this was another climb-heavy stage)
• Tadej Pogačar reversing Primoz Roglic's first place standing in the stage 20 time trial — also a climb stage
• Pogačar ended up winning every jersey except the sprinter jersey (overall, young rider, and climber) — very cool unless you clench your teeth worrying that he'll lose it all later with a doping charge D:
• Sam Bennett getting prestige for a final sprint finish in Paris; a stage victory even though he was already assured the green jersey at that point

Looks like things worked out COVID-wise; no athletes were eliminated for positive tests. Pretty impressive.
And it was nice to see this later in the year than normal.. with the race season cancelled (pretty much no triathlons or bike races were held this season in the U.S.), it's been pretty dull. I was registered for several, but each was cancelled, one by one... pretty depressing. But it's nice to see competitive wheels turning *somewhere* :p
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 21 04:41:56
Taken from a Daily Dose, this map shows live updates of air quality around the world (useful given the wild fires):
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 21 08:38:04
A gif/video that is particularly important on this day:
the wanderer
Mon Sep 21 12:09:01
re air: what are they doing in Piedras Negras?? (Texas/Mexico border)

it's a perfect circle which seems odd so could be a glitch in monitoring


since you like those oddball sports, here's a recent triathlon one on LL

i assumed his error was running into the barricades but maybe he also made an error back behind trees since other guy comes from a different direction
the wanderer
Mon Sep 21 12:27:27
maybe they're doing stuff like this in Piedras Negras


**spoiler/time-saver** 2:51 is the money shot
Cherub Cow
Mon Sep 21 20:21:53
Where would the allure be in watching a truck rev up? :D
Best possible outcome, though :D

"it's a perfect circle which seems odd so could be a glitch in monitoring"

Yeah weird! Maybe they only have one data point in that entire area? An article mentions that Piedras Negras has two large coal-burning power plants ( http://www.txpeer.org/toxictour/big_bend.html ), and wiki says that one of them "is currently the largest coal-fired thermoelectric plant in Latin America", so that speaks to why it's *bad*, but being a circle would either mean no wind at all (weird and unlikely) or that they just don't have data in the area — which could be the case if there's some kind of agreement to under-report so that people don't realize how far the wind carries that pollution...

"but maybe he also made an error back behind trees since other guy comes from a different direction"

Looks like it. He was frantic :p
That's basically the opposite of what happened with Contador and Schleck in the 2010 Tour de France. Schleck's chain fell off when the two had a breakaway, and Contador used that time to sprint away even more. Unsurpringly, Contador was later busted for doping. It's almost like not having honor in a sport carries over into related domains ;p

"I'm babysitting my friend's cat and did a photoshoot for her"
the wanderer
Tue Sep 22 00:16:39
"currently the largest coal-fired thermoelectric plant in Latin America"

seems like an act of war to build it right on our border...
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 22 01:01:06
Yeah, lol :D
That article mentions that a 1999 EPA request to put tracers in those Mexican plants to track the path of pollution was rejected, so those plants may not be cooperating with U.S. concerns. But apparently Texas sells their low-quality coal to those plants; they have a partnership with Mexico to run a mine in the Texas sister city, Eagle Pass... so... fuck. There's that "great for business" Texas selling out its environment for business ;p .. some articles as old as 1993, so it's been going on for a while...

Needing-to-poop driving is just as bad as drunk driving:
"Oklahoma woman tells cops ‘I have to poop so bad’ before high-speed chase"
[NYPost; September 20th, 2020]
It gets better too:
• She was driving without a license,
• She was stopped for not wearing a seat belt,
• Meth pipe found in car, and
• She didn't get to poop.
(after the chase she still just ended up in the squad car, so she had to wait for the drive to the station; she even asked if she could poop in the car)
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 22 03:33:50
This managed to skirt the line between just being a political insult and just being good fun :D
"You want my gun — my firearm? Come take it from me!"
the wanderer
Tue Sep 22 16:30:49
more pooping content:

awkward situation
the wanderer
Tue Sep 22 18:01:48
a new Lets Game It Out (revisit of Hydroneer)


catching all those fish would take soooo long doing a very monotonous task

stealing all those pipes would take soooo long doing a very monotonous task

there must be something wrong w/ him :p
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 23 00:48:51
So good :D
I wonder if he's done the math and found that taking those multi-hour detours results in more revenue for his channel? If not, it's insanity for sure :D
With the fish, I wonder if he could automate it with a macro or something?

