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Utopia Talk / Politics / Based God Milei #2
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 17:55:53
This thread is about Based God Milei.
Sebguls / Cold Rods must go through the proper channels to ask for their free helicopter rides. Heretics will be freed from their fleshy prisons.

Thread 1:
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 17:57:10
Milei's 2024 WEF speech from January 17th
(This came out hours after I manually typed the whole thing, lol)
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:04:19
For all I know this t-shirt website will steal your credit card info if you buy anything (then again, it looks legit), but just know that these cool t-shirts exist:
large member
Fri Jan 19 18:08:20
The interesting thing is what has to happen for your perspective to win. Everything needs to be hopeless. Then you can elect the captain of the Titanic to play first fiddle as Rome burns.

Did I mix a metaphore there? I feel I mixed a metaphore. Anyway.

Argentina has a bicameral federal system. The president is not the decider any more than the president of the US is domestically. Veto would force the right to shift to the left to gain enough support to override vetoes.

So congrats. You have a clown to enjoy as Argentina competes with Venezuela for who is worse.

And do stop with the death threats. You come across as unhinged.

Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:08:59
Stop being such a faggot, jergul.
large member
Fri Jan 19 18:11:52
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:13:57
Good boy.
large member
Fri Jan 19 18:15:10
But the point stands. It is ill advised to combine your manifesto writings with vieled death threats. That could get you a psyc evaluation detainment pretty fast if internet scrubs ever tagged your stuff for human evaluation and the case officer was having a bad day.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:27:59
That's cute, faggot.
Hilarious that both you and seb have this delusional view of the world. He tried using that same tactic in the trans-delusion threads, pretending that I was sharing "CP" and suggesting that TurtleCrawler should remove my posts — when I was posting a 100% safe-for-work image of a grown adult's face that can still be found without any censorship whatsoever on Twitter because his delusion is completely unsupported by the facts. That is, he lied in an attempt to effect his immoral will.

In this case, you're pretending that the "helicopter ride" meme is actionable, whereas it clearly is not. I even specifically said that *you* would have to seek it out, you fuck, since there is no comprehensible way that it is even the smallest bit actionable.

In both cases, you're both such pathetic cowards who can't win arguments on merits that your only recourse is to do things like suggest "CP" or "vieled death threats" or "[hur hur, shouldn't underdogs threads be OT? Shouldn't we delete those? CC is 'spamming' because I'm losing an argument to CC and now I suddenly want to use my moderator powers!]"

You're pathetic. You always have been. You know that everyone knows that you are pathetic, so your only recourse is to go outside of the confines of this forum's discourse to "win" by cheating. That is the behavior of absolute cowards. You are a coward.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:29:02
Now respond with one word, you fucking coward.
large member
Fri Jan 19 18:29:17
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:30:59
Thank you for admitting that you are a coward.
large member
Fri Jan 19 18:31:41
Though it has to be said. If there is one thing the forum can agree on, then it would have to be that kargen and I are the best moderators to ever exist on the internet.
Fri Jan 19 18:35:36
Personally I would spice the helicopter ride to involve a volcano. But that is just my personal preference.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 18:37:49
(rock into volcano)
Fri Jan 19 18:39:20
large member
Fri Jan 19 19:10:15
It is the combination of manifestos and death threats that would put you on a list if a human caseworker was having a bad day.

Your manifesto efforts leave much to be desired.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 19 19:46:57
Jergul's false statements for reference:
• That there are "manifestos" — this is false and transparently a politically motivated lie. If that is truly his concern, where is his complaint for tw's insane threads? I myself have made only 10 threads, but tw is now at 41 and is clearly an insane person who cannot be reasoned with. Because jergul is a coward, I will re-locate his argument there, which is a more appropriate place for it ( http://uto...hread=92460&time=1705670423889 )
• That there are "death threats" — this is false and transparently a way for jergul himself to use coercive Panopticon threats to convince people that a power greater than his own outside of these forums might intervene on his behalf to recover his bed-shitting. This is the leftist's appeal to the state where the leftist fails to handle himself, since the leftist lacks any of the heroism which could allow him to solve issues locally. This is the leftist as "hall monitor" or "tattle-tale". jergul, being a little schoolboy, will always use the little schoolboy's tactics.

Now run away, little coward. No one is buying your lies. As I said in the Climate Cult thread:
"Pathetic, as always. Move along, faggot. You are the one doing the stalking. You did not make this thread, yet you've commented here 33 times to fill it. Do you give tw this attention in his threads? No. Because you are a coward. But I will repair your cowardice with my virtues. I am relocating your comment to his thread. See if he gives you the reason that I waste on you. Look into the eyes of your fellow cultist and try to see virtue in its slave doctrines."
Sat Jan 20 01:12:47
When someone who is fairly unhinged tells you that a link will take you to a picture that's disgusting, and which will act as a litmus test as to whether you are a paedophile, and demands you click on it - pretty likely that's an image of CSA. Logically little else it can be.

