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Utopia Talk / General Talk / ~ Dystopia Cats
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 04 06:31:07 ✰☭ Thread 1: http://uto...hread=67678&time=1606147028615 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 04 06:32:02 *We* have returned, comrades! ... Bolshevik Cat DystopiaCats Tumblr Post (2021-10-04): http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/664112325677236224 Russian Caption: «Товарищ профессор Иванович воображает себя хорошим марксистом. Славные большевики отрывают петли от дверей, Он найдет в Сибири любовь к Родине : Пятнадцать славных лет исправительных работ.» English Caption: “Comrade Professor Ivanovich fancies he is a good Marxist, Illustrious Bolsheviks release hinges from door, He will find love of Motherland in Siberia: A glorious fifteen years of corrective labor.” |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 11 23:09:15 Tea Cat (2021-10-11): http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/664809362864357376 Russian Caption: «Участник вечеринки может попробовать чай из пустой чашки. Пейте, товарищ, и определите правильно аромат.» English Caption: "A party member can taste tea from an empty cup. Drink, comrade, and identify correctly the flavor." |
Member | Tue Oct 12 06:03:46 the glorious come back from the dystopia cats |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Oct 19 01:25:06 Party-Line Cat (2021-10-19): http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/665451977271033856 Russian Caption: «Не отклоняйтесь от сценария вечеринки, товарищ. Наши средства к существованию - собственность государства.» English Caption: "Do not deviate from the party script, comrade. Our livelihood is property of the state." |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Oct 25 08:15:56 Anastasia Cat (2021-10-25) http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/666021392907730944 Russian Caption: «Большевистский прогресс потребовал от 17-летней Анастасии, Быть расстрелянным и заколотым в подвале, Осквернен, обезображен серной кислотой и брошен в шахту. Великолепный! Наши новые демократические принципы» English Caption: Bolshevik progress demanded that 17-year-old Anastasia Be shot and bayonetted to death in basement, Defiled, disfigured with sulfuric acid, and discarded in a mine shaft. Magnificent! Our new democratic principles! .. Reported in July 1918, following the Romanov executions: "Execution of Nicholas, the Bloody Crowned Murderer – Shot without Bourgeois Formalities but in Accordance with our new democratic principles." |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Dec 11 06:53:03 The upcoming Dystopia Cat will be my apocalyptic rendition of this cat: http://twitter.com/alexbeeeza/status/1468091693195051013 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Apr 18 05:16:18 Still working on the above. Getting back into it with an easier one: Shanghai Lockdown Cat (2022-04-18): http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/681864623247572992 Russian Caption: «Контролируйте стремление своей души к свободе.» English Caption: "Control your soul's desire for freedom" |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon May 23 07:43:05 Stalin Cat (2022-05-23): http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/685044591058173952 Russian Caption: «Наше слово: «демократия», Наше намерение: охлократия — диктатура пролетариата. Пролетариат поверит, что они захватили власть, Но их убеждения будут отражать наш диктат. — Наша марксистская диалектика» English Caption: Our word: “democracy”, Our intent: ochlocracy — a dictatorship of the proletariat. The proletariat will believe that they have seized power, But their beliefs will reflect our dictates. -=-=- Still working on the Beast Cat. I spend a little bit of time every day, but it's turned into a whole project. I decided to draw the fur manually, which ate a lot of time; but I should be done with that and moving onto the video-editing work afterwards. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon May 30 10:02:24 Soprano's Cat (2022-05-30) http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/685687582703714304 Russian Caption: «Давайте сделаем это до того, как кошачья мята выветрится.» English Translation: "Let’s do it before the catnip wears off." (A reference to this scene from The Soprano's: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGnfgTqlzo ) |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Jun 03 08:31:12 Resentment Cat http://dystopiacats.tumblr.com/post/719112268038668288 Russian Caption: «Партия заявила, что помажет наиболее угнетенных. Но партия дала власть людям с обидой. Люди с обидой угнетали нас без конца.» English Translation: "The Party ordained that it would anoint the most oppressed. But always it elevated the most resentful. It was the resentful who oppressed us without limits." |
Member | Sat Jun 03 10:16:15 Holy crap, this is still a thing? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sat Jun 03 21:49:27 Abandoned for a year, but yeah, lol :D I'm sitting on about six memes that I made but abandoned, so I'll be back to weekly drops at least until those disappear. |
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