And maybe with those new graphics card updates, he'll be able to stretch those framerate moves and get all of the rock-processor-machines working at once? :D

"awkward situation"

Ah, fond memories for a high school experience — the types of memories that make for a good teen movie ;D

Reminds me.. My school had awful bathrooms. Because student drug use was a concern, the stalls were only maybe 4 1/2 feet high so that school authorities could quickly see if anyone was breaking rules. Pretty much killed privacy, so you'd have to figure out when the crazy students used the bathroom and avoid those times... there were also certain bathrooms that teachers and students would forget about at certain times. They were technically off-limits, but desperate times..

Cat does not waste a chance to share body heat:
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 23 21:00:14
Imgur sometimes goes wild on a particular meme for a day or two, and usually it's kind of meh or annoying, but this one has been fun. Willem Dafoe "ReFace" (deep fake) app creations (started by user bigbubbadeez):
"Willem DeGaga" http://imgur.com/gallery/YqY60dx
"Red DaForeman" http://imgur.com/gallery/rBIX7Qe
"Willem Goldblum" http://imgur.com/gallery/f4jWmTp
"Many Dafoes" http://imgur.com/gallery/flXBF3Y
Kill Bill http://imgur.com/gallery/QsuGKOL
WTF Blink-182 meme http://imgur.com/gallery/7QvXgAT
Leo Dafoe http://imgur.com/gallery/cxcxLje
Emma Watson / Sofia Vergara meme http://imgur.com/gallery/VZ99mdF
Liar, Liar http://imgur.com/gallery/GD3ww2s
Dafoe as AT&T rep: http://imgur.com/gallery/G0DMTUa
Various http://imgur.com/gallery/Tx0YXsu

It's nice to see these drowning out the political memes :p
the wanderer
Wed Sep 23 21:25:51
gah, they made it an app so anyone can do it easy??
that's trouble
the wanderer
Wed Sep 23 21:35:30
new Masked Singer season started tonight

Popcorn should go far

I'm guessing Miley Cyrus for the Sun (but that'd be an unusually big current star for the show)
My initial guess was Donnie & Marie for the Owls but he already did show so maybe not

Seahorse and Mushroom for favorite costumes (they haven't performed yet though... there was a preview show that showed the costumes)

There was a new related game show after it called I Can See Your Voice which made little sense and doubt it'll make it :p
Cherub Cow
Wed Sep 23 23:15:51
Masked Singer may be one of the only shows that didn't have to change its production schedule due to the pandemic ;D

"gah, they made it an app so anyone can do it easy?? [/] that's trouble"

Looks like it! The OP said he paid for the subscription and then cancelled immediately, so it has a minor cost hurdle.. but he said he only had to use one picture of DaFoe — zero effort.

Sneaky cat attack:
the wanderer
Thu Sep 24 14:19:09
the surprised cat recovered quick :p

this would be scary
appears to be a hammerhead based on glimpse at 0:23... (my favorite shark :p)
the wanderer
Thu Sep 24 16:22:11
cop rolling bike over protesters head (or neck)
at least he seems to be walking the bike... i can't spot his legs -on- the bike, but can't spot them behind it either :p (poor quality/dark)
Thu Sep 24 17:23:28
Pretty sure the cop was not on the bike. Just after he gets passed the person on the ground the bike seems to be rotating sideways, which it can't really do unless he's off it and has 1 hand on the handlebar and 1 on the seat.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 24 19:09:36
or he's a legless djinn

still seems unlikely to be appropriate police behavior
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 25 03:47:50
Yeah, there were a few frames of him walking it. But where did that protester even come from?
In the comments, the filmer reported that the protester was wearing a helmet at least. And the officer was put on leave for the investigation.