Alternatively it's just bullshit. It sounds like you are now saying it was bullshit, but best be safe.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 01:24:54
"When someone who is fairly unhinged tells you that a link will take you to a picture that's disgusting, and which will act as a litmus test as to whether you are a paedophile, and demands you click on it - pretty likely that's an image of CSA. Logically little else it can be."

False premise, outright lies, and retard-pilled.
I told you exactly what was in the picture, and unlike you I am not a liar. You are a pathetic piece of shit and a coward and a traitor. Get fucked, faggot.
large member
Sat Jan 20 05:32:56
TW is definately obsessive with his blow by blow reports on the Trump doings. But by no means does that a manifesto make. Manifestos are fine. Don't get me wrong. But you do not want to combine them with death threats because of MOs known to us in mass murder events. I am just saying you should avoid matching those MOs too closely. A friendly headsup. I am not going to report you. I would not know how even if I was so inclined. I dont think you are actually dangerous in any way.
Sat Jan 20 08:14:05
Well I am sorry it hurts your feelings, but you (sebgul) and all your NPC clones out there, belong inside a volcano. It's a scientific fact.
large member
Sat Jan 20 08:37:06
CC is obviously the one with hurt feelings. Do try to keep up.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 08:37:20
I can't believe you just threatened to murder me, jergul. You all saw it, right? jergul just wrote a manifesto and said he would murder me. jergul, as a person who dislikes you tremendously, I'm asking you not to threaten to murder me and stop writing manifestos. It's scary. You're following the M.O. of history's most passive eunuchs. Not like Lord Varys or one of the unsullied, since they were competent, but like, maybe one of those painted guys from the beginning of "The Mummy" who scampered out when the Pharaoh arrived.

But maybe you didn't mean to threaten to murder me and write a manifesto like you just did. Maybe it was an accident. I've re-posted the relevant part of your comment to tw's thread so you can respond to him.
large member
Sat Jan 20 08:45:47
Is that manifesto writing person in the room with you right now?
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 09:04:56
Really? Zero sense of self-awareness when writing that comment?
Ask yourself the same thing unless you never experienced the mirror stage and are incapable of self-reflection.

jergul, please stop stalking me and threatening my life. I'm not going to report you, but I do want you to fear the Panopticon. As a "friendly headsup", your proclivity for stalking me in these threads and dredging up my UGT activity is a little bit psychopathic. I'm just saying that this type of behavior is the same M.O. as people who suddenly decide to hit people in the head when they're rushing to their apartments. It's fucking scary. Maybe you're not a real psychopath, but your threats of violence are escalating so I'm concerned.
large member
Sat Jan 20 09:26:46
I am pretty sure somebody in your room is feeding your misconceptions. Take your meds.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 09:53:23
jergul, please stop threatening my life. You keep saying that you want to murder me. It's scary. Stop stalking me. You keep posting extracts of your manifesto in this thread as a malevolent stalker. It's psychotic. You're clearly dangerous and unhinged. Stop.
large member
Sat Jan 20 09:54:31
Feel free to tell us when your paranoid episode is over. In the meantime, take your meds.
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 10:26:10
jergul you're being really scary right now. Please stop threatening me. I'll remind you that this is a thread I made, and you've responded here 11 times in 29 total messages. In the last thread, you spammed 33 times even though you were clearly not welcome. You're clearly being obsessive and psychotic. You are dangerous and unhinged. This is the same behavior as a rapist who can't take the hint that he needs to leave someone's home and is slowly blocking escape. If you do not believe this, then perhaps your gas-lighting is equally unbelievable. But regardless of your beliefs, you are being a rapist right now, and it's shocking. I don't know if TurtleCrawler is around, but I just hope the FBI doesn't see this. For your sake.
large member
Sat Jan 20 10:31:51
Ah, you realize your are projecting. That is good news!
Sat Jan 20 12:17:25
No, it is definitly rapey, considering you and seb are the only two to make a thing about CC being a woman, nobody notice or cared enough enough, but you two. And the way the both of you brought it up, as if being a woman *was* the insult.

I guess only having girls kinda fucked you in the head in more ways than one could imagine. Eh?
large member
Sat Jan 20 13:56:47
Well, you would know everything about rape. In microdoses of course.
Sat Jan 20 15:13:56
Well Jergul, I am not the one being accused of being a rapist, am I? You are.