And what kind of phone was he using? Mine is like, 6 years old and probably does better night video ;p

"this would be scary"
I wonder if he thought it would damage the boat? It didn't look like it was leaving the water for a flesh bite.

heckin' chonker of a cat (keith_the_cat_cow) goes on a jump streak:
!! LOUD AUDIO WARNING !! (Instagram doesn't seem to have good volume controls)
Cherub Cow
Fri Sep 25 06:16:47
Forgot to mention! The "Untitled Goose Game" was released on Steam. It's $5 off until September 30th, which makes it $15. I went ahead and got it because it looks silly :p

I feel like I've wasted this whole week already, but I might try it tomorrow.

Obligatory cat chirping:
the wanderer
Sat Sep 26 01:56:50
i'd be worried about getting tipped over

in my one time trying a kayak i was constantly worried about tipping over even w/o a shark :p

i stupidly brought my camera, but did get this pic (while semi-panicked)
along Maine coast... seals in that water sometimes
the wanderer
Sat Sep 26 01:58:23
heroic leap ends poorly

the wanderer
Sat Sep 26 12:17:41
An Ohio woman was tased and arrested for refusing to leave a middle school football game after police say she refused multiple requests to comply with school policy to wear a mask while watching the game.

[she claimed asthma, they said then get a face shield, she refused to leave, resisted arrest for trespassing, tased]

Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 26 21:33:34
Hmm... on the one hand, just wear a mask... but on the other hand, that was an opportunity for a judgment call by authorities. It looks like she's completely alone in that section. Have to agree with the lawyer's statement: "The Logan School District totally misapplied the law, and misapplied it haphazardly and violently".
Meanwhile, in Tokyo, they have costumed characters handing out free masks :p
Not to sound like a "send a social worker" person, but imagine if a costumed character (the school mascot?) had walked up to her and handed her a mask while dancing ;D

"heroic leap ends poorly"

Majestic!! He must play Ultimate Frisbee to commit so big to a jump like that ;D
Comments point out that it looks like his taser fell out of his belt in the process (looks like a taser on a top stair). And too bad he didn't recover to keep pursuing. It could have been that Casino Royale parkour chase scene ;p

"i'd be worried about getting tipped over ... along Maine coast..."

So cool!! Beautiful area
And tipping makes sense. Being upside down would be terrifying with a shark that aggressive.. D:

Vincent Price laughing cat:
Cherub Cow
Sat Sep 26 21:36:33
Neat edit of tiger within ant circle:
the wanderer
Sat Sep 26 21:53:17
some guy in the comments stole my comment:

"What is this? A tiger pond for ants?!"

although i was going to type 'pool' not 'pond'
the wanderer
Sun Sep 27 11:55:50
the wanderer
Sun Sep 27 14:37:33
South Park at Broncos game

i'm skeptical Cartman would be wearing a mask... or many of those inhabitants...
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 27 16:20:17
Maybe they'd have Cartman working both sides, pretending that masks do nothing but then having some way for himself to get the benefits of a mask ;p

South Park has a one hour pandemic special this Wednesday!!

"although i was going to type 'pool' not 'pond'"

lol, I missed that comment :D


lol :D

An appropriate and expected comment from the person filming:
¡A la verga, compa!
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 27 16:20:21
squeaky/sad cheetah probably wants chin scratches:
Cherub Cow
Sun Sep 27 20:31:52
"Teaching my cats to ring a bell [for food]"
[JunsKitchen, May 11th, 2020]

I skipped past most of the initial training stuff to the middle where they've started figuring out that the bell means food :p
the wanderer
Sun Sep 27 23:25:46
that's dog stuff, beneath the dignity of a cat... may they get their revenge

covid communion wine

covid is really making their practices seem stupid
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