Sat Jan 20 15:15:00
If metoo taught us anything, it is that all rapists are male feminists.
large member
Sat Jan 20 16:30:10
You sure you are not the one who has been accused of being a rapist?
Sat Jan 20 16:53:08
Nobody has ever accused me of being a feminist.
large member
Sat Jan 20 17:33:50
Cultural muslims bro. If you want to go with the cliche racist, then always run with muslim.
large member
Sat Jan 20 17:34:50
Rapist rather. Though racist does hold true for the only people that call themselves Aryan besides white supremacists. The Persians.
large member
Sat Jan 20 18:07:20
"Iranians are Aryan. Irān literally means “Land of Aryans (Iranians)” in Persian." Iran changed its name from Persia to Iran in 1935. The timing coincidental? I think not.
Sat Jan 20 18:13:29
Just randomly change the subject. I have watched enough police interrogations on Youtube to know that you handled this worse than Prince Andrew.
large member
Sat Jan 20 18:35:19
Random, well not really. More association. What do I think about Nimi racist, rapist. Whatever. Either is easily arguable.
large member
Sat Jan 20 18:37:12
This is a safe zone. You can be honest. Wester women are whores, right?
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 20 22:20:29
"Ah, you realize your are projecting. That is good news!"

You're literally too retarded for this conversation.
large member
Sun Jan 21 00:10:39
Seems your meds worked. Welcome back CC!
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 21 01:27:23
More ad-hom fallacies from jerg-tard the rapist. I suppose we should consider this a projection, so jerg-tard the rapist is likely heavily medicated.

jergul, you fucking rapist, do not post in my threads again until you talk to tw about him being in a cult. You've posted here 20 times now and 33 times in the Climate Cult thread, so I expect 53 messages at least in tw's threads. If you fail to do this then your disingenuous trolling is absolute and deserves no further word. This is it right here. Good bye.
large member
Sun Jan 21 01:37:10
Sun Jan 21 06:18:04
Just stop making women feel unsafe. That's all.

The only reason I am even here trying to engage is because I feel partly responsible, having encouraged the two of you to deal what CC is saying. It was obviously a mistake and I should have know better, given that you were born with male parts and are feminists. You made this 100% personal and very ugly, displaying all the qualities of toxic femininity.

I have said my piece and will refrain from posting off topic from here on.
large member
Sun Jan 21 18:40:49
Yes, you would know everything about making women feel unsafe. We both know its not a question of if you have raped someone, but rather how many you have raped. My overunder guess would be 4.

large member
Sun Jan 21 18:46:02
CC and Nim
Moral of the story is that neither of you should dish out what you can't take. Nobody here can force you to be civil, but do at least grow a pair.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 21 20:06:22

It really does show how hopeless jergul is. We could point out a thousand times how disingenuous he is, what a coward he is, how pathetic and slavish he is, how resentful he is, what a true rapist and stalker he is, how obsessive he is over us, how much he gas-lights and projects, but his only response is to be even *more* disingenuous, cowardly, resentful, and pathetic while gas-lighting and projecting to prove us correct — all the while believing that his perpetual inversion of morality has somehow proven the opposite (i.e., believing that his being pathetic is "virtuous") when the act of inversion itself proves his slavishness, impotence, and irrelevance. he is literally incapable of working on a different script. he is such a nihilistic Last Man that he resists all virtue since he's afraid that being virtuous would put him at odds with the global totalitarian Regime that he supports. It is easier for these fearful diaper-shitting weaklings to support their own annihilation than realize what resistance might cost them.

I think some people simply cannot be helped. sebgul combined is like an autistic koala, and jergul is like a very "smart" crow. It's impressive if you think of jergul in terms of a crow since you can see how quickly a crow can learn to use crude tools such as sticks to open little puzzle boxes (e.g., "Crow Solves An 8 Step Puzzle To Get Food. Incredible!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gui3IswQ0DI ). But despite all of the helpful little nudges to develop the intelligence of a crow, there is a clear moment at which the crow hits an absolute wall. The «Aristeia» of a crow is solving a puzzle that a human might solve to open a bear-proof trashcan. jergul's intelligence peaks at this same trash can, and so his only hope is to talk about the trash can whenever possible as idiots must always lower the conversation. In interacting with him, you can only realize that this is what it's like dealing with someone no less than three standard deviations less than you, and "three" is a very kind appraisal.

sebgul will never learn how the world works. sebgul is incapable of media literacy, or idea synthesis, or complex thinking. sebgul will never create a unique idea or correctly analyze the motivations of his rulers. he was born to be a slave, and his mental limitations and pathetic character makes this outcome a certainty. When told of determinism by his masters, his response would be to ask how he can best be determined. A liberty-loving person would reject slavery and bend his or her will towards abolishing slavery, but this impulse simply does not exist in the sebgul.

And even now, this is a case of Carly Simon's "You're so vain". sebgul could read this and in his trash-can intellect believe that all of these words are for him — that it was he who was muse for a more virtuous person's works and that he has "won" by being such a thorn on a sock that someone has taken off a shoe to discard him — but these words are not for him. his very name is only capitalized accidentally since it is not even a proper noun. sebgul is an interchangeable non-player character simply propagating the doctrines of his masters in accordance with his programming. I could find a thousand sebguls on Imgur and despite my being able to see incredible distinction between individual people would nevertheless see identical frameworks being played out among all of them. The hydra has many such heads.

And to bring it all to the topic, this was clearly exposed in this Milei thread and in the Climate Cult thread. sebgul — as so many other NPCs with identical programming — were suddenly very engaged by the topics when they realized that the Regime's propaganda was at stake. Like leukocytes, their purpose is to act as the Regime's response to threats in the Regime's blood. The sebgul NPC serves the totalitarian's goal of world enslavement, and people such as Milei and cult ideologies such as "climate change" are grave threats to them. If "climate change" does not exist, then their pretext for totalitarianism is at risk. If Milei is successful, then their ideology is exposed as a destroyer's fraud.

Their participation here is thus entirely to obstruct. The slave knows that proper reason will expose the enslaver's scheme, so like crabs in a bucket he must grab the legs of any trying to escape. The very hypothetical of life outside of the bucket is dangerous to the slave.
large member
Sun Jan 21 21:51:58
Does not the ease with which you become distracted argue against you being a meaningful or worthwhile target of any globalist agenda?

You might argue I am trying to save Nimi from corruption, but that seems rather a lost cause. He was vulnerable to conspiracy nuttery from the day he was born.
Mon Jan 22 03:03:00
"Their participation here is thus entirely to obstruct."

There is no concealing the fact. Jergul has stated it ever so clearly, he thinks the BRICS consolidation to attack and undermine the west (he prefers the Russian "conspiracy theory" term golden billion), is inevitably a good thing.

large member
Mon Jan 22 04:37:44
It is not a zero sum game silly. The West does not become poorer just because developing nations slowly catching up. It does however mean that the relative wealth advantage decreases. So yah, South Africa will do things like take Israel to court for genocide.

It may feel like we are losing something, but only in relative terms. This is just is a slow recalibration to be expected as the impact of the industrial revolution dessiminates. So it took a few centuries. Your point?

Good or bad are irrelevant terms. It just is. But go with you inclination to think it a CT with enemies both within and without. Hell, why not splurge and get youself a tinfoil hat off ebay?
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 04:55:07
[Nim]: "There is no concealing the fact. Jergul has stated it ever so clearly, he thinks the BRICS consolidation to attack and undermine the west (he prefers the Russian "conspiracy theory" term golden billion), is inevitably a good thing."

That's pretty psychopathic of him. It really is a death cult. It goes to the core of leftist ideology that they are so pathetic that they wish to die and simply want everyone else to die at the same time as them.
large member
Mon Jan 22 05:01:38
Global growth rates have outpaced Western growthrates for decades now. Try to internalize what that means.

You listen to podcasts. What is the end result of unfunded future liabilities (pensions mainly) and US Government debt accumulation? More and greater power compared to say India? Really, how did you reach that conclusion?

The core of your manifesto is that the current order will crash and burn, then something better will arise from the ashes like that mythical creature. Mkay, fair enough. But do you really expect to retain a relative balance of power with the rest of the world while you crash and burn? How is that supposed to happen?

Mon Jan 22 07:23:48
This thread was interesting.

And it is funny in a very sarcastic and dark humor sorta way that seb and jergul are literally the only people on this website that attack cherub for being a woman.

Everyone else ignores it.

But not them.

Glad nim hit them on that point.


We are all sexist. But we hide it a lot better than our communist counterparts.

Also. A/s/l?
Mon Jan 22 07:27:11
Also. Why aren't we talking about this guy having tantric sex with his hot piece of ass gf?

Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 22 09:30:49
Hopefully he has brave children who do not take part in the Jewish blood ritual of metzitzah b'peh.

And those that Regime sycophants call "racist" and "sexist" are typically great people. The Regime sycophants themselves are incredibly racist and sexist, not that calling out their hypocrisy for this matters to them. These are just empty words they use to control people — more thought-terminating clichés. They use their own racialist and sexist strategy to build a coalition of resentful people, and anyone who opposes them must not be working in their own interests. It never occurs to them that the races and sex that they seek to control might be better inspired by nobility than by the promises of deformed goblins such as themselves.
large member
Mon Jan 22 09:44:19
Kewl story.

Mon Jan 22 11:13:26
Why isn’t Mexitard talking about his clitoris-sized penis and how useless it is for women.

Because he is good at hiding it.
Mon Jan 22 13:27:14
Why isn't mexitard talking about clitoris-sized penis?

Maybe because that's a fucking weird as fuck thing to know about or want to talk about.

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